DECstation 3100/19200

Ron Schnell ronnie at
Tue Feb 26 05:39:17 AEST 1991

I just figured out why I have not been getting good throughput from my
DECstation 3100 to my T2500 modem.  The DECstation is not connecting
at 19,200 even though I specify that to tip, kermit, whatever.
I called DEC and they say that it is a hardware limitation in the 3100

Has anyone found any workaround, whether it be hardware or software,
which will allow me to talk to my modem at 19,200?  The only thing
I can think of is to buy a terminal server and connect the modem to
that, but hopefully someone else has come up with something less


(ronnie at
(800) 321 - 1767

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