MicroNet protocol

utzoo!decvax!cca!RGF at MIT-MC utzoo!decvax!cca!RGF at MIT-MC
Sat Apr 24 21:04:50 AEST 1982

From: Ronald G Fowler <RGF at MIT-MC>
I found the source for the executive, along with a documentation
file, on several remotely-accessed CP/M systems (RCPM)...according to
the documenttation, MicroNet (nee Compuserve) relased the source
subject to some restrictions.  What is unclear is WHO they released
sou source to.
  At any rate, I will now attempt to include the documentation in this
message via a "file send" function of the terminal program I am using.
I've never tried this before in the message system I'm using, so if
anything comes through garbled, you'll understand why.
  Oh, yeah...you should still be able to get the source from Keith
Petersens RCPM system (313-759-6569, ringback...ie, call and let phone
ring once, hang up and call back within 40 seconds..the computer will
then send a carrirer).  Latest version I believe is BUFEXEC.ASM, which
will probably be squeezed as BUFEXEC.AQM.  I suggest first sending
 to W8SDW8SDZ at MC inquiring about availability (W8SDZ is Keith Pet-
  Here goes the file transfer attempt:
 #: 3286      Sec. 0 - General
Sb: #MNEXEC source!
    03-Oct-81  09:02:03
Fm: CP-MIG Sysop 70000,642

Well,  we may be slow,  but we didn't forget!  The source for the 
MicroNet executive is now available thanks to the efforts of Wiz-
10. The management at Compuserve is to be applauded in my opinion 
for  allowing  us  to distribute source  for  CP/M,  TRS-80,  and 
Heath/Zenith  with no strings attached!  All we ask is  that  you 
retain  the  credit  and copyright in all  modifications  to  the 
programs.  The retrieval info is in <X> for section 0, but its so 
simple,  I'll  repeat  it  here - we have a  file  MNEXEC.DOC  on 
70000,642 (go to command (OK) level to read it) and a packed file 
containing  the  dozen or so files.  Have fun with modifying  the 
exec, and please let us know of any interesting changes you make. 
Incidentally,  I  have been kind of slow adding software  to  the 
database  because  of the imminent release of a new  distribution 
facility which should allow us much better control over  updates, 
etc. Please bear with us; the results will be worth it!  Charlie.

 #: 3287      Sec. 0 - General
    03-Oct-81  10:31:59
Fm: CP-MIG Sysop 70000,642
To: All

 Please NOTE!!  The distribution of the MNEXEC program is subject 
to  3 conditions due to the type of license we have been granted. 
As  long  as  you abide by these conditions  the  source  can  be 
redistributed by you (but you can't charge for it!!).

 (1) The Compuserve copyright notice MUST stay just like it is

 (2) Compuserve must be given ALL enhancements and improvements

 (3) The program in any form (including enhancements) remains the 
ultimate property of Compuserve, Inc.

 PLEASE abide by these restrictions!!  Failure of even one of you 
to  do so could lead to abbrogation of the agreement,  and  since 
I'm the guy who signed the licensing agreement - I guarantee that 
that'd be the end of the sub-licensing!!   These restrictions are 
rather generous on Compuserve's part - and I plan to enforce them 
to whatever degree I can!!

 Thank you, Tom Jorgenson (sysop)

 #: 3307      Sec. 1 - Members
Sb: ##3298-MNET Exec
    03-Oct-81  17:21:57
Fm: CP-MIG Sysop 70000,642
To: Steve Hecker 70340,126 (X)

Steve,  as  the   .DOC file explains,  the file is a mnet  packed 
file.  You  must  use the PAC commands to access  the  individual 
files.  When  at the MNET command level,  type PAC HELP for  help 
with the available commands.  Basically,  to get a listing of the 
files,  use  PAC CAT FROM CPM.PAK.   To typ a file,  use PAC  TYP 
filename,  and to put an individual file in your account, use PAC 
RET filename.  I hope this helps.

                -David Kozinn- (Sysop)

     ***  MicroNET Executive for CP/M  ***

This diskette contains the following files:

    MNEXEC.COM      - a loaded version of the MicroNET Executive

    OVERLAY.ASM     - this file contains assembler source of the
                      serial I/O routines which service the modem.
                      It is to be used for customizing the executive
                      to different serial I/O configurations.
                      The port and flag bit assignments as supplied
                      are as follows:
                               Port 03H for UART status
                                  Bit 7 = 0 implies transmitter ready
                                  Bit 6 = 0 implies receiver ready
                               Port 01H for UART data


I won't know until I read my own copy of this message how this
transfer turned out...if there are any problems, I'll upload the file
to MC for those who can access it there.  Incidently, I cut the file
off purposely di_uring the disk inventory, since the remainder of the
file documents the MN package and is not (yet) pertinent to our
			--Ron Fowler

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