4.1 boot block for uda50

rbbb.rice%rand-relay at sri-unix.UUCP rbbb.rice%rand-relay at sri-unix.UUCP
Fri Nov 4 14:48:42 AEST 1983

From:  David Chase <rbbb.rice at rand-relay>

Here is a (the?) boot program for a 750 with ra81 on uda50 running bsd4.1.
It really works, or else I wouldn't be writing this.

David Chase, Rice University
This is the boot block program to boot Unix from a UDA device.
Actually, this is a general boot program, and can be used on any 750 with
any devices, given that the appropriate boot ROMs are installed.

It's been tested on UDAs and RK07s, but not yet on a MASSBUS device.

Note that the CSR locations MUST be where the ROMs expect them; usual
configurations have devices at non-standard locations.  (eg, our UDA boot
ROMs expect the CSR at 772150.)  You often must change the hardwired CSR
in sys/stand/uda.c as well, to make it conform.

This program may be freely distributed but the opening comments MUST be left


 * VAX 11-750 disk boot program to load "/boot" from
 * a UNIX filesystem into low core and to execute that file.
 * This program can only read regular small 10k byte files
 * from the root of a UNIX filesystem. That is to say, it cannot
 * (does not care to) look at indirect blocks. It just loads 
 * the (up to) first 10 blocks addressed by the direct map
 * pointers, and goes from there.
 * If anything goes wrong during the boot, an error code is left in R7.
 * The codes are defined below.
 * written by Scott Comer at the urging of Mike Caplinger.
 * copyright (c) LCSE, Rice University, Houston TX
	.set	DATA, 	  0x3000	/* start of impure data area */
	.set	STACK, 	  0xfa00	/* good place for the stack */
	.set	BOOTBASE, 0xfe00	/* relocated home of boot block */

	/* these three hold the register contents needed by the */
	/* rom driver subroutine to access the boot device      */
	.set	driver_r1, DATA		
	.set	driver_r2, driver_r1+4	
	.set	driver_r3, driver_r2+4	
	.set	driver, driver_r3+4		/* addr of driver routine */

	.set	inode_start, driver+4

	.set	di_mode, inode_start		/* disk resident inode */
	.set	di_nlink, di_mode+2
	.set	di_uid, di_nlink+2
	.set	di_gid, di_uid+2
	.set	di_size, di_gid+2
	.set	di_addr, di_size+4
	.set	di_atime, di_addr+40	/* 13 map ptrs: 3 bytes each */
	.set	di_mtime, di_atime+4
	.set	di_ctime, di_mtime+4
	.set	inode_end, di_ctime+4

	.set	inode_size, inode_end-inode_start

	.set	BLOCK_SIZE, 1024	/* file system block size */
	.set	inodes_per_block, BLOCK_SIZE/inode_size
	.set	blocks_before_ilist, 2	/* boot and super blocks */

	.set	dir_size, 16		/* size of directory entry */
	.set	name_size, 14		/* size of name string */

	.set	ENTADR,024  		/* offset to entry addr in a.out */

	.set	root_inode, 2 		/* root dir inode no. */

	.set	NOT_FIRST_64K, 		0x1001
	.set	RETURN_FROM_BOOT, 	0x1003
	.set	COULD_NOT_FIND_BOOT, 	0x1004
	.set	FILE_TOO_LARGE, 	0x1005
	.set	FILE_READ_ERROR, 	0x1006

	.long	0			/* boot block parameters */
	.long	0			/* (all unused, hence 0) */
	.long	0

The registers are set by the console subsystem as follows. Those marked with
stars are saved by the driver subroutine. Those marked with a "d" are used
by the driver subroutine, and must contain the indicated values before
calling the driver.

   r0  = type of boot device (see 750 hardware reference, console)
ds r1  = address of the unibus i/o page
ds r2  = boot device CSR address
ds r3  = boot device unit number
 s r4  = 
ds r5  = software boot flags (driver: offset to buffer for read)
 s r6  = driver subroutine address
   r7  = 
d  r8  = LBN of block to read from disk
   r9  = 
 s r10 = 
 s r11 = 
 s ap  = 
   fp  = 
 s sp  = 

Memory is mapped as follows:

0000 to 01ff	Boot block program
0200 to f9ff	Available
fa00 to fdff	Drivers and control routines
fe00 to ffff	Available

The /boot programs are small (size <= 10240 bytes), and are ultimatly loaded
starting at 0000. The UNIX boot block programs all assume this; hence I
shall too. Because of this, the boot block program will have to relocate
itself. Addresses above 27ff are available as scratch. Thus, the final layout
of memory will be:

0000 to 27ff	/boot program
2800 to f8ff	Available for scratch
f900 to f9ff	Stack
fa00 to fdff	Drivers and control routines
fe00 to ffff	Boot block program (relocated)

Upon calling the loaded program (/boot), the registers are expected to
contain the following:

r10 = boot device code (this is different from DEC codes; see table, later)
r11 = software boot flags (from console boot command)

	clrl	r7
	movl	r0, r10			/* save the device type */
	moval	init, r11		/* base address of good memory */
	movl	r5, ap			/* save the boot flags */

	tstl	r11			/* see if it is zero */
	beql	1f

	movzwl	$NOT_FIRST_64K, r7
	halt				/* not in first 64k of memory */

1:	moval	STACK(r11), sp		/* put the stack somewhere good */

	/* save the register contents needed by the boot driver */
	movl	r1, driver_r1(r11)
	movl	r2, driver_r2(r11)
	movl	r3, driver_r3(r11)
	movl	r6, driver(r11)

	/* relocate the boot program */
	movc3	$end, (r11), BOOTBASE(r11)

	jmp	BOOTBASE+start2(r11)

	/* running relocated */

	pushl	$root_inode			/* go read the / directory */
	calls	$1, BOOTBASE+get_inode(r11)
	calls	$0, BOOTBASE+read_file(r11)
	calls	$0, BOOTBASE+search_boot(r11)	/* look for 'boot' */

	/* the inode number of 'boot' is now in r0 */

	pushl	r0				/* read in 'boot' */
	calls	$1, BOOTBASE+get_inode(r11)
	calls	$0, BOOTBASE+read_file(r11)

	/* if we make it thus far, boot has been loaded into */
	/* memory starting at location 0.                    */

	/* we still have to set up the registers as /boot will */
	/* want them. After that, the program is called        */

	movl	r11, r9				/* save the base pointer */

	/* boot strap device codes from microcode routines */
	.set	AnyMassBus, 0
	.set	RK07, 1
	.set	RL02, 2
	.set	UDA50, 17
	.set	TU58, 64

	cmpb	r10, $AnyMassBus
	bneq	1f
	movzbl	$0, r10				/* massbus disk */
	brb	2f

1:	cmpb	r10, $RK07
	bneq	1f
	movzbl	$3, r10				/* rk07 disk */
	brb	2f

1:	cmpb	r10, $UDA50
	bneq	1f
	movzbl	$9, r10				/* uda50 */
	brb	2f

	halt					/* unsupported device */

2:	movl	ap, r11				/* software boot flags */

	addl3	di_size(r9), r9, r2		/* address to start clear */

	moval	BOOTBASE(r9), r1		/* address to stop clearing */

1:	cmpl	r2, r1
	bgeq	2f

	clrb	(r2)+
	brb	1b

2:	calls	$0, (r9)

	movzwl	$RETURN_FROM_BOOT, r7
	halt					/* end of program */

	.byte	'b, 'o, 'o, 't, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

	.word	0xffc			/* r11-r2 */

	/* search the root directory for 'boot' */
	/* returns the inode number in r0, or halts */

	movl	r11, r10		/* pointer to first directory entry */
	addl3	di_size(r11), r11, r9	/* first byte past directory */

1:	tstw	(r10)			/* check the inode number */
	beql	2f			/* this entry is unused */

	cmpc3	$name_size, BOOTBASE+boot_file(r11), 2(r10)	/* check the name */
	bneq	2f

	movzwl	(r10), r0		/* found it, return the inumber */

2:	addl2	$dir_size, r10		/* continue the search with the */
	cmpl	r10, r9			/* gone past the end...         */
	blss	1b

	movzwl	$COULD_NOT_FIND_BOOT, r7
	halt				/* could not find 'boot' */
	.word	0xffc			/* r11-r2 */

	cmpl	di_size(r11), $10240	/* no large files here */
	bleq	1f

	movzwl	$FILE_TOO_LARGE, r7
	halt				/* file too large */

1:	moval	di_addr(r11), r2
	clrl	r3

2:	extzv	$0, $24, (r2), r4
	beql	3f			/* end of the list */

	pushl	r3
	pushl	r4
	calls	$2, BOOTBASE+read_block(r11)

	addl2	$3, r2
	addl2	$BLOCK_SIZE, r3
	brb	2b

3:	ret

	.word	0xffc			/* r11-r2 */

	clrq	-(sp)			/* make room for the buf addr */

	movl	driver_r1(r11), r1
	movl	driver_r2(r11), r2
	movl	driver_r3(r11), r3
	mull3	$2, 4(ap), r4		/* mult by 2 to get lbn */

	movl	r4, r8
	movl	8(ap), r5

	addl3	r5, r11, (sp)		/* for massbus babies */

	jsb	*driver(r11)		/* read the first block */
	blbs	r0, 1f

	movzwl	$FILE_READ_ERROR, r7
	halt				/* error reading file */

1:	addl3	$1, r4, r8
	addl2	$512, r5

	addl3	r5, r11, (sp)		/* for massbus babies */

	jsb	*driver(r11)		/* read the second block */
	blbs	r0, 1f

	movzwl	$FILE_READ_ERROR, r7
	halt				/* error reading file */

1:	ret

	.word	0xffc			/* r11-r2 */

	/* turn into offset from beginning of disk */
	/* (remember that inodes are numbered from 1?) */

	addl3	$(inodes_per_block * blocks_before_ilist - 1), 4(ap), r0
	clrl	r1
	ediv	$inodes_per_block, r0, r0, r2

	pushl	$0				/* read into 0 */
	pushl	r0
	calls	$2, BOOTBASE+read_block(r11)	/* read a block */

	mull2	$inode_size, r2
	addl2	r11, r2
	movc3	$inode_size, (r2), inode_start(r11)


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