GNU considered harmful to software q - (nf)
emjej at uokvax.UUCP
emjej at uokvax.UUCP
Fri Oct 21 14:04:21 AEST 1983
uokvax!emjej Oct 12 12:47:00 1983
Anything which fills a niche (in the ecological sense) makes it hard
for a successor, even a superior one, to replace it. Look at FORTRASH.
Look, if you can stand it, at the 360 and its successors.
Indeed, look at Unix (the OS of the 70's). I hope that OS-9/68000,
which I think is a better OS, will not have as hard a time prying
Unix out of the 68000 machine market as I occasionally fear it will.
James Jones
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