October 1983 Archives by author
Starting: Sat Oct 1 00:53:13 AEST 1983
Ending: Mon Oct 31 14:06:54 AEST 1983
Messages: 358
- Berkeley or AT&T
- 4.1bsd vs. Versatec V80
Jaap Akkerhuis
- Usefulness of access(2) - (nf)
Kenneth Almquist
- USG 5.0 "find" and "ls" blocksize questions
Derek Andrew
- BITNET information
JoeSventek at BRL-VGR.ARPA
- none
KenWhaley at BRL-VGR.ARPA
- For the record.
Winterton.HISCAN%his-phoenix-multics at BRL-VGR.ARPA
- Does anyone still buy Versatec printers?
ckm%sch-thor at BRL.ARPA
- Make problem?
Timothy G. Becker
- Should "su" change the USER environment variable?
Steven Bellovin
- 4.1 boot question
- Bell Standard Generic Unix For The iAPX286, M68000, or The NS 16032
- 4.2 is finally here
Mark Callow
- CR turning off attributes
Mark Callow
- crontab bug or limitation ?
Dennis T. Chen
- 4.2 conversion
Dave Clemans
- Font formats fo DEC LN01 laser printer
Case Computer Club
- uucp interface to Develcon Switch
Charlie Colbert
- chown - right or privilege - (nf)
Laura Creighton
- 2.8BSD on an 11/23 with rk05s info please
Jerry J. Deroo
- Answer to booting 2.8BSD on 11/23 from rk05
Jerry J. Deroo
- Driver for Imaging Technology IP-512/Q-Bus wanted
Jerry J. Deroo
- whither UNIX
Bill Dietrich
- Fast File Transfer
D. A. Dixon
- Real-time needed; FTIME buggy. - (nf)
Stephen Dyer
- Real-time needed; FTIME buggy. - (nf)
Steve Dyer
- UUCP conn.c wanted for Vadic VA212 auto-dial modem
Steve Dyer
- Avl
Bill Ezell
- Font Editor Wanted
- TOPS-20 --> UNIX
Mark Fulk
- Disabling core dumps
Andrew Glassner
- Disabling core dumps
Andrew Glassner
- Release 2 Cshell w/command completion, autologout, history ...
Ken Greer
- USG 5.0 'find' and 'ls' blocksize questions
Guy Harris
- sh bug
Guy Harris
- From VMS to UNIX
Guy Harris
- need info: %r in printf
Guy Harris
- Need add'l troff term support
Guy Harris
- CR turning off attributes
Guy Harris
- setexit()
Guy Harris
- chown - right or privilege - (nf)
Guy Harris
- '-M' option broken with news2.10
Henk Hesselink
- Amdahl UTS opinions wanted
David Hinnant
- need info: %r in printf
Mark Horton
- Update on zero UNIBUS interrupt vector problem
Howard Hull
- whither UNIX (Really about "standards")
Ian F. Darwin, Toronto, Canada <ian at utcsstat.uucp>
- Line turnaround?
John D. Irwin
- Business UNIX?
- On-line manual references to environment variables
R. Curtis Jackson
- need termcap for TELERAY T4000 (40M)
R. Curtis Jackson
- Protecting games
Jack Jansen
- REPOSTING: request for troff like software for DG machine
- YACC + attributes
Jan van Katwijk
- TOPS-20 --> UNIX
Joe Kelsey
- Does this make(1)-like thing exist?
Sam Kendall
- No GNUs is good news
Sam Kendall
- CS Qualifier OS Question on Shells
Ihor Kinal
- Pwd Security Concern
Randy King
- From VMS to UNIX
Dan Klein
- From VMS to UNIX
Dan Klein
- (minor) ld buf
Andrew Kurn
- (minor) ld bug
Andrew Kurn
- The Newcastle Distributed Filestore
- From VMS to UNIX
Philip Lantz
- From VMS to UNIX
Alan Lehotsky
- need info: %r in printf
Jerry Leichter
- need info: %r in printf
Jerry Leichter
- In defense of DECUS C
Jerry Leichter
- Font formats fo DEC LN01 laser printer
Jerry Leichter
- avl
Mark Mallett
- Where is VAX CMI/SBI DSA controller?
Chris Maloney
- CS Qualifier OS Question on Shells
Barry Margolin
- Update on zero UNIBUS interrupt vector problem
Dave Martindale
- 4.1bsd vs. V80
Dave Martindale
- Does anyone still buy Versatec printers?
Dave Martindale
- GNU considered harmful to software quality
Dave Martindale
- In defense of DECUS C
Dave Martindale
- ed
Dave Maxey
- From VMS to UNIX and UNIX to Tops-20 and etc.
Dave Maxey
- Disabling core dumps
Dave Maxey
- > 8 character logins on BSD UNIX
John Menges
- %r on Decus C compiler
Martin Minow
- 2.9 bsd
Phil Ngai
- Hackers are not computer crooks!
Alex Nishri
- correction to Hackers are not computer crooks!
Alex Nishri
- Unix on 370's
Alex Nishri
- Comments on Unix from the DEC-Professional
Curt Noll
- Unix on 370's
Mike O'Dell
- Amdahl UTS
Patrick James Olmstead
- Anyone know anything about -mv (sys III)?
Adrian Pell
- Two Unibus adapters on VAX 11/750s
Charles E. Perkins
- -ms or -mm macro package ?
PAD Powell[Admin]
- From VMS to UNIX
cak at Purdue.ARPA
- csh expressions
cak at Purdue.ARPA
- GNU considered ...
John Quarterman
- Wanted VMS BACKUP for UNIX
Corot Reason
- From VMS to UNIX
Kenneth A Reek
- DR11-B driver for Inter-processor communications needed
Brian Rich
- need info: %r in printf
John A. Rogers
- need info: %r in printf
Guido van Rossum
- From VMS to UNIX
Gary Samuelson
- tcp/ip on ethernet for NCR Tower
Martin Schoffstall
- The Xerox 2700 laser printer
Sid Shapiro
- From VMS to UNIX
Dave Sherman
- Should "su" change the USER environment variable?
Dave Sherman
- Whats GNU with you?
Rick Spanbauer
- need info: %r in printf
Henry Spencer
- USG 5.0 "find" and "ls" blocksize questions
Henry Spencer
- need info: %r in printf
Henry Spencer
- need info: %r in printf
Henry Spencer
- [nt]roff macros for ptx(1) output
Henry Spencer
- bug in strcmp+strncmp
Henry Spencer
- Does System V or System III page?
Jim Stephenson
- SDB under Berkley Unix
Jim Stephenson
- uba_hd->lastiv
Armando P. Stettner
- More comments on UNIX
Dan Strick
- Non-dec 6250 tape drives
Sidney Jay Stuart
- cc local labels
Steve Summit
- How to catch signals
Steve Summit
- fixes for expire wanted
- From VMS to UNIX
- From VMS to UNIX
- GNU considered harmful to software quality
Brad Templeton
- GNU considered harmful to software quality
Brad Templeton
- ld -A (4.1bsd)
Spencer W. Thomas
- Does anyone still buy Versatec printers?
Spencer W. Thomas
- Avl
Spencer W. Thomas
- Bliss
Spencer W. Thomas
- Font formats fo DEC LN01 laser printer
Spencer W. Thomas
- Disabling core dumps
Brian Thomson
- Should "su" change the USER environment variable?
Tracy Tims
- Dec DEUNA ethernet board drivers for 4.?bsd
Alex White
- Severe complaints against GNU?
PAD Powell [Admin]
- Response to RMS's Request (GNU Project)
jeff at aids-unix
- PDP-11 C Compiler with Long Names
jdd at allegra.UUCP
- Booting an 11/750 from eagle drives
jvl at allegra.UUCP
- memory controller problems
eric at aplvax.UUCP
- Update on Memory controller and DZs
eric at aplvax.UUCP
- uba_hd->lastiv
eric at aplvax.UUCP
- From VMS to UNIX
wls at astrovax.UUCP
- No GNUs is good news
wls at astrovax.UUCP
- 4.1bsd vs. V80
dav at berkeley
- protecting games
dav at berkeley
- sh: dddd: core dumped
John Young sponsor blewett
- Disabling core dumps
John Young sponsor blewett
- sh: 31415: Memory Fault - core dumpe - (nf)
brad at bradley.UUCP
- none - (nf)
brad at bradley.UUCP
- Wanted TCP/IP for Unix/VMS
mike at brl-vgr
- ed
mike at brl-vgr
- Usefulness of access(2) - (nf)
gwyn at brl-vld
- -ms or -mm macro package ?
gwyn at brl-vld
- GNU considered harmful to software quality
rdoty at bronze.UUCP
- logic equations
coltoff at burdvax.UUCP
- Message to all unix-wizards posters, PLEASE READ
rcj at burl.UUCP
- SCCS keyword question (bug?)
rcj at burl.UUCP
- freopen of actual stdin question
rcj at burl.UUCP
- initial boot 4.1 on 730 with uda
jim at byucsa.UUCP
- 4.1 boot block for uda50
jim at byucsa.UUCP
- none
wise%seismo at cal-unix.UUCP
- %r on Decus C compiler
scw%ucla-locus at cepu.UUCP
- Ohmigosh, I can't find it!
stan at clyde.UUCP
- Whats GNU with you?
hart at cp1.UUCP
- SRITEK 68000 PC plugin running XENIX
condict at csd1.UUCP
- SPSS running under Unix?
condict at csd1.UUCP
- Is everyone missing this: /usr/lib/lib.b
mab%ucla-locus at csun.UUCP
rjb at cucard.UUCP
- Signal problem
root at datagen.UUCP
- You, too, can be a UNIX guru!!
lmc at denelcor.UUCP
- Your flame about Unix philosophy...right on target.
RSanders.Pascalx at denver
- Unix flames...
RSanders.Pascalx at denver
- ACU (cu) Problems
darrell at drux3.UUCP
- The Xerox 2700 laser printer - (nf)
jerryr at ecsvax.UUCP
- Thanks: '%r' in printf
jr at fortune.UUCP
- Un*x on an HP3000?
spaf at gatech.UUCP
- PWB for 11/44? - (nf)
notes at harpo.UUCP
- PWB for 11/44? - (nf)
nrh at harpo.UUCP
- Dual Ported Disks under UNIX 4.* BSD?
fred at hfhrv.UUCP
- Need help booting V7
fred at hfhrv.UUCP
- From VMS to UNIX
mat at hou5d.UUCP
- Real-time needed; FTIME buggy. - (nf)
kink at hscfvax.UUCP
- -ms or -mm macro package ?
stevens at hsi.UUCP
- From VMS to UNIX
jhh at ihldt.UUCP
- Amdahl UTS
rjh at ihuxh.UUCP
- Problems with single letter variables
veach at ihuxl.UUCP
- Why <esc>x
veach at ihuxl.UUCP
- thanks folks
- From VMS to UNIX
jhf at lanl-a.UUCP
- Software Development Management Tools
rxl at lanl-a.UUCP
- TS-11 and KMC/DZ flakes
ziegler at lzmi.UUCP
- Trying 4.2bsd and ra80s
chris at mddc.UUCP
- DECNET in 4.2bsd?
chris at mddc.UUCP
- Teco for Unix?
sanders at menlo70.UUCP
- 4.1bsd "issig" console message?
sanders at menlo70.UUCP
- 4.2BSD vs 4.1c and buffer sizes question
jpl at mhtsa.UUCP
- whither UNIX
jpl at mhtsa.UUCP
- Are H. Lycklama & C. Christensen still alive?
- question on csh
reece at nadc
- Reading/writing VMS format tapes
mcm at ncsu.UUCP
- TOPS-20 --> UNIX
roger at nmtvax.UUCP
- termcap for viewpoint terminal
student at nmtvax.UUCP
- Anyone use Eunice?
bilge at omsvax.UUCP
- whither UNIX
flamer at omsvax.UUCP
- Three cheers for Lauren's reply to GNU
flamer at omsvax.UUCP
- Fast File Transfer
pkb at omsvax.UUCP
- Mail Feature By Anyone ??
pkb at omsvax.UUCP
- I/O performance
plb at omsvax.UUCP
- New Kernel!
at pesnta.UUCP
- New Kernel!
at pesnta.UUCP
at pesnta.UUCP
- Summary of: Why do you like your OS?
at pesnta.UUCP
- Does anyone still buy Versatec printers?
tut at populi.CC.Berkeley.ARPA
- csh expressions
crl at pur-ee.UUCP
- Three cheers for Lauren's reply to GNU
crl at pur-ee.UUCP
- Job Control Wishlist
aaw at pyuxss.UUCP
- Are H. Lycklama & C. Christensen still alive?
mjs at rabbit.UUCP
- sh: 31415: Memory Fault - core dumped
mjs at rabbit.UUCP
- sh: 31415 - Memory fault - core dumped: Thanks
mjs at rabbit.UUCP
- What happened to the promised VAX timings?
mjs at rabbit.UUCP
- Dual Ported Disks under UNIX 4.* BSD?
ras at rayssd.UUCP
- From VMS to UNIX
dave at rlgvax.UUCP
- From VMS to UNIX
guy at rlgvax.UUCP
- Does anyone still buy Versatec printers?
guy at rlgvax.UUCP
- Newcastle Connection Summary
rbk at sequel.UUCP
- Xerox9700
aef at shell.UUCP
- NEEDED - an inexpensive way of dialing out.
bbanerje at sjuvax.UUCP
- Three cheers for Lauren's reply to GNU
dan at sri-tsc
- Worker Displacement
Bakin.AWEST%mit-multics at sri-unix.UUCP
- Bug in make or sh?
gwyn at BRL-VLD.ARPA
- Pipes, Ports and Philosophye
DBrown.TSDC%hi-multics at sri-unix.UUCP
- A sign of the times?
EPS%jpl-vax at sri-unix.UUCP
- Don't force random passwords on people!
buck at NRL-CSS.ARPA
- Does anyone still buy Versatec printers?
FIGMO%kestrel at sri-unix.UUCP
- setexit()
Heiby%hi-multics at sri-unix.UUCP
IBERG%stl-host1 at sri-unix.UUCP
- From VMS to UNIX
JTW%mit-xx at sri-unix.UUCP
- Line turnaround?
Little.Fleas%hi-multics at sri-unix.UUCP
- 2.9 rm.c badsect?
MBM%mit-xx at sri-unix.UUCP
- Severe complaints against GNU?
RMS%mit-oz at sri-unix.UUCP
- Question to think about.
RMS%mit-oz at sri-unix.UUCP
- none
SHAWN%mit-ml at sri-unix.UUCP
- machine check error.
Ttang.uci-750a%rand-relay at sri-unix.UUCP
- uucp sitenames
lauren at RAND-UNIX.ARPA
- need floating point for 11/70
beattie%mitre-gateway at sri-unix.UUCP
- GNU problems for programmers
bob%ucla-locus at sri-unix.UUCP
- Worker displacement (I guess this qualifies as a flame...)
bob%ucla-locus at sri-unix.UUCP
- reply to RMS question of 10/8
chesson%shasta at sri-unix.UUCP
- GNU comment
chesson%shasta at sri-unix.UUCP
- compat (v7run)
cy%helens%Sumex-Aim at sri-unix.UUCP
- setexit()
dan%bbncd at sri-unix.UUCP
- GNU considered ...
dan%sri-tsc at sri-unix.UUCP
- From VMS to UNIX
dbj.rice%rand-relay at sri-unix.UUCP
- setexit()
dbj.rice%rand-relay at sri-unix.UUCP
- Disabling core dumps
dbj.rice%rand-relay at sri-unix.UUCP
- MDQS 2.0 Released
dpk%brl-vgr at sri-unix.UUCP
- Mail Feature By Anyone ??
greep%su-dsn at sri-unix.UUCP
- TOPS-20 --> UNIX
gwyn%brl-vld at sri-unix.UUCP
- -ms or -mm macro package ?
gwyn%brl-vld at sri-unix.UUCP
- Need add'l troff term support
gwyn%brl-vld at sri-unix.UUCP
- Real-time needed; FTIME buggy. - (nf)
gwyn%brl-vld at sri-unix.UUCP
- whither UNIX
gwyn%brl-vld at sri-unix.UUCP
- Multiple file versions -- FLAME ON!!
fouts at ames-nas-gw.arpa
- Does anyone still buy Versatec printers?
gwyn%brl-vld at sri-unix.UUCP
- From VMS to UNIX
gwyn%brl-vld at sri-unix.UUCP
- need info: %r in printf
gwyn%brl-vld at sri-unix.UUCP
- No GNUs is good news
gwyn%brl-vld at sri-unix.UUCP
- need info: %r in printf
gwyn%brl-vld at sri-unix.UUCP
- Cheap sources for educational institutions
gwyn%brl-vld at sri-unix.UUCP
- Should "su" change the USER environment variable?
gwyn%brl-vld at sri-unix.UUCP
- How to catch signals
gwyn%brl-vld at sri-unix.UUCP
- Disabling core dumps
gwyn%brl-vld at sri-unix.UUCP
- Disabling core dumps
hartwell%shasta at sri-unix.UUCP
- Worker displacement (I guess this qualifies as a flame...)
ica.dab%ucla-locus at sri-unix.UUCP
- SRITEK 68000 PC plugin running XENIX
ica.dave%ucla-locus at sri-unix.UUCP
- non-blocking IO on pipes
jbray%bbn-unix at sri-unix.UUCP
- Gnu and you
jbray%bbn-unix at sri-unix.UUCP
- 4.2bsd
kevinw%su-dsn at sri-unix.UUCP
- need info: %r in printf
lwa%mit-csr at sri-unix.UUCP
- Disabling core dumps
lwa%mit-csr at sri-unix.UUCP
- Job Control Wishlist
mike%brl-vgr at sri-unix.UUCP
- Job Control Wishlist
mrose.uci-750a%rand-relay at sri-unix.UUCP
- Should "su" change the USER environment variable?
mrose.uci-750a%rand-relay at sri-unix.UUCP
- CS Net
obrien%rand-unix at sri-unix.UUCP
- Font Editor Wanted
obrien%rand-unix at sri-unix.UUCP
- fortune and berknet
parker%nrl-css at sri-unix.UUCP
- GNU considered ...
phil.rice%rand-relay at sri-unix.UUCP
- Considering GNU discussions
phil.rice%rand-relay at sri-unix.UUCP
- Unix philosophy
rbbb.rice%rand-relay at sri-unix.UUCP
- Avl
rbbb.rice%rand-relay at sri-unix.UUCP
- limiting core dumps
rbbb.rice%rand-relay at sri-unix.UUCP
- help?! 4.1BSD Interlan ethernet driver?
reid%shasta at sri-unix.UUCP
- From VMS to UNIX
ron%brl-vgr at sri-unix.UUCP
- Are H. Lycklama & C. Christensen still alive?
ron%brl-vgr at sri-unix.UUCP
- Does this make(1)-like thing exist?
ron%brl-vgr at sri-unix.UUCP
- PDP-11 C Compiler with Long Names
ron%brl-vgr at sri-unix.UUCP
- From VMS to UNIX
ron%brl-vgr at sri-unix.UUCP
- From VMS to UNIX
ron%brl-vgr at sri-unix.UUCP
- CS Qualifier OS Question on Shells
ron%brl-vgr at sri-unix.UUCP
- Disabling core dumps
ron%brl-vgr at sri-unix.UUCP
- ACC IF-11 X.25
ron%brl-vgr at sri-unix.UUCP
- core dumps
ron%brl-vgr at sri-unix.UUCP
- "all ascii cpio"
ron%brl-vgr at sri-unix.UUCP
- 4.2 crashes
root%cit-vax at sri-unix.UUCP
- Disabling core dumps
salex.rice%rand-relay at sri-unix.UUCP
- Status of 4.2BSD "user supplied" software
sdyer%bbn-unix at sri-unix.UUCP
- sendmail problem
serge%ucbcory%berkeley at sri-unix.UUCP
- the 'man' command
serge%ucbcory%berkeley at sri-unix.UUCP
- bug in UCB Pascal compiler
stan.rice%rand-relay at sri-unix.UUCP
- Avl
steve%brl-bmd at sri-unix.UUCP
- "panic: iput" message
v.wales%ucla-locus at sri-unix.UUCP
- Should "su" change the USER environment variable?
v.wales%ucla-locus at sri-unix.UUCP
- Need add'l troff term support
walsh%bbn-unix at sri-unix.UUCP
- #include <stat.h> question
vtl at stolaf.UUCP
- Benchmarking Package
mike at taurus.UUCP
- GNU considered harmful to softwa - (nf)
notes at ucbcad.UUCP
- New Kernel!
carl at ucbvax.UUCP
- swapper running forever -- anybody know why?
fair at ucbvax.UUCP
- Font Editor Wanted
fair at ucbvax.UUCP
- 4.2 crashes
sam at ucbvax.UUCP
- UNIX (TM) benchmarks and validation suites
goldfarb at ucf-cs.UUCP
- Disabling core dumps
goldfarb at ucf-cs.UUCP
- 4.2 conversion
goldfarb at ucf-cs.UUCP
- question on csh
v.wales at ucla-locus
- Wang OIS to VAX Unix communications
barry%umcp-cs at udel-relay
- net.laser-lovers? - (nf)
preece at uicsl.UUCP
- chown - right or privilege - (nf)
preece at uicsl.UUCP
- DEUNA driver wanted
smb at ulysses.UUCP
- problem with vax console rev 7
chris at umcp-cs.UUCP
- Speaking of TS-11s
chris at umcp-cs.UUCP
- crashing problem
chris at umcp-cs.UUCP
- Emacs on 4.2
chris at umcp-cs.UUCP
- net.laser-lovers?
chris at umcp-cs.UUCP
- initial boot 4.1 on 730 with uda
chris at umcp-cs.UUCP
- On-line manual references to environment variables
fred at umcp-cs.UUCP
- the 'man' command
israel at umcp-cs.UUCP
- New Kernel!
mark at umcp-cs.UUCP
- CS Qualifier OS Question on Shells
mark at umcp-cs.UUCP
- Job Control Wishlist
rehmi at umcp-cs.UUCP
- GNU considered harmful to software quality
zben at umcp-cs.UUCP
zben at umcp-cs.UUCP
- RSVP (automatic receipts)
zben at umcp-cs.UUCP
- BITNET Information
BRUCE at umdb
- The Xerox 2700 laser printer - (nf)
ed at unisoft.UUCP
- setexit()
bob at unm-cvax.UUCP
- GNU considered harmful to software q - (nf)
emjej at uokvax.UUCP
- Three cheers for Lauren's reply to GNU
jsq at ut-sally.UUCP
- Three cheers for Lauren's reply to GNU
jsq at ut-sally.UUCP
- -ms or -mm macro package ?
jsq at ut-sally.UUCP
- Nroff & braindamaged printers
nather at utastro.UUCP
- GNU & the job market
nather at utastro.UUCP
- ALG program posted to net.sources
sdc at uvacs.UUCP
- ALG: resubmitted in shar format
sdc at uvacs.UUCP
lauren%rand-unix at vortex.UUCP
- need info: %r in printf
eric at washu.UUCP
- 2.9 bsd
kurt at washu.UUCP
- -ms or -mm macro package ?
idallen at watmath.UUCP
- My Request for a Font Editor
nrf at whuxle.UUCP
- chown - right or privilege - (nf)
notes at zeppo.UUCP
Last message date:
Mon Oct 31 14:06:54 AEST 1983
Archived on: Mon Feb 1 19:51:16 AEST 2016
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).