summary about mcr errors
Barry Lustig
barry at muddcs.UUCP
Wed Aug 15 03:03:20 AEST 1984
<Got them line eater blues>
I want to thank everyone who sent mail and/or posted to the net
trying to help me with our memory problems. My original question
to the net was how do you interpret the mcr errors that pop up onto
the console (e.g.
mcr0: soft ecc addr 1265 syn 75).
Our memory is National Semiconductor NS753. We finally managed to
track down our bad chip, but it took quite a bit of work. The first
time through we ran DEC's ECKAM diagnostic. We ran the long test
because it would seem that that should be the most comprehensive.
After letting it run all night we found, in the morning, that we
did indeed have a single bit error. Unfortunately, the diagnostic
didn't give either the Data Bit or the Syndrome. After a call to
National I found out that only the ECKAM QUICK test will give the
actual Data Bit or Syndrome (Makes a lot of sense huh :-)).
Another problem I ran into was interpreting the syndrome. The National
memory chart didn't even list the the syndrome that the console
popped up with! When I looked at the chart for Trendata memory on
a nearby 780 it had our syndrome and pointed to the right chip.
Down below are the responses I received nicely packaged for your
>From scgvaxd!mkp Sat Aug 4 17:27:01 1984
Subject: re: your memory errors
Enclosed is an rcsdiff of /sys/vax/machdep.c. It addresses some
specific 750 memory problems, including the infamous "translation
buffer parity error crash". This diff is from machdep.c 6.2, which
is the original 4.2bsd source code, and our local version at 6.3.
Hope this helps.
> /* $Header: machdep.c,v 6.3 84/05/03 13:12:11 rcs Exp $ */
< printf("mcr%d: soft ecc addr %x syn %x\n",
< m, M750_ADDR(&amcr), M750_SYN(&amcr));
> /*
> * modified to distinguish hard and soft errors
> * (W. Sebok astrovax!wls 3/7/83)
> */
> if (M750_ERR(mcr)&M750_UNCORR) {
> printf("mcr%d: hard error",m);
> } else {
> printf("mcr%d: soft ecc",m);
> }
> printf(" addr %x syn %x\n",
> M750_ADDR(&amcr), M750_SYN(&amcr));
< if ((mcf->mc5_mcesr&0xf) == MC750_TBPAR) {
> if ((mcf->mc5_mcesr&0xe) == MC750_TBPAR) {
>From scgvaxd!allegra!watmath!kwlalonde Sun Aug 5 16:56:17 1984
Subject: Re: mcr: errors
References: <169 at muddcs.UUCP>
The same thing was plagueing one of our 780's last week. The nice man
from DEC came in and switched a board. No change - two crashes three
days later. Turns out he replaced the wrong board.
The console message comes from /sys/vax/machdep.c, routine memerr().
The macro MS780C_ADDR (sp?) in /sys/vax/mem.h prints out the memory
address, which contains the board number in bits 24-27. Replace that
board. (I'm writing this from memory - see your 780 System guide from
DEC for details.)
I'm going to change memerr() to spell out what is wrong a bit more
clearly, so I don't have to dig through the manual again.
From: scgvaxd!trwrb!sdcrdcf!hplabs!ucbvax!RWS at MIT-XX.ARPA
>From: Robert W. Scheifler <hplabs!ucbvax!RWS at MIT-XX.ARPA>
Subject: Re: mcr: errors
The "addr" field is in hex and goes up 0x200 for each 256K bytes.
From: scgvaxd!trwrb!sdcrdcf!hplabs!ucbvax!jcp at BRL-TGR.ARPA
>From: Joe Pistritto <hplabs!ucbvax!jcp at BRL-TGR.ARPA>
Subject: Re: mcr: errors
Well, the two numbers you have are the address, (probably in pages for
4.2BSD), and the error syndrome. The syndrome is a unique 8 bit code
which identifies which chip in a 64K bank is bad. The address tells
you which bank it is. The mapping of '1265' to a physical address
requires looking at the source, to find out what the units are.
(probably Kbytes, but I'm not sure). Going from the syndrome to
a bit # requires looking in the hardware reference for your memory
boards. There is most likely a table in there relating Syndromes
to bit #s. (There are 22 bits, I believe, although only 16 of these
contain data).
From: scgvaxd!trwrb!sdcrdcf!hplabs!hao!seismo!uwvax!brian
>From: hplabs!hao!seismo!uwvax!brian (Brian Pinkerton)
Subject: Re: mcr: errors
References: <169 at muddcs.UUCP>
The location of the chip is dependent on the brand of board you have.
The easiest way to find the chip would be to look in the manual you got
with the memory. Or, if it's DEC memory, call them or run memory diagnostics
yourself (these will tell you what array is failing, then you have to
use the address to locate the chip). DEC memory is also hard to fix
because the chips are soldered right onto the board.
Brian Pinkerton @ wisconsin
brian at
From: scgvaxd!trwrb!sdcrdcf!hplabs!ucbvax!LASH at COLUMBIA-20.ARPA
>From: Alan Lash <hplabs!ucbvax!LASH at COLUMBIA-20.ARPA>
Subject: Re: mcr: errors
In-Reply-To: Message from "hplabs!sdcrdcf!trwrb!scgvaxd!muddcs!barry at UCB-VAX.ARPA" of Wed 1 Aug 84 18:37:20-EDT
Status: R
It would be appreciated if you could foward any responses that you
get to me. We have on occasion had similar problems with no solutions.
From: scgvaxd!trwrb!sdcrdcf!sdcsvax!dcdwest!ittvax!qubix!msc ()
>From: sdcsvax!dcdwest!qubix!msc (Mark Callow)
Subject: Re: mcr: errors
In-Reply-To: your article <169 at muddcs.UUCP>
Read your Vax hardware manual. Make sure you use the table for the 750
not the 780. The error message contains all the information you need to
find the bad chip using this table. It's listed under memory controller.
believe it or not.
From: scgvaxd!decvax!decwrl!amd!amdcad!resonex!nancy (Nancy Blachman)
Subject: Re: mcr: errors
References: <169 at muddcs.UUCP>
I would be interested in seeing the responses you receive since I have
seen a similar thing on my 750 running 4.2.
Nancy Blachman
Resonex, Sunnyvale, CA
(408)720 8600 x26
From: scgvaxd!trwrb!sdcrdcf!hplabs!ucbvax!rbbb at rice.ARPA
>From: David Chase <hplabs!ucbvax!rbbb at rice.ARPA>
Subject: Re: mcr: errors
I will give this a look, if you would like. I once wrote an awk script to
decode the CSRC from 780 memory errors into chip and board locations. Yes,
it was a big help.
To help you, or to help you help yourself, I need the following information:
1) who makes the memory, and what is the type of the board?
2) is there any variety of maintenance/overview manual?
3) I would feel most comfortable with the "CSR0" register, or very precise
knowledge of how the numbers "addr" and "syn" were derived and printed
(for instance, are those octal, decimal, or hexadecimal"?) I try not to
be a unix wizard, so I would like to avoid this if you have source.
For instance, Mostek provided a technical manual for their MK8016 780 memory
with charts to help you find chips. This is what I coded into an awk script.
I also have the installation guide for a National NS753, and it contains
similar information. Hexadecimal is the preferred representation for this
information. If you find the charts and feel unsure about this, I will
gladly try to walk you through them; it's a little scray the first time
around (especially because the charts often contain errors - you can tell
because there is a break in the pattern). Also, there is your good buddy
ECKAM, to give you definitive values for "addr" and "syndrome". "Addr"
should be the address of the 512-byte page containing the sick chip. "Syn"
should be the error syndrome.
Good luck,
David Chase
>From scgvaxd!ihnp4!uw-beaver!ssc-vax!jeff Sun Aug 12 08:39:37 1984
From: scgvaxd!ihnp4!uw-beaver!ssc-vax!jeff (Jeffrey Jongeward)
Subject: Re: mcr: errors
References: <169 at muddcs.UUCP>
Here is a chart someone (don't remember who) submitted to the
net a while ago. (I "%s/^H/##/" for the sake of some mailers,
so you will have to switch 'em back.) It may help if you have
either DEC memory. The info in the NSC book is better than this
chart, however, if you have that kind of memory.
jeff jongeward
Error is reported as: soft ecc addr GFEDC syn BA
G = bits 27:24 ^
F = bits 23:20 |
E = bits 19:16 | array board
D = bits 15:12
C = bits 11:08
B = bits 07:04
A = bits 03:00
27:24 = array board in error
0000 =0= board 01
0001 =1= " 02
0010 =2= " 03
0011 =3= " 04
0100 =4= " 05
0101 =5= " 06 DEC Memory
0110 =6= " 07
0111 =7= " 08
1000 =8= " 09
1001 =9= " 10
1010 =A= " 11
1011 =B= " 12
1100 =C= " 13
1101 =D= " 14 NSC Memory
1110 =E= " 15
1111 =F= " 16
23 = Array bank in error. 0 = lower; 1 = upper
22:09 = 16K chip address in error
08 = Word in error. 0 = lower; 1 = upper
07:00 = Error syndrome
March 3, 1983 -1-
| 01 | CHECK BYTE| C00 | E2 | E6 |
| 02 | CHECK BYTE| C01 | E3 | E7 |
| 04 | CHECK BYTE| C02 | E4 | E8 |
| 08 | CHECK BYTE| C03 | E5 | E9 |
| 10 | CHECK BYTE| C04 | E115 | E119 |
| 19 | LOWER | 01 | E12 | E16 |
| 1A | LOWER | 02 | E13 | E17 |
| 1C | LOWER | 04 | E20 | E24 |
| 1F | LOWER | 07 | E23 | E27 |
| 20 | CHECK BYTE| C05 | E117 | E120 |
| 38 | LOWER | 00 | E11 | E15 |
| 3B | LOWER | 03 | E14 | E18 |
| 3D | LOWER | 05 | E21 | E25 |
| 3E | LOWER | 06 | E22 | E26 |
| 40 | CHECK BYTE| C06 | E117 | E121 |
| 49 | LOWER | 09 | EE30 | E34 |
| 4A | LOWER | 10 | E31 | E35 |
| 4C | LOWER | 12 | E38 | E42 |
| 4F | LOWER | 15 | E41 | E45 |
| 51 | LOWER | 17 | E48 | E52 |
| 52 | LOWER | 18 | E49 | E53 |
| 54 | LOWER | 20 | E56 | E60 |
| 57 | LOWER | 23 | E59 | E63 |
| 58 | LOWER | 24 | E65 | E69 |
| 5B | LOWER | 27 | E68 | E72 |
| 5D | LOWER | 29 | E75 | E79 |
| 5E | LOWER | 30 | E76 | E80 |
| 68 | LOWER | 08 | E29 | E33 |
| 6B | LOWER | 11 | E32 | E36 |
| 6D | LOWER | 13 | E39 | E43 |
| 6E | LOWER | 14 | E40 | E44 |
| 70 | LOWER | 16 | E47 | E51 |
| 73 | LOWER | 19 | E50 | E54 |
| 75 | LOWER | 21 | E57 | E61 |
| 76 | LOWER | 22 | E58 | E62 |
| 79 | LOWER | 25 | E66 | E70 |
| 7A | LOWER | 26 | E67 | E71 |
| 7C | LOWER | 28 | E74 | E78 |
March 3, 1983 -2-
| 80 | CHECK BYTE| C07 | E118 | E122 |
| 89 | UPPER | 01 | E125 | E128 |
| 8A | UPPER | 02 | E126 | E130 |
| 8C | UPPER | 04 | E133 | E137 |
| 8F | UPPER | 07 | E136 | E140 |
| 91 | UPPER | 09 | E143 | E147 |
| 92 | UPPER | 10 | E144 | E148 |
| 94 | UPPER | 12 | E151 | E155 |
| 97 | UPPER | 15 | E154 | E158 |
| 98 | UPPER | 16 | E160 | E164 |
| 9B | UPPER | 19 | E163 | E167 |
| 9D | UPPER | 21 | E170 | E174 |
| 9E | UPPER | 22 | E171 | E175 |
| A8 | UPPER | 00 | E124 | E129 |
| AB | UPPER | 03 | E127 | E131 |
| AD | UPPER | 05 | E134 | E138 |
| AE | UPPER | 06 | E135 | E139 |
| B0 | UPPER | 08 | E142 | E146 |
| B3 | UPPER | 11 | E145 | E149 |
| B5 | UPPER | 13 | E152 | E156 |
| B6 | UPPER | 14 | E153 | E157 |
| B9 | UPPER | 17 | E161 | E165 |
| BA | UPPER | 18 | E162 | E166 |
| BC | UPPER | 20 | E169 | E173 |
| BF | UPPER | 23 | E172 | E176 |
| C1 | UPPER | 25 | E179 | E183 |
| C2 | UPPER | 26 | E180 | E184 |
| C4 | UPPER | 28 | E187 | E191 |
| C7 | UPPER | 31 | E190 | E194 |
| E0 | UPPER | 24 | E178 | E182 |
| E3 | UPPER | 27 | E181 | E185 |
| E5 | UPPER | 29 | E188 | E192 |
NOTE: 1. All error syndromes in this table have an odd number
of bits equal to a "1" and are correctable.
Example: syndrome 38=00111000
this syndrome has 3 "1"'s
NOTE: 2. Error syndromes with an even number of bits equal
to "1" mean double bit error.
Double bit errors are not correctable.
March 3, 1983 -3-
Error is reported as: soft ecc addr GFEDC syn BA
G = bits 27:24
F = bits 23:20
E = bits 19:16
D = bits 15:12
C = bits 11:08
B = bits 07:04
A = bits 03:00
27:24 = array board in error
0000 =0= board 01
0001 =1= " 02
0010 =2= " 03
0011 =3= " 04
0100 =4= " 05
0101 =5= " 06
0110 =6= " 07
0111 =7= " 08
1000 =8= " 09
1001 =9= " 10
1010 =A= " 11
1011 =B= " 12
1100 =C= " 13
1101 =D= " 14
1110 =E= " 15
1111 =F= " 16
23 = Array bank in error. 0 = lower; 1 = upper
22:09 = 16K chip address in error
08 = Word in error. 0 = lower; 1 = upper
07:00 = Error syndrome
March 3, 1983 -4-
| 01 | CHECK BYTE| C00 | 2C | 2G |
| 02 | CHECK BYTE| C01 | 2D | 2H |
| 04 | CHECK BYTE| C02 | 2E | 2I |
| 08 | CHECK BYTE| C03 | 2F | 2J |
| 10 | CHECK BYTE| C04 | 16C | 16G |
| 19 | LOWER | 01 | 3D | 3H |
| 1A | LOWER | 02 | 3E | 3I |
| 1C | LOWER | 04 | 4C | 4G |
| 1F | LOWER | 07 | 4F | 4J |
| 20 | CHECK BYTE| C05 | 16D | 16H |
| 38 | LOWER | 00 | 3C | 3G |
| 3B | LOWER | 03 | 3F | 3J |
| 3D | LOWER | 05 | 4D | 4H |
| 3E | LOWER | 06 | 4E | 4I |
| 40 | CHECK BYTE| C06 | 16E | 16I |
| 49 | LOWER | 09 | 5D | 5H |
| 4A | LOWER | 10 | 5E | 5I |
| 4C | LOWER | 12 | 6C | 6G |
| 4F | LOWER | 15 | 6F | 6J |
| 51 | LOWER | 17 | 7D | 7H |
| 52 | LOWER | 18 | 7E | 7I |
| 54 | LOWER | 20 | 8C | 8G |
| 57 | LOWER | 23 | 8F | 8J |
| 58 | LOWER | 24 | 9C | 9G |
| 5B | LOWER | 27 | 9F | 9J |
| 5D | LOWER | 29 | 10D | 10H |
| 5E | LOWER | 30 | 10E | 10I |
| 68 | LOWER | 08 | 5C | 5G |
| 6B | LOWER | 11 | 5F | 5J |
| 6D | LOWER | 13 | 6D | 6H |
| 6E | LOWER | 14 | 6E | 6I |
| 70 | LOWER | 16 | 7C | 7G |
| 73 | LOWER | 19 | 7F | 7J |
| 75 | LOWER | 21 | 8D | 8H |
| 76 | LOWER | 22 | 8E | 8I |
| 79 | LOWER | 25 | 9D | 9H |
| 7A | LOWER | 26 | 9E | 9I |
| 7C | LOWER | 28 | 10C | 10G |
March 3, 1983 -5-
| 80 | CHECK BYTE| C07 | 16F | 16J |
| 89 | UPPER | 01 | 17D | 17G |
| 8A | UPPER | 02 | 17E | 17I |
| 8C | UPPER | 04 | 18C | 18G |
| 8F | UPPER | 07 | 18F | 18J |
| 91 | UPPER | 09 | 19D | 19H |
| 92 | UPPER | 10 | 19E | 19I |
| 94 | UPPER | 12 | 20C | 20G |
| 97 | UPPER | 15 | 20F | 20J |
| 98 | UPPER | 16 | 21C | 21G |
| 9B | UPPER | 19 | 21F | 21J |
| 9D | UPPER | 21 | 22D | 22H |
| 9E | UPPER | 22 | 22E | 22I |
| A8 | UPPER | 00 | 17C | 17H |
| AB | UPPER | 03 | 17F | 17J |
| AD | UPPER | 05 | 18D | 18H |
| AE | UPPER | 06 | 18E | 18I |
| B0 | UPPER | 08 | 19C | 19G |
| B3 | UPPER | 11 | 19F | 19J |
| B5 | UPPER | 13 | 20D | 20H |
| B6 | UPPER | 14 | 20E | 20I |
| B9 | UPPER | 17 | 21D | 21H |
| BA | UPPER | 18 | 21E | 21I |
| BC | UPPER | 20 | 22C | 22G |
| BF | UPPER | 23 | 22F | 22J |
| C1 | UPPER | 25 | 23D | 23H |
| C2 | UPPER | 26 | 23E | 23I |
| C4 | UPPER | 28 | 24C | 24G |
| C7 | UPPER | 31 | 24F | 24J |
| E0 | UPPER | 24 | 23C | 23G |
| E3 | UPPER | 27 | 23F | 23J |
| E5 | UPPER | 29 | 24D | 24H |
NOTE: 1. All error syndromes in this table have an odd number
of bits equal to a "1" and are correctable.
Example: syndrome 38=00111000
this syndrome has 3 "1"'s
NOTE: 2. Error syndromes with an even number of bits equal
to "1" mean double bit error.
Double bit errors are not correctable.
March 3, 1983 -6-
Barry Lustig
Harvey Mudd College
UUCP: {ihnp4,allegra,seismo}!scgvaxd!muddcs!barry
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