UUCP and Rixon modem

Barry Margolin barmar at mit-eddie.UUCP
Thu Aug 9 13:21:48 AEST 1984

I am trying to set up my workstation (Scorpion, a Honeywell
68000-based system running Uniplus+ System III) to run UUCP.  My
problem is that my autodialer is a Rixon R212A "intelligent"
modem.  I figured that I would just specify it as a DIR line in
L.sys, and include the dialogue with the modem as part of the
login dialogue.  However, the problem is that the dialogue
description in L.sys is built around waiting for a particular
string from the other end before sending a response, while the
Rixon requires two CRs to get its attention in the first place.

If someone has successfully used a Rixon modem for UUCP dialout,
could you please send me mail.  Thanks,
    Barry Margolin
    ARPA: barmar at MIT-Multics
    UUCP: ..!genrad!mit-eddie!barmar
    Barry Margolin
    ARPA: barmar at MIT-Multics
    UUCP: ..!genrad!mit-eddie!barmar

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