adding new fields to termcap

Guy Harris guy at rlgvax.UUCP
Sun Jan 22 14:44:43 AEST 1984

The 4.2BSD "sysline" command uses some new termcap entries, which aren't
documented in "term(5)" in the 4.2BSD manual:

ts	move cursor to status line; it is assumed that this takes one
	parameter, which is the column of the status line to go to
fs	move cursor from status line; it is assumed that this restores
	the cursor position to what it was before the "ts"
ds	display status line (this is assumed to be a toggle, alternately
	turning it on and off)
es	flag - if yes, can use escape sequences like those for turning on
	reverse video and for cursor addressing on status line

There are lots of other capabilities which aren't documented; the problem is
that anybody can write a program which assumes a new capability, stick that
capability into /etc/termcap, and not tell anybody.  Here is the list, as
of the 4.2BSD "termcap(5)" manual page:

Name	Type	Pad?	Description
ae	str	(P)	End alternate character set
al	str	(P*)	Add new blank line
am	bool		Terminal has automatic margins
as	str	(P)	Start alternate character set
bc	str		Backspace if not "^H"
bs	bool		Terminal can backspace with "^H"
bt	str	(P)	Back tab
bw	bool		Backspace wraps from column 0 to last column
CC	str		Command character in prototype if terminal settable
cd	str	(P*)	Clear to end of display
ce	str	(P)	Clear to end of line
ch	str	(P)	Like cm but horizontal motion only, line stays same
cl	str	(P*)	Clear screen
cm	str	(P)	Cursor motion
co	num		Number of columns in a line
cr	str	(P*)	Carriage return, (default "^M")
cs	str	(P)	Change scrolling region (vt100), like cm
cv	str	(P)	Like ch but vertical only.
da	bool		Display may be retained above
dB	num		Number of millisec of bs delay needed
db	bool		Display may be retained below
dC	num		Number of millisec of cr delay needed
dc	str	(P*)	Delete character
dF	num		Number of millisec of ff delay needed
dl	str	(P*)	Delete line
dm	str		Delete mode (enter)
dN	num		Number of millisec of nl delay needed
do	str		Down one line
dT	num		Number of millisec of tab delay needed
ed	str		End delete mode
ei	str		End insert mode; give ":ei=:" if "ic"
eo	str		Can erase overstrikes with a blank
ff	str	(P*)	Hardcopy terminal page eject (default "^L")
hc	bool		Hardcopy terminal
hd	str		Half-line down (forward 1/2 linefeed)
ho	str		Home cursor (if no "cm")
hu	str		Half-line up (reverse 1/2 linefeed)
hz	str		Hazeltine; can't print ~'s
ic	str	(P)	Insert character
if	str		Name of file containing "is"
im	bool		Insert mode (enter); give ":im=:" if "ic"
in	bool		Insert mode distinguishes nulls on display
ip	str	(P*)	Insert pad after character inserted
is	str		Terminal initialization string
k0-k9	str		Sent by "other" function keys 0-9
kb	str		Sent by backspace key
kd	str		Sent by terminal down arrow key
ke	str		Out of "keypad transmit" mode
kh	str		Sent by home key
kl	str		Sent by terminal left arrow key
kn	num		Number of "other" keys
ko	str		Termcap entries for other non-function keys
kr	str		Sent by terminal right arrow key
ks	str		Put terminal in "keypad transmit" mode
ku	str		Sent by terminal up arrow key
l0-l9	str		Labels on "other" function keys
li	num		Number of lines on screen or page
ll	str		Last line, first column (if no "cm")
ma	str		Arrow key map, used by vi version 2 only
mi	bool		Safe to move while in insert mode
ml	str		Memory lock on above cursor.
ms	bool		Safe to move while in standout and underline mode
mu	str		Memory unlock (turn off memory lock).
nc	bool		No correctly working carriage return (DM2500,H2000)
nd	str		Non-destructive space (cursor right)
nl	str	(P*)	Newline character (default "\en")
ns	bool		Terminal is a \s-2CRT\s+2 but doesn't scroll.
os	bool		Terminal overstrikes
pc	str		Pad character (rather than null)
pt	bool		Has hardware tabs (may need to be set with "is")
se	str		End stand out mode
sf	str	(P)	Scroll forwards
sg	num		Number of blank chars left by so or se
so	str		Begin stand out mode
sr	str	(P)	Scroll reverse (backwards)
ta	str	(P)	Tab (other than "^I" or with padding)
tc	str		Entry of similar terminal - must be last
te	str		String to end programs that use "cm"
ti	str		String to begin programs that use "cm"
uc	str		Underscore one char and move past it
ue	str		End underscore mode
ug	num		Number of blank chars left by us or ue
ul	bool		Terminal underlines even though it doesn't overstrike
up	str		Upline (cursor up)
us	str		Start underscore mode
vb	str		Visible bell (may not move cursor)
ve	str		Sequence to end open/visual mode
vs	str		Sequence to start open/visual mode
xb	bool		Beehive (f1=escape, f2=ctrl C)
xn	bool		A newline is ignored after a wrap (Concept)
xr	bool		Return acts like ce \er \en (Delta Data)
xs	bool		Standout not erased by writing over it (HP 264?)
xt	bool		Tabs are destructive, magic so char (Teleray 1061)

A question: do the capabilities "l0" through "l9", when the description refers
to "labels", merely describe what's written on they keycaps, or should a
program which can load up "softkeys", when the program is running on a terminal
with "softkeys" whose labels can be set from the computer, load those labels
into the "softkeys"?  And, if so, what good are they, considering different
programs may want to put up different labels?

	Guy Harris

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