January 1984 Archives by author
Starting: Sun Jan 1 03:02:23 AEST 1984
Ending: Tue Jan 31 22:06:39 AEST 1984
Messages: 373
- DEC HSC50 disk/tape server query
- Whetstone/Gibson benchmark programs
- un-dedicating a line to a dialer
- adding new fields to termcap
Larry D. Auton
- restor (more related problems)
- IBM Bisync software needed
BillJohnston at BRL-VGR.ARPA
- Ethernet loopback
MikeO'Dell at BRL-VGR.ARPA
- 4.2 abrupt halts
roode%uci-750a at BRL-VGR.ARPA
- VAX peripherals...
gwyn%brl-vld at BRL-VLD.ARPA
- 4.2BSD _filbuf() question
gwyn%brl-vld at BRL-VLD.ARPA
- gosling's emacs for 4.2bsd
dove%mit-dspg at BRL.ARPA
- gosling's emacs for 4.2bsd?
dove%mit-dspg at BRL.ARPA
- Digital Sound Corp. driver for 4.2bsd?
dove%mit-dspg at BRL.ARPA
- Pyramid , Callan Products
hgb%sch-thor at BRL.ARPA
- recent xenix flame
shawn%mit-dspg at BRL.ARPA
- file access
shawn%mit-dspg at BRL.ARPA
- Cron dies, why ?
Christer Bernerus
- Programs unlinking /dev/null
Jonathan Biggar
- .login and .profile
John Bossert
- Disgusting kernel hack
Mark Brader
- Area-code as uucp domains-- better to use states.
Mark Brader
- In search of the mythical 2.9
Sean Byrne
- Request for 782 Unix software
Avadis.Tevanian at CMU-CS-SPICE.ARPA
- Disgusting kernel hack
crl at CS-Mordred.UUCP
- NULL vs 0
crl at CS-Mordred.UUCP
- BEWARE of TCP port numbers in 4.1c & 4.2BSD
Mark Callow
- Lost mail, replies, and apology
Mark Callow
- vnews mods for 4.2BSD posted
Mark Callow
- HELP me access a VAX CPU serial number from UNIX
Paul Cantrell
- more startup time
Smoot Carl-Mitchell
- Advice on VAX peripherals wanted, note re HSC50
Geoffrey Collyer
- alleged Disgusting kernel hack (contains free kernel paginator)
Geoffrey Collyer
- CSH script help needed
Michael Condict
- Disgusting Kernel Hack
Laura Creighton
- UNIX IPC Datagram Reliability under 4.2BSD
John DeTreville
- Datagrams Under UNIX IPC Domain in 4.2BSD
John DeTreville
- NULL vs 0 - chapter and verse
Alan S. Driscoll
- recent xenix flame--unlink("/dev/null")
Steve Dyer
- 4.2 bugs & fixes not incorporated into dist until after 8/83
Doug Elias
- 4.2BSD _filbuf() question
David Elliott
- Calling all make(1) gurus
David Elliott
- gosling's emacs for 4.2bsd?
Marc Elvy
- bug in news/uurec.c (2.10.1)
Robert Elz
- un-dedicating a line to a dialer
Robert Elz
- alleged Disgusting kernel hack (contains free kernel paginator)
Robert Elz
- 4.2BSD _filbuf() question
Robert Elz
- panic from interrupt stack loses
Erik E. Fair
- Serial driver problem query (v7 vs. System III/V)
Erik E. Fair
- Please name good brands of disk and tape
Erik E. Fair
- adding new fields to termcap
Doug Faunt
- DMA from User Address Space
- Streaming Tape Drives
- NULL vs 0
- Advice on VAX peripherals wanted, note re HSC50
Steve Glaser
- Graham Magnetics
Peter Gross
- QUERY: Legal characters in login names?
John Haller
- Doc bug in 4.2 utimes(2)
Scott Hankerson
- Which newsgroup is the real one?
Guy Harris
- un-dedicating a line to a dialer
Guy Harris
- Using "utime" properly (so it works on 4.2BSD)
Guy Harris
- VAX performance improvements
Guy Harris
- Please use NULL instead of 0 whenever you have a pointer!
Guy Harris
- 4.2 BSD Signals: A Proposal
Guy Harris
- New? idea
Guy Harris
- Checking for new mail ?
Guy Harris
- New? idea
Guy Harris
- un-dedicating a line to a dialer
Guy Harris
- How do I restor a set of incremental dumps?
Guy Harris
- file access
Guy Harris
- Disgusting Kernel Hack
Guy Harris
- Why datagram service is unreliable
Guy Harris
- NULL vs 0
Guy Harris
- NULL vs 0 - chapter and verse, and a reply to Charles LaBrec
Guy Harris
- 4.2 BSD Signals: A Proposal (actually, tty drivers)
Guy Harris
- dedicated tty lines, request for info.
Guy Harris
- NULL vs 0 - chapter and verse
Guy Harris
- adding new fields to termcap
Guy Harris
- 4.2 question lint -C
Guy Harris
- more startup time
Guy Harris
- Serial driver problem query (v7 vs. System III/V)
Guy Harris
- Problems with Drivers for Emulex cs21
Chris Hibbert
- IBM termcap wanted
Robert Hornburg
- Troff macro wizard wanted
Ross Hunter
- HELP me access a VAX CPU serial number from UNIX
- DES encryption with encrypt(3C)
- Disgusting Kernel Hack
Dan Klein
- file access
Steven Kramer
- Wanted decprinter 100 troff table
Noel Kropf
- NULL vs 0 - chapter and verse
Charles LaBrec
- tcp/ip on 68000
Mike Larson
- CSH script help needed
Terry Laskodi
- Discussion of "dbm" data base system
Jerry Leichter
- Call for sanity on #include files
John P. Linderman
- CSH script help needed
Dave Long
- Getting the most from 'more'
- un-dedicating a line to a dialer
Chris Maltby
- VAX performance improvements
Chris Maltby
- un-dedicating a line to a dialer
Chris Maltby
- alleged Disgusting kernel hack ( - (nf)
System Manager
- Disgusting kernel hack
Barry Margolin
- Disgusting kernel hack - (nf)
Barry Margolin
- HELP me access a VAX CPU serial number from UNIX
Dave Martindale
- signal handling in 4.2: Is this - (nf)
Dave Mason
- Please use NULL instead of 0 whenever you have a pointer!
Karlos Mauvtaque
- Use of encrypt (3C)
Jim Mayer
- killing a dead user
Lyle McElhaney
- RCS anyone?
Brian McElhinney
- more leaves terminal in ul mode
Jim McKie
- adding new fields to termcap
Gordon Moffett
- UNIX 4.1bsd info needed
Gregory Muth
- Which newsgroup is the real one?
John B. Nagle
- Does anyone have a vnews for 4.2bsd?
John Nelson
- 4.2 BSD replacement for jobs
John Nelson
- more leaves terminal in ul mode (& NULL, the last word?)
Phil Ngai
- Disgusting kernel hack
Phil Ngai
- alleged Disgusting kernel hack ( - (nf)
Lance Norskog
- How do I restor a set of incremental dumps?
Robert Perlberg
- un-dedicating a line to a dialer
cak at Purdue.ARPA
- 4.2 net wizardry
cak at Purdue.ARPA
- no way to force local ether traffic onto the wire
cak at Purdue.ARPA
- syslog(3) in distributed libc.a broken
cak at Purdue.ARPA
- anonymous ftps aren't recorded in wtmp
cak at Purdue.ARPA
- 4.2 BSD Signals: A Proposal
cak at Purdue.ARPA
- ftpd doesn't log anonymous logins
cak at Purdue.ARPA
- no way to force local ether traffic onto the wire
cak at Purdue.ARPA
- anonymous ftps aren't recorded in wtmp
cak at Purdue.ARPA
- VAX/UNIX configuration
cak at Purdue.ARPA
- more startup time
cak at Purdue.ARPA
- hosts.txt syntax error, line 866
rlb at Purdue.ARPA
- C Language Cross Referencing (survey)
sjh at Purdue.ARPA
- BEWARE of TCP port numbers in 4.1c & 4.2BSD
John Quarterman
- New? idea
John Quarterman
- C Language Cross Referencing (survey)
Arnold D. Robbins
- shell escapes from "more" ... bug found/fixed
Boyd Roberts
- Disgusting Kernel Hack
Boyd Roberts
- 4.2 BSD sites
George Rosenberg
- 4.2 question lint -C
Chuq Von Rospach
- cxref
Guido van Rossum
- more startup time
Sylvan Ruud
- none
vlsi.tg at SU-SIERRA.ARPA
- Please use NULL instead of 0 whenever you have a pointer!
Dan Sahlin
- dedicated tty lines, request for info.
Stephen Samuel
- Getting the most from 'more'
Gary Samuelson
- restor from tu78 with 4.1bsd
Bill Schell
- Scuba gear
- un-dedicating a line to a dialer
William L. Sebok
- improved 4.2BSD signal(2) library routine
William L. Sebok
- using encrypt(3C) to encrypt/decrypt data
- DES encryption with encrypt(3C)
- Advice on VAX peripherals wanted, note re HSC50
Bill Shannon
- un-dedicating a line to a dialer
Dave Sherman
- un-dedicating a line to a dialer
Dave Sherman
- ^B and ^C in tbl output
George Sicherman
- Advice on VAX peripherals wanted, note re HSC50
Henry Spencer
- NULL vs 0 - chapter and verse
Henry Spencer
- How do I restor a set of incremental dumps?
Henry Spencer
- list terminator for execl -- NULL vs 0 etc.
Henry Spencer
- In search of the mythical 2.9
Henry Spencer
- machine checks on VAX/780 under 4.1BSD (750 also)
Hans van Staveren
- VAX Serial Numbers
Armando P. Stettner
- CPU serial numbers
Armando P. Stettner
- more leaves terminal in underline mode
Steve Summit
- Porting UNIX
Gert Svensson
- Advice on VAX peripherals wanted
Gert Svensson
- Need info on format of /usr/lib/term/tabxxx files
Brad Templeton
- DR11-W to Model-1/20 on 4.1 BSD - (nf)
Spencer W. Thomas
- CSH script help needed
Spencer W. Thomas
- Discussion of "dbm" data base system
Spencer W. Thomas
- 4.2BSD _filbuf() question
Spencer W. Thomas
- UNIFORUM Break The Bank Dinner.
Spencer W. Thomas
- How do I restor a set of incremental dumps?
Spencer W. Thomas
- VAX/UNIX configuration
Brian Thomson
- UNIX IPC Datagram Reliability under 4.2BSD
Brian Thomson
- Disgusting kernel hack
Gregory R. Travis
- Disgusting Kernel Hack
Gregory R. Travis
- updated UNIX benchmarking tools available
Martin Tuori
- Cron dies - why! (Bug fix.)
Sven Wiberg
- Request for Jovial on a VAX
Alain Williams
- Does anyone have 2.9bsd??!!
P. T. Withington
- Wanted decprinter 100 troff table
Robert Virding XT/DU
- origins of unix
Dave Yost
- mt Xinu to Manage 4.2BSD Bug List
glc at akgua.UUCP
- Why datagram service is unreliable
jdd at allegra.UUCP
- rk07s and system 3
sbw at arizona.UUCP
- origins of unix
chris at basservax.SUN
- un-dedicating a line to a dialer
chris at basservax.SUN
- more leaves terminal in ul mode (& NULL, the last word?)
kvm at basservax.SUN
- more leaves terminal in ul mode (& NULL, the last word?)
kvm at basservax.UUCP
- un-dedicating a line to a dialer - (nf)
brad at bradley.UUCP
- Disgusting kernel hack - (nf)
brad at bradley.UUCP
- smalltalk request
tim budd
- Please use NULL instead of 0 whenever you have a pointer!
mark at cbosgd.UUCP
- Another plea for area-code as uucp domains
mark at cbosgd.UUCP
- Semi-conductor Disk for VAX - (nf)
scw%ucla-locus at cepu.UUCP
- Area-code as ... states -(nf)
scw%ucla-locus at cepu.UUCP
- Speed improvements for troff? HELP! - (nf)
rich at cfib.UUCP
- should init inherit orphans?
edler at cmcl2.UUCP
- HELP me access a VAX CPU serial number from UNIX
peters at cubsvax.UUCP
- Use of encrypt (3C)
- USG Release 5.0 sdb questions
- QUERY: Legal characters in login names?
fair at dual.UUCP
- Does DMC driver work with 4.2?
km at emory.UUCP
- NULL vs 0
rdsmith at exodus.UUCP
- recent xenix flame - (nf)
olson at fortune.UUCP
- signal handling in 4.2: Is this - (nf)
rpw3 at fortune.UUCP
- should init inherit orphans? - (nf)
rpw3 at fortune.UUCP
- alleged Disgusting kernel hack ( - (nf)
rpw3 at fortune.UUCP
- UNIX IPC Datagram Reliability under - (nf)
rpw3 at fortune.UUCP
- re-issue reference manual
arnold at gatech.UUCP
- UNIX OS References - (nf)
- cxref - (nf)
dan at haddock.UUCP
- HELP me access a ... CPU serial number from UNIX
jeff at heurikon.UUCP
- Help needed configuring UUCP security files
jeff at heurikon.UUCP
- Terminal Paging
wcs at ho95b.UUCP
- Another plea for area-code as uucp domains
mel at houxe.UUCP
- permissions on /usr/preserve
peter at hp-pcd.UUCP
- Database software for UNIX systems
840033 at G.Pavlov
- Incremental dumps using cpio: BAD NEWS
840033 at G.Pavlov
- more startup time
hogue at hsi.UUCP
- VAX performance improvements
kiessig at idi.UUCP
- NULL vs 0
jhh at ihldt.UUCP
- none
cpr%su-shasta at imagen.UUCP
- DEC Unix + DECNET gateways
kds at intelca.UUCP
- Bug in 4.2bsd with >8Meg of physical memory
dwight at jove.UUCP
- DMF32 print port driver (4.2bsd)
dwight at jove.UUCP
- 4.2 BSD Signals: A Proposal
tjt at kobold.UUCP
- How do I restor a set of incremental dumps?
tjt at kobold.UUCP
- How do you turn off encryption in the vi editor?
lsk at ltuxa.UUCP
- Undocumented "feature" of System V stty
adam at lzmi.UUCP
- bug in news/uurec.c (2.10.1)
kre at munnari.UUCP
- file access
chuqui at nsc.UUCP
- Getting the most from 'more'
rsp at opus.UUCP
- 4.2 BSD replacement for jobs
leei at princeton.UUCP
- NULL vs 0
mjs at rabbit.UUCP
- CSH script help needed
dhb at rayssd.UUCP
- NULL vs 0
guy at rlgvax.UUCP
- NULL vs 0 - a possible approach
guy at rlgvax.UUCP
- VSH on 4.2BSD...
dan at rna.UUCP
- VAX peripherals...
dan at rna.UUCP
- Checking for new mail ?
dan at rna.UUCP
- Checking for new mail...
dan at rna.UUCP
- Small bug in /etc/swapon
dan at rna.UUCP
- Bug in ADB
dan at rna.UUCP
- Domains vs. area addressing
mo at seismo.UUCP
- MicroTerm Ergo 4000 Terminals
adamm%bbn-unix at sri-unix.UUCP
- Mail Filters Needed
adamm%bbn-unix at sri-unix.UUCP
- CSH script help needed
adamm%bbn-unix at sri-unix.UUCP
- A Second Attempt
adamm%bbn-unix at sri-unix.UUCP
- termcap entry for Tymshare DNLS Workstation
Archunix%office-3 at sri-unix.UUCP
- Keyboard Change to DVORAK
DEPSTEIN%bbng at sri-unix.UUCP
- address change
EMIYA%ames-vmsb at sri-unix.UUCP
- UNIFORUM Break The Bank Dinner.
Geoff%sri-csl at sri-unix.UUCP
- Callan Data Systems 68K UNIX Systmes
HGB%mit-mc at sri-unix.UUCP
- Pyramid , Callan Products
JDS5.TYM%office-2 at sri-unix.UUCP
- quick hack
Satz%sri-tsc at sri-unix.UUCP
- vmunix/68000/sun/mmu
WATERMAN%USC-ECL%sri-nic at sri-unix.UUCP
- mailing list
btn.tsca%sri-tsc at sri-unix.UUCP
- Adding to your mailing list
btn.tsca%sri-tsc at sri-unix.UUCP
- Why datagram service is unreliable
buck%nrl-css at sri-unix.UUCP
- no way to force local ether traffic onto the wire
croft%Safe%su-score at sri-unix.UUCP
- UNIX to IBM Tape Programs
dan%cit-vax at sri-unix.UUCP
- 4.2BSD _filbuf() question
dbj%rice at sri-unix.UUCP
- un-dedicating a line to a dialer
dpk%brl-vgr at sri-unix.UUCP
- sigrestartable.s
dpk%brl-vgr at sri-unix.UUCP
- sigrestartable man page
dpk%brl-vgr at sri-unix.UUCP
- 4.2BSD sigrestartable(2) man page
dpk%brl-vgr at sri-unix.UUCP
- VAX/UNIX configuration
gottlieb%bbn-unix at sri-unix.UUCP
- Unix utility to read DECSYSTEM-20 Dumper/Achive Tapes
guyton%rand-unix at sri-unix.UUCP
- improved 4.2BSD signal(2) library routine
gwyn%brl-vld at sri-unix.UUCP
- lint bug (4.1 bsd, VAX 11/780)
gwyn%brl-vld at sri-unix.UUCP
- Streaming Tape Drives
gwyn%brl-vld at sri-unix.UUCP
- 4.2 BSD Signals: A Proposal
gwyn%brl-vld at sri-unix.UUCP
- using encrypt(3C) to encrypt/decrypt data
gwyn%brl-vld at sri-unix.UUCP
- signal(2) emulation for 4.2BSD
gwyn%brl-vld at sri-unix.UUCP
- Please use NULL instead of 0 whenever you have a pointer!
gwyn%brl-vld at sri-unix.UUCP
- mt Xinu to Manage 4.2BSD Bug List
gwyn%brl-vld at sri-unix.UUCP
- Coexistence of Sys V Bourne Shell with csh
gwyn%brl-vld at sri-unix.UUCP
- New? idea
gwyn%brl-vld at sri-unix.UUCP
- file access
gwyn%brl-vld at sri-unix.UUCP
- New? idea
gwyn%brl-vld at sri-unix.UUCP
- Checking for new mail ?
gwyn%brl-vld at sri-unix.UUCP
- Datagrams Under UNIX IPC Domain in 4.2BSD
gwyn%brl-vld at sri-unix.UUCP
- Terminal Paging
gwyn%brl-vld at sri-unix.UUCP
- 4.2BSD _filbuf() question
gwyn%brl-vld at sri-unix.UUCP
- Termcap entries and other terminal related things
gwyn%brl-vld at sri-unix.UUCP
- adding new fields to termcap
gwyn%brl-vld at sri-unix.UUCP
- NULL vs 0
gwyn%brl-vld at sri-unix.UUCP
- Nifty new book
gwyn%brl-vld at sri-unix.UUCP
- Please use NULL instead of 0 whenever you have a pointer!
gwyn%brl-vld at sri-unix.UUCP
- NULL vs 0 - (nf)
gwyn%brl-vld at sri-unix.UUCP
- 4.2 question lint -C
gwyn%brl-vld at sri-unix.UUCP
- Getting the most from 'more'
gwyn%brl-vld at sri-unix.UUCP
- UNIFORUM Break The Bank Dinner.
jbray%bbn-unix at sri-unix.UUCP
- Advice on VAX peripherals wanted
kermit%brl-vgr at sri-unix.UUCP
- 4.1/4.2BSD expand, vrelvm
lcc.dave%ucla-locus at sri-unix.UUCP
- anonymous ftps aren't recorded in wtmp
lepreau%utah-cs at sri-unix.UUCP
- more startup time
leres%lbl-csam at sri-unix.UUCP
- 11/730 MUD slot question
leres%lbl-csam at sri-unix.UUCP
- recent xenix flame
mike%brl-vgr at sri-unix.UUCP
- Printing ARP tables
mike%brl-vgr at sri-unix.UUCP
- Returned mail
mike%brl-vgr at sri-unix.UUCP
- net.sources archive
mike%brl-vgr at sri-unix.UUCP
- 4.2 BSD Signals: A Proposal
mike%brl-vgr at sri-unix.UUCP
- 4.2 BSD Signals: A Proposal
mike%rice at sri-unix.UUCP
- 4.2 packet mode NOSTOP
mike%rice at sri-unix.UUCP
- bug in syslog(3)
mrose%uci-750a at sri-unix.UUCP
- server for the "little" protocols
mrose%uci-750a at sri-unix.UUCP
- VAX/UNIX configuration
obrien%rand-unix at sri-unix.UUCP
- ra81 dump-code anyone?
ole%nta-vax at sri-unix.UUCP
- gosling's emacs for 4.2bsd?
ole%nta-vax at sri-unix.UUCP
- smalltalk request
phil%rice at sri-unix.UUCP
- Termcap entries and other terminal related things
phil%rice at sri-unix.UUCP
- 4.2BSD _filbuf() question
phil%rice at sri-unix.UUCP
- ^B and ^C in tbl output
phil%rice at sri-unix.UUCP
- Terminal Paging
phil%rice at sri-unix.UUCP
- Termcap entries and other terminal related things
phil%rice at sri-unix.UUCP
- ^B and ^C in tbl output
phil%rice at sri-unix.UUCP
- net.sources archive
reece%nadc at sri-unix.UUCP
- machine checks on VAX/780 under 4.1BSD
reece%nadc at sri-unix.UUCP
- Porting UNIX
ron%brl-vgr at sri-unix.UUCP
- 4.2 BSD UNIX Domain IPC
ron%brl-vgr at sri-unix.UUCP
- Discussion of "dbm" data base system
ron%brl-vgr at sri-unix.UUCP
- DES encryption with encrypt(3C)
ron%brl-vgr at sri-unix.UUCP
- Please use NULL instead of 0 whenever you have a pointer!
ron%brl-vgr at sri-unix.UUCP
- VAX peripherals...
ron%brl-vgr at sri-unix.UUCP
- Please use NULL instead of 0 whenever you have a pointer!
ron%brl-vgr at sri-unix.UUCP
- Keyboard Change to DVORAK
ron%brl-vgr at sri-unix.UUCP
- 3rd party copies don't work in 4.2 rcp
rws%mit-bold at sri-unix.UUCP
- 4.2 telnetd AYT bug
rws%mit-bold at sri-unix.UUCP
- dh soft carrier bug
salkind%nyu at sri-unix.UUCP
- minor nit in fcntl
salkind%nyu at sri-unix.UUCP
- Does anyone have 2.9bsd??!!
satz%sri-tsc at sri-unix.UUCP
- diff -c of ifconfig.c
satz%srijoyce at sri-unix.UUCP
- Lost Requests
unix-wizards-request%brl-vgr at sri-unix.UUCP
- Inquiry about 4.1BSD "dbm" algorithm
v.wales%ucla-locus at sri-unix.UUCP
- Discussion of "dbm" data base system
v.wales%ucla-locus at sri-unix.UUCP
- Disk partitions
v.wales%ucla-locus at sri-unix.UUCP
- vax750, ts11, 4.2BSD, and dump
walsh%bbn-unix at sri-unix.UUCP
- Keyboard Change to DVORAK
walsh%bbn-unix at sri-unix.UUCP
- 4.2BSD _filbuf() question
jr at taurus.UUCP
- Ethernet Able Board
Hsmith at ucl-cs.arpa
- Bugs in the make program
russel at ucl-cs.arpa
- Bugs in the make program
russel at ucl-cs.arpa
- dedicated tty lines, request for info.
dave%ucla-locus at ucla-cime.UUCP
- Disgusting kernel hack - (nf)
preece at uicsl.UUCP
- sdb bug - (nf)
edwards at uiucuxc.UUCP
- New? idea
chris at umcp-cs.UUCP
- net.sources archive
chris at umcp-cs.UUCP
- NULL vs 0
chris at umcp-cs.UUCP
- alleged Disgusting kernel hack ( - (nf)
chris at umcp-cs.UUCP
- Cron dies, why ?
chris at umcp-cs.UUCP
- 4.2 BSD replacement for jobs
chris at umcp-cs.UUCP
- Does anyone have 2.9bsd??!!
mark at umcp-cs.UUCP
- mt Xinu to Manage 4.2BSD Bug List
mark at umcp-cs.UUCP
- system table overflows - 4.2 bsd
tas at unc.UUCP
- .start_up
ed at unisoft.UUCP
- origins of unix
ed at unisoft.UUCP
- mt Xinu to Manage 4.2BSD Bug List
ed at unisoft.UUCP
- Streaming Tape Drives - (nf)
andree at uokvax.UUCP
- UNIX IPC Datagram Reliability under - (nf)
andree at uokvax.UUCP
- KED editor request - (nf)
andree at uokvax.UUCP
- 'The Game Is Up' (p. 46, Jan 1984) - (nf)
andree at uokvax.UUCP
- VAX/UNIX configuration - (nf)
andree at uokvax.UUCP
- HELP me access a VAX CPU serial numb - (nf)
jab at uokvax.UUCP
- "The Game Is Up" (p. 46, Jan 1984)
lee at ut-ngp.ARPA
- ftpd doesn't log anonymous logins
jsq at ut-sally.UUCP
- Another plea for area-code as uucp domains
thomas at utah-gr.UUCP
- adding new fields to termcap
bmt at we53.UUCP
- Please send the addresses of laser printer makers.
rf at wu1.UUCP
- Please name good brands of disk and tape
rf at wu1.UUCP
- Advice on VAX peripherals wanted, note re HSC50
leichter at yale-com.UUCP
- more leaves terminal in ul mode - (nf)
berry at zehntel.UUCP
- UNIX IPC Datagram Reliability under - (nf)
berry at zehntel.UUCP
Last message date:
Tue Jan 31 22:06:39 AEST 1984
Archived on: Mon Feb 1 19:51:23 AEST 2016
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