CSH script help needed
Spencer W. Thomas
thomas at utah-gr.UUCP
Tue Jan 10 12:47:17 AEST 1984
1. The "plugh" command you show is pretty well covered by the pushd
command in 4bsd and later c-shells. If you are still in v7-land,
the following should do it:
alias plugh 'if ( "\!*" == "" ) cd $prevdir;'\
'if ( "\!*" != "" ) cd \!*;'\
'set prevdir = $cwd'
alias cd 'cd \!*; set cwd=`pwd`'
2. To get your current directory in the prompt, the following aliases
will do it (assuming 4bsd csh, which automatically sets the cwd variable):
alias cd 'cd \!*; setprompt'
alias pd 'pushd \!*; setprompt'
alias popd 'popd \!*; setprompt'
set baseprompt = bbna
alias setprompt 'set prompt="$baseprompt $cwd >"'
A slightly fancier version takes into account your favorite csh
variables to abbreviate the directory name:
alias sortset source ~/bin/sortset
set baseprompt = "$prompt:q"
alias setprompt 'set prompt="["`echo $cwd | sed -f ~/.set`"]$baseprompt:q"'
This gives a prompt like
[$foo/bar] utah-gr>
The sortset script is given below. It contains as special cases a few
variables that I do NOT want to see in my prompt.
set | awk '/^ds/ { next; }\
/^old/ { next; }\
/^cwd/ { next; }\
/ \// { if (NF == 2) print length($2), $0; }\
{ next; }' | sort -rn |\
awk '{ if ($3 != "'${HOME}'") printf "s;%s;$%s;\n", $3, $2; }\
END { print "s;'${HOME}';~;"; }' >~/.set
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