link between UNIX & MVS ?

Sun Jul 29 08:49:00 AEST 1984

>does anyone know of or use some hardware/software to link  4.2 BSD UNIX
>(on VAX780) to MVS (on IBM4381 across the street) for file transfers at
>actual transfer rate better than 20 Kbytes/sec  and possibly some other
>applications like RJE ?
>thanks in advance.

  I responded to a similar question a while back in response to a
question about a similar sort of link between pdp-11s and an IBM
mainframe.  I'll repeat....
Subject: Re: HASP protocols on Pdp-11 Unix
In-reply-to: Your message of Tuesday, 17 Jul 1984 15:45-EDT.

> Does anyone have a program that will allow a pdp-11/24 running 2.9 BSD
> to communicate w/IBM (ugh) main frames using HASP?
> This is for some people within our university system, not on the net (yet),
> who need to do this.  Any all pointers will be appreciated.

  We have what's called a ComBoard from Software Results Corporation
connecting our VAX-11/780 running BSD 4.1 to one of our IBM
mainframes.  We also have 4 PDP-11/70s running RSTS that each have
their own Comboard to talk to the same machine.  They all talk HASP.
It's likely that they have software to hook up to BSD 2.9.

  Full address:

  Software Results Corporation
  2887 Silver Drive
  Columbus, Ohio 43211-1081
  Telephone 614-267-2203

  I didn't install the board, but have been told by the person who
did that the installation was relatively painless.
  The mainframe that it's talking to is (for now--it will soon be
upgraded) a 4341 running MVS/TSO.  I would guess that the change
from 4.1 to 4.2 shouldn't be too awful.  SRC may have already made
the port.

Dick Dramstad
rad at mitre-bedford

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