July 1984 Archives by author
Starting: Sun Jul 1 00:58:08 AEST 1984
Ending: Tue Jul 31 23:46:24 AEST 1984
Messages: 404
- Diskless Unix?
Doug Gwyn <gwyn>
- summary of C-standards workshop at Usenix
Doug Gwyn <gwyn>
- /bin/sh feature?
Doug Gwyn <gwyn>
- DMF-32 (and clones) versus DH-11 (and clones) versus DZ/KMC-11
Doug Gwyn <gwyn>
- summary of C-standards workshop at Usenix
Doug Gwyn <gwyn>
Doug Gwyn <gwyn>
- BSD support for new VAX lines?
Doug Gwyn <gwyn>
- DMF-32 (and clones) versus DH-11 (and clones) versus DZ/KMC-11
Doug Gwyn <gwyn>
- Async pipes under SYS3,SYS5
Doug Gwyn <gwyn>
- Is TERMCAP public domain?
Doug Gwyn <gwyn>
- minus zero strikes again
Doug Gwyn <gwyn>
- Using NULL as an illegal pointer
Ron Natalie <ron>
- BSD support for new VAX lines?
Ron Natalie <ron>
- VT (virtual terminal window package for unix) source
- Request for a tool to build makefiles
- Request for a tool to build makefiles
jpaulson at AIDS-UNIX.ARPA
- VT100 and bagbiting
- Program to call you at home
- Re Async pipes under SYS3,SYS5
- USERIO in service.c -- QUESTION
lblock at ALMSA-1.ARPA
- USERIO in service.c -- QUESTION
lblock at ALMSA-1.ARPA
- UUCP ignoring work requests
mm1751 at ALMSA-1.ARPA
- Controlling system security with a keyswitch
zellich at ALMSA-1.ARPA
- I am looking for 4.2 code to read/write ansi magtapes
- BSD support for new VAX lines?
Hans Albertsson
- COCOMO Staffing/Schedule model
Hans Albertsson
Hans Albertsson
- summary of C-standards workshop at Usenix
Kenneth Almquist
- Compact/Uncompact
Kenneth Almquist
- How do you get a TU80 to stream (2nd request, No solutions to the 1st)
Dale Anglin
- Why doesn't this work (fork and pipe problem) ???
Dale Anglin
- Bug in the Bourne shell
cosell at BBN-LABS-B.ARPA
hugh at BRL-BMD.ARPA
- VAX-780
hugh at BRL-BMD.ARPA
- BSD support for new VAX lines?
- BSD support for new VAX lines?
- f77 bug or am I doing something wrong?
mike at BRL-TGR.ARPA
- Driver for the DR11W
mike at BRL-TGR.ARPA
- BSD support for new VAX lines?
mike at BRL-TGR.ARPA
- Talk Command
mike at BRL-TGR.ARPA
- ecu IIs
mike at BRL-TGR.ARPA
- TCP/IP for System V
- BSD support for new VAX lines?
- Device driver subtleties
- 4.2 Select Bug?
- Netstat is SLOW, 4.2BSD, Easy FIX
- Rwhod inefficency fix
- Compact/Uncompact
- Compact/Uncompact
gwyn at BRL-VLD.ARPA
- VT100 and bagbiting (actually ASCII debate)
gwyn at BRL-VLD.ARPA
- DC3/DC1 flow control
gwyn at BRL-VLD.ARPA
- SCCS and RCS
gwyn at BRL-VLD.ARPA
- minus zero strikes again
gwyn at BRL-VLD.ARPA
- Fast File System throughput
John Bass
- console hang on 750 (4.2bsd)
Steven Bellovin
- newgrp(1) - inconsistent
Robert Berlinger
- Reading other terminal environments
John Bossert
- DMF-32 (and clones) versus DH-11 (and clones) versus DZ/KMC-11
Chris Boylan
- What is the TIOCNOTTY ioctl() ??
Dave Brownell
- Info Needed on IIS Driver on VAX
Ed Bryant
- Clarification of device driver subtleties
speck at CIT-VAX.ARPA
- VT100 and bagbiting (actually ASCII debate)
obrien at CSNET-SH.ARPA
- Size of 4.2 Swap Spaces
obrien at CSNET-SH.ARPA
- Estimating fragmentation
Steve Campbell
- Standardized predefined CPP symbols, down with folklore
David Canzi
- Qualified Names / Re: Standardized Predefined CPP Symbols ...
David Canzi
- /bin/sh variable substitution
Joe Carfagno
- VT100 and bagbiting (actually ASCII debate)
Geoff Collyer
- Using NULL as an illegal pointer
Pete Delaney - Rockey Mountain UNIX Consultants
- summary of C-standards workshop at Usenix
Pete Delaney - Rockey Mountain UNIX Consultants
- Summary: DEUNA drivers
Pete Delaney - Rockey Mountain UNIX Consultants
- summary of C-standards workshop at Usenix
Pete Delaney - Rocky Mountain UNIX Consultants
- TCP/IP on 2.9 (really)
Pete Delaney - Rocky Mountain UNIX Consultants
- 4.2BSD DMF32 DMA driver experience, anyone?
Pete Delaney - Rocky Mountain UNIX Consultants
- internet and kernel debuging
Pete Delaney - Rocky Mountain UNIX Consultants
- more secure login
Laura Creighton
- summary of C-standards workshop at Usenix
Laura Creighton
- backlog
edhall%rand-unix at sri-unix.UUCP
- need help with unix semifors, possible OS bug
K. A. Dahlke
- TCP/IP for Supermicro's (actually about UniPlus+)
Ian F. Darwin
- visual editor for PDP 11/34
Mark Dickey
- Unexpected panics
Anthony V. Discolo
- DMF-32 (and clones) versus DH-11 (and clones) versus DZ/KMC-11
Steve Dyer
- Inquiry: ACC IF-11/1822
Steve Dyer
- UNIX and Distributed Systems Workshop Announcement (extension)
Steve Dyer
- possible CCA/SMDS confusion
Donald Eastlake
- YACC and LEX Book Request
Nancy Ege
- COCOMO Staffing/Schedule model
John Eldridge
- Using NULL as an illegal pointer
Marc Elvy
- /bin/sh feature?
Ben Goldfarb Esq.
- Benson-Varian Plotter and 4.2bsd
Ben Goldfarb Esq.
- Correlation of block # to filename
Erik E. Fair
- HASP protocols on Pdp-11 Unix
Fred Fortran
- stdio.h, VAX versus SUN
Jim Franklin
- Restricted shells (or how to keep awake at night)
Bruce Freeman
- X.25 needed for 4.2BSD
Jim Gast
- Help! Ethernet configuration
Steve Glaser
- Is TERMCAP public domain?
Jeff Glover
- C interpreter
Healfdene Goguen
- unsigned char -> unsigned int conversion
Doug Gwyn
- CPP symbols
- need program to call me at home
John Haller
- QUERY: Coding convention
M. G. Hand
- SCCS and RCS
Gail Hanrahan
- _print/_doprnt; curses on sys III
Tony L. Hansen
- Async pipes under SYS3,SYS5
Toby Harness
- Why doesn't this work (fork and pipe problem) ???
Toby Harness
- increasing i-nodes/group in 4.2bsd
Steve Harpster
- BSD support for new VAX lines?
Steve Harpster
- Diskless Unix?
Steve Harpster
- Help! Ethernet configuration
Steve Harpster
- Sun Workstation Info Wanted
Steve Harpster
- QUERY: Coding convention
Guy Harris
- Bugs in the at command - summary
Guy Harris
- VT100 and bagbiting (actually ASCII debate)
Guy Harris
- /bin/sh feature?
Guy Harris
- Software Development System Product Announcement
Richard Harter
- need program to call me at home
Stephen J. Hartley
- /bin/sh feature?
Stephen J. Hartley
- program to call me at home
Stephen J. Hartley
- vi and terminfo
Kurt Haserodt
- XON/XOFF, VT100's, 4.2BSD and Unipress Emacs
Chris Hibbert
- version of plot(1) for VT-125 wanted
David Hinnant
- /bin/sh feature?
Dave Horsfall
- QUERY: Coding convention
Mark Horton
- 4.2BSD DH hangup problems
Mark Horton
- need info on sdb(1)
R. Curtis Jackson
- Why does the S5 init run "/bin/su" instead of "/bin/sh" single-user?
Jack Jansen
- YABB (Yet Another Bourne Bug?)
Jack Jansen
- 4.2BSD DMF32 DMA driver experience, anyone?
Richard Johnsson
- Using pipes
- Need help with writting a device driver for Ramtek Graphics System.
Bruce Keats
- Should shell command errors abandon subsequent commands?
Morris Keesan
- BSD support for new VAX lines?
Marc E. Kenig
- 3 ts-11s on a vax
Simon Kenyon
- vmunix dumping on a 730 under 4.2
Simon Kenyon
- 2bsd networking
Tom Kessler
- DEUNA driver wanted
Tom Kessler
- nroff - help wanted
Peter King
- The Flash Point of ETHER
Sunny Kirsten
- HELP needed from an experience lex-er
Andrew Klossner
- Standardized predefined CPP symbols, down with folklore
Andrew Klossner
- whoami.h, standardisation of UNIX ve
Andrew Klossner
- NULL as a pointer value...
Andrew Koenig
- VT100 and bagbiting (actually ASCII debate)
Steven M. Kramer
- Is the restricted shell really secure?
Steven M. Kramer
- summary of C-standards workshop at Usenix
Geoff Kuenning
- array processor for VAX and UN*X
Ralph Kuntz
- VAX Microcode patch tape
- "slewing" the system clock
efrem at LBL-CSAM.ARPA
- BSD4.2 question
- /bin/sh feature?
Charles LaBrec
- /bin/sh feature?
Charles LaBrec
- SCCS and RCS
Charles LaBrec
- the Convex - a UNIX supercomputer?
Bill Lampeter
- Why parse lines with colons
Nick Landsberg
- panic: pagein mfind under 4.2bsd
Terry Laskodi
- C Shells do not free memory; other quick C Shell bugs
Jay Lepreau
- C Shells do not free memory; (correction)
Jay Lepreau
- A super spooler
John M Collins M.A.
- My super spooler
John M Collins M.A.
- Documentation of spooler
John M Collins M.A.
- Driver for the DR11W
- Mailing List Misspelling
Michael_D'Alessandro%Wayne-MTS%UMich-MTS.Mailnet at MIT-MULTICS.ARPA
- DC3/DC1 flow control
- HASP protocols on Pdp-11 Unix
- link between UNIX & MVS ?
- PurDual 780
- Why parse lines with colons
Yehoyaqim Martillo
- Standard pre-defined CPP symbols
Kevin Martin
- VT100/VT132 & ins/del line/char
Will Martin
- But VAXes HAVE flashing lights...
Dave Martindale
- Standardized predefined CPP symbols, down with folklore
Dave Martindale
- Help! Ethernet configuration
Dave Martindale
- /bin/sh feature?
Dave Maxey
- SCCS and RCS
Dave Maxey
- PL/1 to C converter
Lyle McElhaney
- AD11-K
Lyle McElhaney
- Is the restricted shell really secure?
P McFerrin
- SH buglette.
Lee McLoughlin
- nroff - help wanted
Chris Miller
- Standardized predefined CPP symbols
Martin Minow
- Size of 4.2 Swap Spaces
Bill Mitchell
- summary of C-standards workshop at Usenix
- VT100 and bagbiting
- summary of C-standards workshop at Usenix
- BSD4.2 networking s/w
Lee Moore
- Getting PIC-y
Lee Moore
- Async pipes under SYS3,SYS5
TDX sys Mark Mullen
- Help -- pic will not compile
salkind at NYU.ARPA
- Does it pay to replace zeroed disk b
jbn at wdl1.UUCP
- Is the restricted shell really secure?
John Nelson
- /bin/sh feature? --- more lossage
Bruce Nemnich
- /bin/sh feature? --- more lossage
Bruce Nemnich
- more secure login
Phil Ngai
- Munched line bug is back
Phil Ngai
- 4.2 BSD driver for SI 9900 with 9751 disk?
Phil Ngai
- summary of C-standards workshop at Usenix
Landon C. Noll
- Qualified Names / Re: Standardized Predefined CPP Symbols ...
Clay Phipps
- Dynamic Loading Can Done in 4.2
PAD Powell
- nroff - help wanted
John Quarterman
- ACC IF-11/Ethernet
guyton at RAND-UNIX.ARPA
- UNIX-VMS uucp
lauren at RAND-UNIX.ARPA
- Size of 4.2 Swap Spaces
mike at RICE.ARPA
- efs server?
mike at RICE.ARPA
- Help -- pic will not compile
phil at RICE.ARPA
- Help -- pic will not compile
phil at RICE.ARPA
- Getting PIC-y
phil at RICE.ARPA
- Getting PIC-y
phil at RICE.ARPA
- Getting PIC-y
phil at RICE.ARPA
- A File Exercise - (nf)
Achut Reddy
- Wanted: Writers with UNIX System Experience
James Walter Reid
- Standardized predefined CPP symbols, down with folklore
John Rogers
- instrumenting caches on Vaxen
Chuq Von Rospach
- Question about "curses" and color terminals
Keith Rule
- /bin/sh feature?
- Extending the data segment
- question about redeclaration on 4.2
- Bugs in the "at" command - fix
- Bugs in the "at" command - FIX DOES WORK!!!
- pcc shared string question
- need program to call me at home
Leif Samuelsson
- bug in 4.2 tip
Charles Sandel
- A File Exercise
Charles Sandel
- SysV release 2 support of disks
Martin Lee Schoffstall
- XON/XOFF, VT100's, 4.2BSD and Unipress Emacs
S.C. Schwarm
- A proposal for a 4.2 BSD f77 mailing list
Donn Seeley
- Bug in mfind() in the 4.2 BSD kernel?
Donn Seeley
- Announcing '4bsd-f77', a way to coordinate 4.2 BSD f77 bug reports
Donn Seeley
- UNIX error message set wrong on open "file1/file2"
- uupoll vs. uucico for flushing uucp queues
Bill Shannon
- 4.2BSD DMF32 DMA driver experience, anyone?
Bill Shannon
- RCS (vs SCCS) needed
Andrew Shaw
- /bin/sh variable substitution
Dave Sherman
- UNIX error message set wrong on open "file1/file2"
Dave Sherman
- Standardized predefined CPP symbols, down with folklore
Dave Sherman
- Standardized predefined CPP symbols, down with folklore
Dave Sherman
- How to stop terminals from being stolen - RS-232 mechanism possible?
Dave Sherman
- Solution to uucp dialin security
Ken Shoemaker
- updated 4.2 BSD UDA-50 driver wanted
Stephen A. Shumway
- whoami.h, standardisation of UNIX version names
Keld J|rn Simonsen
- summary of C-standards workshop at Usenix
Henry Spencer
- /bin/sh variable substitution
Henry Spencer
- summary of C-standards workshop at Usenix
Henry Spencer
- public-domain getwd(3)
Henry Spencer
- QUERY: Coding convention
Henry Spencer
- BSD support for new VAX lines?
Henry Spencer
- summary of C-standards workshop at Usenix
Henry Spencer
- DMF-32 (and clones) versus DH-11 (and clones) versus DZ/KMC-11
Henry Spencer
- Standardized predefined CPP symbols, down with folklore
Henry Spencer
- DMF-32 (and clones) versus DH-11 (and clones) versus DZ/KMC-11
Henry Spencer
- Is the restricted shell really secure?
Henry Spencer
- minus zero strikes again
Henry Spencer
- COCOMO Staffing/Schedule model
Don Stanwyck
- Should shell command errors abandon subsequent commands?
Don Stanwyck
- Why doesn't this work (fork and pipe problem) ???
Don Steiny
- 3271 emulation on UNIX
Armando P. Stettner
- AT&T in Europe
Armando P. Stettner
- Commercial announcements by Richard Harter
Armando P. Stettner
- NULL as a pointer value...
Andrew Stewart
- dbx causes 4.2 to panic.....
Andrew Stewart
- Diskless Unix?
Milan Strnad
- bug in 4.2 tip
Sid Stuart
- Standardized predefined CPP symbols, down with folklore
Geo Swan
- Bread size 0 bug Please help
Peter Sykes
- more secure login
Larry Tepper
- summary of C-standards workshop at Usenix
Spencer W. Thomas
- summary of C-standards workshop at Usenix
Spencer W. Thomas
- Emacs and XON/XOFF
Spencer W. Thomas
- Bug in 4.2Bsd C compiler
Spencer W. Thomas
- Is the restricted shell really secure?
Gregg Thompson
- Device driver subtleties
Brian Thomson
- /bin/sh feature? --- more lossage
Mike Tilson
- none
cjet%ucbamber.CC at UCB-VAX.ARPA
- Macintoshes and Unix
mmdf%hcig.nott at UCL-CS.ARPA
- C standards
lcc.bob at UCLA-LOCUS.ARPA
- Clarification of device driver subtleties
lcc.bob at UCLA-LOCUS.ARPA
- return code from close
lcc.dab at UCLA-LOCUS.ARPA
- UNIX error message set wrong on open "file1/file2"
- "slewing" the system clock
- Unix 4.2 BSD Raw Socket
- CCITT/ISO Protocols Under Unix
- Is the restricted shell really secure?
- Is the restricted shell really secure?
- question: any milti generation unix file systems?
Chris Warth
- f77 bug or am I doing something wrong?
Greg "Bucket" Woods
- Lempel-Ziv Compression Made Swift (method of J. A. Woods), part 1
James A. Woods
- Lempel-Ziv Compression Made Swift, part 2
James A. Woods
- problem with bib and lookup
Rick Zaccone
- Standardized predefined CPP symbols, down with folklore
Mike Zaleski
- more secure login
Art Zemon
- Is the restricted shell really secure?
- /bin/sh feature? --- more lossag
- Help -- pic will not compile
creon at ames-nas-gw.arpa
- BSD support for new VAX lines?
eric at aplvax.UUCP
- TCP on Supermicros
eric at aplvax.UUCP
- Want results of recent discussion about YACC
rees at apollo.UUCP
- Why doesn't this work (fork and pipe - (nf)
brad at bradley.UUCP
- summary of C-standards workshop at Usenix
gwyn at brl-tgr.UUCP
- f77 bug or am I doing something wrong?
gwyn at brl-tgr.UUCP
- USG (maybe others?) bug in tty open/close
geoff at callan.UUCP
- Controlling system security with a keyswitch
geoff at callan.UUCP
- summary of C-standards workshop at Usenix
geoff at callan.UUCP
- /bin/sh feature?
geoff at callan.UUCP
- S5 init and /bin/su: a useful trick
geoff at callan.UUCP
- XON/XOFF, VT100's, 4.2BSD and Unipress Emacs
gail at calmasd.UUCP
- QUERY: Coding convention
mark at cbhydra.uucp
- vi and terminfo
mark at cbhydra.uucp
- SCCS and RCS
barto at celerity.UUCP
- /bin/sh feature?
- bug in 4.2 tip
speck at cit-vax.ARPA
- Fast File System throughput
speck at cit-vax.ARPA
- Why parse lines with colons
dave at csu60.UUCP
- HELP needed from an experience lex-er
peters at cubsvax.UUCP
- HELP needed from an experienced lex-er
peters at cubsvax.UUCP
- "slewing" the system clock
louie at cvl.UUCP
- minus zero strikes again
louie at cvl.UUCP
- me, nroff and refer .... HELP
- making it on 4.2
lmc at denelcor.UUCP
- Compact/Uncompact
- Archives
bass at dmsd.UUCP
- program to call me at home
honey at down.FUN
- no octal format in f77 - (nf)
kel at ea.UUCP
- Diskless Unix? - (nf)
mwm at ea.UUCP
- /bin/sh feature? - (nf)
mwm at ea.UUCP
- /bin/sh feature?
bet at ecsvax.UUCP
- need program to call me at home
dgary at ecsvax.UUCP
- Controlling system security with a keyswitch
jso at edison.UUCP
- h2C PROMs cure "dh0: NXM"s of Emulex CS21/H2 on our 11/750 using 4.1bsd
ado at elsie.UUCP
- Qualified Names mean you don't break the C Library
mark at elsie.UUCP
- f77 bug or am I doing something wrong?
phaedrus at eneevax.UUCP
zemon at felix.UUCP
- C expression parenthesiser
arnold at gatech.UUCP
- Why parse lines with colons - (nf)
dan at haddock.UUCP
- A File Exercise - (nf)
dan at haddock.UUCP
- TELEX and UNIX - (nf)
johnl at haddock.UUCP
- /bin/sh feature? - (nf)
lee at haddock.UUCP
- TCP/IP for Supermicro's - (nf)
stevel at haddock.UUCP
- Text-compression utilities
jim at haring.UUCP
- whoami.h, standardisation of UNIX ve
donn at hp-dcd.UUCP
- Help needed. A way to remove queued
ajs at hpfcla.UUCP
- DMF vs. DH timing results
stevens at hsi.UUCP
- DMF32 line printer timing
stevens at hsi.UUCP
- Compact/Uncompact
dan at idis.UUCP
- /bin/sh feature? - (nf)
jim at ism780b.UUCP
- Solution to uucp dialin security
day at kovacs.UUCP
- VT100 and bagbiting
hans at log-hb.UUCP
- pcc shared string question
dan at msdc.UUCP
- Vax 785 performance query
paul at msdc.UUCP
- Is TERMCAP public domain?
ed at mtxinu.UUCP
- How do you get a TU80 to stream (2nd request, No solutions to the 1st)
ed at mtxinu.UUCP
- Unexpected panics
barry at muddcs.UUCP
- /bin/sh feature? --- more lossage
bsafw at ncoast.UUCP
- /bin/sh feature?
bsafw at ncoast.UUCP
- VT100/VT132 & ins/del line/char
hoffman at pitt.UUCP
- Driver for the DR11W
dhb at rayssd.UUCP
- Bugs in the at command - summary
ras at rayssd.UUCP
- SCCS and RCS
guy at rlgvax.UUCP
- more secure login
trt at rti-sel.UUCP
- Why does the S5 init run "/bin/su" instead of "/bin/sh" single-user?
mike at sdcrdcf.UUCP
- pcc shared string question
greg at sdcsvax.UUCP
- cpm command; CP/M<->UNIX - (nf)
jeff at smu.UUCP
- nastyness in process group handling
jnelson at trwrba.UUCP
- 4.2bsd ethernet. Help?
urban at trwspp.UUCP
- Mysterious File System Curdling (4.2bsd)
urban at trwspp.UUCP
- Bug in the Bourne shell
aeb at turing.UUCP
- YACC and LEX Book Request
ccdan at ucb-vax.ARPA
- Ethernet on pdp11/70's
minnie.ccsteve at ucb-vax.ARPA
- fortran format specs
dlw at ucbopal.CC.Berkeley.ARPA
- /bin/sh feature?
matt at ucla-cs.UUCP
- Emacs and XON/XOFF
chris at umcp-cs.UUCP
- Using NULL as an illegal pointer
chris at umcp-cs.UUCP
- _print/_doprnt
chris at umcp-cs.UUCP
- XON/XOFF, VT100's, 4.2BSD and Unipress Emacs
chris at umcp-cs.UUCP
- SCCS and RCS
chris at umcp-cs.UUCP
- Help needed with BBN 4.1 Ethernet UBA IVMR errors
chris at umcp-cs.UUCP
- FTP prob in BBN's 4.1BSD Dist?
chris at umcp-cs.UUCP
- info needed
chris at umcp-cs.UUCP
- Re request for 4.1BSD TU77 driver
chris at umcp-cs.UUCP
- Re request for 4.1BSD TU77 driver
chris at umcp-cs.UUCP
- /bin/sh feature? (and, Fun With #! Lines)
chris at umcp-cs.UUCP
- Pyramid comments requested
james at umcp-cs.UUCP
- Compact/Uncompact
mark at umcp-cs.UUCP
- MISPLACED Product Announcement to this group
mcdermot at unmvax.UUCP
- /bin/sh feature?
ted at usceast.UUCP
- no octal format in f77
tcs at usna.uucp
- Controlling system security with a keyswitch
dave at uwvax.ARPA
- inetd wanted
dave at uwvax.ARPA
- using tar for incremental backups on 4.2 systems
dave at uwvax.ARPA
- 4.2bsd crashes in iget()
dave at uwvax.ARPA
- Device driver subtleties
dave at uwvax.ARPA
- C Shells do not free memory; other quick C Shell bugs
idallen at watmath.UUCP
- Re - Caltech Malloc and C Shells not freeing memory
idallen at watmath.UUCP
- Should shell command errors abandon subsequent commands?
idallen at watmath.UUCP
- 4.2bsd: Where does it say that orphan processes die when they stop?
idallen at watmath.UUCP
- Qualified Names mean you don't break the C Library
idallen at watmath.UUCP
- Telling shell command errors from command exit statuses.
idallen at watmath.UUCP
- TCP/IP over T1 query
jbn at wdl1.UUCP
- Munched line bug is back
jbn at wdl1.UUCP
- A File Exercise - (nf)
sml at wdl1.UUCP
- Correlation of block # to filename
jm at wlbr.UUCP
Last message date:
Tue Jul 31 23:46:24 AEST 1984
Archived on: Mon Feb 1 19:51:16 AEST 2016
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).