TCP/IP for Supermicro's (actually about UniPlus+)

Ian F. Darwin ian at utcsstat.UUCP
Tue Jul 24 07:55:21 AEST 1984

Steve Ludlum on `UniPlus+':

	UNiPLUS is not Berkley UNIX!!!!!!!!
	It is Systen III with berkley user programs ported over.
What Steve does not know is that there are `n' versions of UniPlus+
(note spelling; it's a trademark, apparently including the funny `+').
What UniSoft calls `v7' is derived from Bell v7 and Berkeley (2.8, 4.1?).
UniSoft also puts out System III and System V (`Consider it Standard').

	No Job control
	No networking.
Networking is available (extra cost) - full TCP/IP.
Uucp is included (it qualifies as a network, methinks).
	No sockets.
	No vitual memory.
	No ranlib
Ranlib is in `UniPlus+ v7', but not the System III/V.
Also missing is dbm, grep -y, and most of the things that
USG maintained militant ignorance of in going from pre-v7 to System III.
Hardly UniSoft's fault if they're a faithful port of UGLIX III/V.

	Yes vi
	Yes more

	Not a whole lot better that SYSTEM V. Unless you can't live without csh.
I don't understand this comment. It *is* System V if you get the latest
version from UniSoft. It includes both sh and csh, both ed and vi, etc.

			Only wimp programmers NEED csh :-)
True enough.

	Steve Ludlum, decvax!yale-co!ima!stevel, {amd70|ihnp4!cbosgd}!ima!stevel
Ian Darwin, Toronto
Ian Darwin, Toronto

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