Fix to sidestep nonexistent/nonexecu

hans at log-hb.UUCP hans at log-hb.UUCP
Fri May 18 02:55:06 AEST 1984

	Oh, sorry, didn't think of that. I certainly should have!
	So it should only do this for a select group of users, or
	perhaps only on the console?
	What of only doing this for standard shells? Such as ((t)c)sh?

	It still was an annoying and potentially dangerous situation, with
	^P at the console as the only easy solution. Are there ANY other
	ways out of a thing like that?
	I did have qualms about actually stopping the thing, and I sure felt
	mighty pleased when it came up with no serious flaws in the file
			Hans Albertsson, 
			Box 1001,
			S-14901 Nynashamn,

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