Info needed on 4.1bsd to System V conversion

system at asuvax.UUCP system at asuvax.UUCP
Fri May 18 03:09:11 AEST 1984

We are currently running 4.1bsd on a VAX11/780, and I have been
told that we are converting to System V.  Since we're licensed for
both, we wanted to port csh and other 4.1 tools to System V.
If you have had any experience in doing this, I'd be very interested
in the headaches that you encountered or any useful information.
Please respond via e-mail.

	Thanks in advance,

	Marc Lesure
	Arizona State University

UUCP:  ..!kpno!arizona!asuvax!lesure
CSNET: lesure at asu
ARPA:  lesure%asu at csnet-relay

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