Binet Connections on Unix machines?

sechrest sechrest at orstcs.UUCP
Sun Dec 8 11:27:00 AEST 1985

It looks like we will be working to set up a bitnet connection
to our vax running 4.2BSD. I have talked to the folks at PSU
and they have been very helpful. It looks like we will not have
much problem getting the hardware (a DUP-11 card) and the software

I am curoious about other people's experience with bitnet and 4.2BSD.
If you are running bitnet and unix, Please send me mail about your
experiences. (does it eat your machine, does it fail often, is it worth
the effort... (and on and on and on...))

					John Sechrest
					Lab Coordinator
					Oregon State Univeristy
					sechrest at oregon-state.csnet
					(503) 754-3273

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