system V graphics system

paul paul at vcvax1.UUCP
Thu Dec 12 01:27:42 AEST 1985

> >    We need to be able to generate simple plots under Xenix System V (from
> >    Santa Cruz Operation) running on an IBM PC AT using an Enhanced Graphics
> >    Adapter (EGA) video board .....
> >    I can't believe that nobody running Xenix on an AT is able to put plots
> >    on their screens ....  If we don't find something soon it's back to DOS.
> 				    Patrick Hayes
> 				    Logicon
> 	We are also very interested in this sort of thing running under
> System V  ....
> 		Thanks in advance
> 			andy
> 		Andrew Cobley.

VenturCom's VENIX System V includes graphics support for the IBM PC/XT and AT
consoles (among other devices): it contains an extended set of UNIX plot(3)
routines, and a plot filter.  Monochrome and color graphics are supported,
but not the EGA board (yet).

Paul Kleppner
VenturCom, Inc.

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