Gould pascal info

David Parter david at rsch.wisc.edu
Sat Dec 7 04:38:51 AEST 1985

> For those people using Gould machines and running pascal. I gather
> that many versions of the compiler limit source programs to a maximum
> of 10k lines. Is there anyone out who has these problems (or others)
> and has a cure?

> 	Thanks in advance
> 	...ihnp4!uiucdcs!ccvaxa!akhtar

uhhh... which Gould machines, and which pascal?  We have a 9080, which 
has LNS pascal (a pascal-to-C translator) as well as /usr/ucb/pascal
(which is NOT the same ucb pascal on a vax).  Our classes use the LNS
pascal, and find it suits their needs, although there are some problems.
If you have any more information, i'd like to hear it...


david parter
University of Wisconsin Systems Lab

uucp:	...!{allegra,harvard,ihnp4,seismo, topaz}!uwvax!david
arpa:	david at rsch.wisc.edu 

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