Announcement of mailing list for Integrated Solutions users

Laurie Sefton laurie at isieng.UUCP
Sat Dec 7 04:05:11 AEST 1985

What this is:  A mailing list for Integrated Solutions product users, and those
	       interested in Integrated Solutions products. Integrated 
	       Solutions manufactures 68K/Unix based workstations.

How to sign up: Send your mail address to:

		{topaz, allegra, decwrl} !pyramid!isieng!laurie
		{hao, ut-sally, cbosgd } !nbires!fred!isieng!laurie 

		and you'll be put on our mailing list.

We expect to send out our first list in late January/ early February.

Questions?  Write to the address above for more information.

Laurie Sefton
Integrated Solutions

*Integrated Solutions is standing directly behind me on this*

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