PRIOR GKS (I forgot to give references! Sorry!)

Pete Holzmann pete at octopus.UUCP
Fri Dec 13 15:22:43 AEST 1985

Before I get inundated with requests for more info about PRIOR Data Sciences
and their GKS implementation on Unix, Xenix and PC-DOS, I think I had better
give a direct reference for them so you can ask them all of your marketing
type questions...

Mail: PRIOR Data Sciences Ltd., 39 Highway 7, Ottawa, Ontario K2H 8R2
Phone: 1-613-820-7235
Telex: 053-3356

Our main contact: Ahmed Bashir

They have been a little slow in getting on the net, but other than that
they give good support. I can't quote current pricing, since we signed our
OEM contract a while back. On Unix, they support tek terminals, HP compatible
plotters, and a bunch of other things (AED, Orcatech, etc.). On PC's running
Xenix or DOS, they support various things... we are porting to DOS in 1986,
so I'm not certain on this list, but I believe they currently support CGA,
EGA, PGA, and some independent boards like the Graphax 20/20, etc. Various
graphics printers (e.g. Epson, IBM,...) are also supported.

If you have further questions, either ask PRIOR, or mail to me and I'll
try to give a good answer. I'm better at use-type questions than sales or
pricing stuff.

  OOO   __| ___      Peter Holzmann, Octopus Enterprises
 OOOOOOO___/ _______ USPS: 19611 La Mar Court, Cupertino, CA 95014
  OOOOO \___/        UUCP: {hplabs!hpdsd,pyramid}!octopus!pete
___| \_____          Phone: 408/996-7746

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