Daylight Savings Time

George D M Ross gdmr at cstvax.UUCP
Fri Dec 20 19:56:34 AEST 1985

In article <985 at rlvd.UUCP> drg at rlvd.UUCP (Duncan Gibson) writes:
>Last year I did some work with the "Newcastle Connection" ...
> One system took
>"British Summer Time" (BST) into account, and the other ran GMT. I can
>remember being incredibly confused when I copied a file from one machine
>to the other and did an 'ls -l' on it only to find that it wasn't due for
>creation for another hour (:-))

This is, surely, a failing in the way information is presented to the user.
The poor user shouldn't be expected to remember all the quirks of the file
servers (s)he might use -- rather the clients should hide them.  In this case
the date should have been converted into the appropriate local form before
you, the user, got to see it.

Perhaps this is a "feature" of the Newcastle Connection, or perhaps it's
just ctime that's broken.

George D M Ross, Dept. of Computer Science, Univ. of Edinburgh
Phone: +44 31-667 1081 x2730
UUCP:  <UK>!ukc!cstvax!gdmr
JANET: gdmr at UK.AC.ed.cstvax

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