Help with tu80 under 4.2

mikem at uwstat.UUCP mikem at uwstat.UUCP
Tue Mar 26 10:37:42 AEST 1985

Hi, I know I have seen some discussion about tu80's under bsd4.2, but
I can't remember the outcome.  Can one obtain a "decent" driver for
this device.  The distributed driver seems to run only in STOP-START mode, 
and is really **SLOW**.  Is there a driver which will make the device

Thanks for your help.  Please respond directly to me unless your
response is of general interest.


Mike Meyer --  Phone +1 (608) 262-1157 (Leave messages at 262-2598)

ARPA:  mikem at Statistics  <==>	mikem at Wisc-Stat.ARPA
UUCP:  ...!{allegra,ihnp4,seismo,ucbvax,pyr_chi,heurikon}!uwvax!uwstat!mikem

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