March 1985 Archives by author
Starting: Fri Mar 1 00:20:04 AEST 1985
Ending: Sun Mar 31 21:09:03 AEST 1985
Messages: 435
- L_stat and L_sub?
code 101
- ethernet performance
code 101
- kluge vs design
Doug Gwyn <gwyn>
- Shell out bug in pg (but a more general problem)
Doug Gwyn <gwyn>
- Sun keyboard driver?
Doug Gwyn <gwyn>
- Printing in signal handlers (more on ( alarm(1) == alarm(INFINITY))?
Doug Gwyn <gwyn>
- Relative speed of Bourne vs. C Shells - C Shell is faster.
Doug Gwyn <gwyn>
- Relative speed of Bourne vs. C Shells - C Shell is faster.
Doug Gwyn <gwyn>
- Help with LA100 Letterprinter
Doug Gwyn <gwyn>
- Dial Back isn't always secure
Joe Pistritto <jcp>
- Null in directory name
News Administrator
- Wanted: KMC11 driver for 4.1BSD VAX
Jerry Aguirre
- Possible \"spell\" bug + no fix
Jaap Akkerhuis
- -ms accent bug
Jaap Akkerhuis
- Time to live values for IP networks.
Larry Allen
- Time to live values for IP networks.
Larry Allen
- When does ( alarm(1) == alarm(INFINITY) ) ?
Keith Andrews
- How to catch a guru
Rick Auricchio
- Nonstandard partitions on Fuji EAGLE
Rick Auricchio
- shell character substitution
Rick Auricchio
- multibus drivers for Sun Microsystems 4.2 unix
Jim Avery
- sleep problems
- PS1 change (ksh)
- Relative speed of Bourne vs. C Shells - C Shell is faster.
- brl-vgr Bug Report
- how universal is tar format? SYSV?
Piet Beertema
- Q: How to preserve process state across logout/login?
Michael Begeman
- software ethics
Steven Bellovin
- UUCP & you
Eric Bergan
- What's wrong with this picture (makefile bug?)
Eric Bergan
- T1 links
Art Berggreen
- Newcastle Connection
Robert N. Berlinger
- vc hacks
Christer Bernerus
- A Ridge 32 mailing list for ARPANET
William J. Bogstad
- async disk I/O on Sys V*
Chris Boylan
- The Visible Cat
Mark Brader
- Relative speed of Bourne vs. C Shells - C Shell is faster.
Todd Brunhoff
- Wanted: UDA50/RA81 driver for 2bsd Unix
Sean Byrne
- Unix Memory Map
Brent P. Callaghan
- Vax/Unix file transfer software to Vicom/Versados
John Canning
- UNIX System III boot problem on PDP11/34
- 4.2 Info request: Read-only file systems
H. Morrow Long [Systems Center]
- Wanted: KMC11 driver for 4.1BSD VAX
H. Morrow Long [Systems Center]
- len>6 systemname in (4.2) uucp
John Chambers
- Two questions
David Chase
- a tiny bug
David Chase
- Bug in /usr/doc/run
David Chase
- Printing in signal handlers (more on ( alarm(1) == alarm(INFINITY))?
Geoff Collyer
- HELP is being needed
Central Committee
- Public Domain EMACS available from GNU Project
Todd Cooper
- how universal is tar format? SYSV?
Todd Cooper
- talk program
Laura Creighton
- 4.2 disk driver bug (and fix!)
Eugene Cristofor
- TCP/IP over T1 query
Frank da Cruz
- Help: 4.2bsd IPC routines/TCP sequence error?
The Sherif "Matt D."
- 2.9 BSD on a PDP-11/24
tpsc-irt at DDN2.ARPA
- shell scripts as login shells
- Publicizing Security Issues
- shell scripts as login shells on Perkin-Elmer
- Rebuttal to: Re: Flame Re: pussyfooting
David Herron, NPR Lover
- tar broken on SX-1100 ? (Un*x on Univac 1100 series)
Dan Davison
- Boot problems w/ new kernal and uda50
The Deity
- When does ( alarm(1) == alarm(INFINITY) ) ?
Bill Dietrich
- tcsh
Web Dove
- To Jerry on Symphony.
- 4.2 cc/lint strangeness (pcc)
Dave Edwards
- Needed: DECNET <-> BITNET / TCPIP <-> BITNET Gateway
Clayton M. Elwell
- The Programmer's Keyboard
Bjorn Eriksen
- PS1 change (ksh)
Dwight Ernest
- UNIX Device Drivers
Bob Esposito
- Dial Back isn't always secure
Joe Eykholt
- Two questions
Dave Farber
- software ethics
Dave Farber
- software ethics
Dave Farber
- Publicizing Security Issues
Al Filipski
- publicizing security issues (summary of responses)
Al Filipski
- O_NDELAY + cc[5] under S III
Herm Fischer
- TCP/IP over T1 query
Rob Fowler
- terminal servers and (their) flow control
Andy Freeman
- Plexus P/40 System III Release 1.2 'C' compiler/library bug
Andy Fyfe
- UDA50 fixes for 4.2BSD wanted
David L. Gehrt
- C Compiler under MVS
Norm Glick
- 6809 Disassembler/Cross Assembler?
the tty of Geoffrey S. Goodfellow
- gcore and adb
Ed Gould
- software ethics
Ed Gould
- 4.2 disk driver bug (and fix!)
Ed Gould
- 4.2BSD boot from slave 1 disk
Ed Gould
- how universal is tar format? SYSV?
Ed Gould
- oldest surviving Unix machine?
Ed Gould
- How can you look at the u.area of another process?
Ed Gould
- UDA-50 and 3-Com Ethernet on the same Unibus
Steve Grandi
- System V use of wait(2)
Andy Greener
- VAX clustering and U{n,ltr}ix
Peter Gross
- PS1 change (ksh)
Tony L. Hansen
- setting TERM [converted to 4.2BSD gripe]
Steve Harpster
- Bug in regex(3)? (and bug in sh(1))
Guy Harris
- setting TERM [converted to 4.2BSD gripe] (next Berkeley release)
Guy Harris
- Bug in regex(3)? (and bug in sh(1))
Guy Harris
- FIFO's a.k.a. named pipes (Do they exist?)
Guy Harris
- UUCP and me
Guy Harris
- Did you come here for an argument?
Guy Harris
- The Visible Cat
Guy Harris
- N unrelated functions in one program
Guy Harris
- Summary of responses to my question about HUSLOGIN on systemIII
Guy Harris
- talk program
Guy Harris
- Unadvertised sh(1) feature?
guy at rlgvax.UUCP
- egrep bug
guy at rlgvax.UUCP
- Shell out bug in pg (but a more general problem)
Guy Harris
- laser printers and 8 bit serial
Guy Harris
- BITNET <-> UNIX communication
Kurt H. Haserodt
- DECNET (DDCMP) inside 4.2 BSD? (question only)
Kurt H. Haserodt
- Problems with Berkely spooler
Lee Hasiuk
- Need for networking group(s)?
- Mod.unix is alive and well
- Porting AT&T's RJE software from System V to 4.2BSD
Steve Herber
- Multi-step implicit rules for make(1)
Dan Hoey
- vi bug?
Steve Holtsberg
- System III hangs
Nigel Horne
- Public Domain EMACS available from GNU Project
Mark Horton
- unifdef info request: what does -i[DU] mean?
Conrad Huang%CGL
- Did you come here for an argument?
billp at ISM780.UUCP
- 4.2 cc/lint strangeness (pcc)
darryl at ISM780.UUCP
- Plexus P/40 System III Release 1.2 '
jim at ISM780B.UUCP
- Plexus P/40 System III Release 1.2 'C' compiler/library bug
- Null in directory name
- Relative speed of Bourne vs. C Shells - C Shell is faster.
- Query about using multiple dbm files at once
David Janes
- Help w/pipes and stdout
Craig V. Johnson
- What's wrong w/this makefile? (.SUFFIXES:)
Howard Johnson
- Need for networking group(s) YES
Ken Jones
- 4.2BSD boot from slave 1 disk
Steven Kahn
- Sun Xylogics disk controller Reset Retry error
Brian Kantor
- Problems with restore (multi-reel sometimes loses list of tapes)
Joe Kelsey
- ULTRIX fuiword
Eric W. Kiebler
- VAX clustering and U{n,ltr}ix
Eric W. Kiebler
- alarm code
Andrew Klossner
- Gemacs on a sun - process control
Edward L. Lafferty
- shell character substitution
Charles Lambert
- Relative speed of Bourne vs. C Shells - Korn is faster.
Steve Langdon
- terminals that need LCASE
William LeFebvre
- pic problems
William LeFebvre
- pic problems on SUNs
William LeFebvre
- Address for the Security Issues Mailing List
Jeff Lee
- Public Domain EMACS available from GNU Project
Kenton Lee
- Shell out bug in pg (but a more general problem)
Mike Leibensperger
- Dial Back isn't always secure
D Levenson
- ditroff driver for Symbolics LGP-1 under unix system V
Creon Levit
- Public Domain EMACS available from GNU Project
Eli Liang
- msgs can truncate all messages once interrupted
John P. Linderman
- talk program
Mark K. Lottor
- ls(1) on System V
Carl Lowenstein
- What's wrong with this picture (makefile bug?)
- ksh PS1
- Remove me from the list
- Stty/Gtty on System III and PC/IX?
Ken Mandelberg
- shell character substitution
Joseph R. Mann
- Wanted: Ethernet/IPC Info
Tim Maroney
- ethernet performance
Tim Maroney
- laser printers and 8 bit serial (TANDEM)
Joaquim Martillo
- talk program
David C. Martin
- Off-loading processes to an idle machine
David C. Martin
- software ethics
- Correct use of scanf
- When does ( alarm(1) == alarm(INFINITY) ) ?
Jeffrey Mattox
- sendmail on 2.9
Lyle McElhaney
- Problem: EMC^2 Memory Installation
Donald P McKay
- gcore and adb
Michael McKenna
- gcore and adb
Michael McKenna
- 4.2 tty driver bug
Mark Mendel
- Off-loading processes to an idle machine
John Menges
- more parties
David Messer
- Remote troff package
Steve D. Miller
- Inappropriate posting to this newsgroup
Martin Minow
- PS1 change (ksh)
G A Moffett
- Digests & Direct
Mike Muuss
- Root Finder
Mike Muuss
- Clear Core
cottrell at NBS-VMS
- Directory as Prompt String
cottrell at NBS-VMS
- oslo-vax address change
bassen at NTA-VAX.ARPA
- Time to live values for IP networks.
Ron Natalie
- Time to live values for IP networks.
Ron Natalie
- UUCP & Ethics
Ron Natalie
- gcore and adb
Ron Natalie
- talk program
Ron Natalie
- pay-tv decoding case
Ron Natalie
- terminal servers and (their) flow control
Ron Natalie
- Forth
Ron Natalie
- Directory as Prompt String
Ron Natalie
- Inappropriate posting to this newsgroup
Ed Nather
- When does ( alarm(1) == alarm(INFINITY) ) ?
Radford Neal
- When does ( alarm(1) == alarm(INFINITY) ) ?
Radford Neal
- Printing in signal handlers vs. setting flags.
Radford Neal
- GNU emacs on mod.sources [a note from the moderator]
John Nelson
- VAX clustering and U{n,ltr}ix
Bruce Nemnich
- What's wrong with this picture (makefile bug?)
Greg Noel
- Read-only '/' - *ignore my last posting*
Landon Noll
- 4.2 request: Read-only ROOT filesys
Landon Noll
- 4.2 Info request: Read-only file systems
Landon C. Noll
- vi bug? (4.?bsd) (with fix?)
Arthur David Olson
- Question on "#include <time.h>" vs "#include <sys/time.h>"
Arthur David Olson
- shell scripts as login shells on Perkin-Elmer
Joe Orost
- Awakening the dead
Joe Orost
- Public Domain EMACS available from GNU Project
V. I. P.
- Flame Re: pussyfooting
Keith Packard
- ksh PS1
J. H. Page
- PS1 change
J. H. Page
- DECNET (DDCMP) inside 4.2 BSD? (question only)
Ricky Palmer
- 4.2bsd uba question (too many zero vectors)
Alan Parker
- multibus drivers for Sun Microsystems 4.2 UNIX
Craig Partridge
- CCI Power 6
Jody Patilla
- Relative speed of Bourne vs. C Shells - C Shell is faster.
Jerry Peek
- Wanted: TU81 driver for 4.2BSD
Adrian Pell
- L_stat and L_sub?
The Phantom
- wyse 50
John Pierce
- definitions (trade secret, copyright, etc.) and the courts
Joe Pistritto
- inexpensive twenex-style ^T for 4.2 (and 4.1)
Rehmi Post
- HELP is being needed
Current Premier
- Wizard's digest
Norman Pritchett
- Yacc C grammar wanted
- How can you look at the u.area of another process?
sanjay Radia
- Adding up columns of numbers- do you have stat(1G)
Steven Radtke
- Font editor
Harris Reavin
- Top problem
Harris Reavin
- how universal is tar format? SYSV?
Brian Reid
- Bourne shell io redirection with <> -- what is it?
Ned Robie
- Ethernet terminal servers
David Robinson
- ctype_.o in /lib/libc.a wrong in 4.2BSD?
Douglas Robinson
- tcsh
Dennis Rockwell
- request for info/help w.r.t. len>6 systemname in (4.2) uucp
Dan Rosenblatt
- digesting and intelligent subject lines
Chuq Von Rospach
- Needed Info on RMS type (ANY file management system) on UNIX
Chander Sarna
- GNU emacs at HARVARD
Marty Sasaki
- TCP/IP over T1 query
Martin Lee Schoffstall
- Public Domain EMACS available from GNU Project
Martin Lee Schoffstall
- Public Domain EMACS available from GNU Project
Martin Lee Schoffstall
- mailing list for Tartan C
William L. Sebok
- don't do long jumps in signal handlers
William L. Sebok
- need a copy of FORTH
William L. Sebok
- 4.X BSD dialin/dialout on Honey DanBer
William L. Sebok
- Recent fixes and improvements in Berkeley f77
Donn Seeley
- don't do long jumps in signal handlers
Donn Seeley
- Dial Back isn't always secure
John M Sellens
Andrew Sharpe
- how universal is tar format? SYSV?
Barry Shein
- Public Domain EMACS available from GNU Project
Barry Shein
- GNU emacs on mod.sources [a note from the moderator]
Barry Shein
- Tape drives and protection of tapes (using tar)
Barry Shein
- Public Domain EMACS available from GNU Project
David M Siegel
- Troff Inquiries
Ephraim Silverberg
- Troff Inquiries
Keld J|rn Simonsen
- Possible \"spell\" bug + no fix
Russ Smith
- bug in sh?
Tim Smith
- shell bug I reported here a few days ago
Tim Smith
- Re(2): shell bug I reported here a few days ago
Tim Smith
- The bourne shell again ( summary and question )
Tim Smith
- Rear-end processors for VAX
Todd Smith
- Sendmail and network sends
Jon Solomon
- 4.2bsd dump 2X speedup BUG +FIX
Don Speck
- Which IPC for passing control?
Don Speck
- Flame Re: pussyfooting
Henry Spencer
- oldest surviving Unix machine?
Henry Spencer
- Relative speed of Bourne vs. C Shells - C Shell is faster.
Henry Spencer
- Awakening the dead
Henry Spencer
- oldest surviving Unix machine?
Henry Spencer
- _avenrun symbol in UniSoft's kernel
Martin Stanley
- 1-second resolution of process accounting times
Jeff Stearns
- Unix System Administration Seminar
- Interleaved memory on a VAX-11/780
Armando P. Stettner
- Rear-end processors for VAX
Bill Stewart
- Expire With Accelerated Expiration?
Harald Striepe
- Sun keyboard driver?
Sid Stuart
- Anyone have fixes to 'make' for RCS?
Diana L. Syriac
- Flame Re: pussyfooting :-)
BostonU SysMgr
- UNIX-WIZARDS-REPLY-DIGEST-SORT-OF (not really a digest file)
BostonU SysMgr
- cpi.c source
BostonU SysMgr
- how universal is tar format? SYSV?
BostonU SysMgr
- Summary of responses to my question about HUSLOGIN on systemIII
Kevin Szabo
- Plexus P/40 System III Release 1.2 'C' compiler/library bug
Kevin Szabo
- Printing in signal handlers (more on ( alarm(1) == alarm(INFINITY))?
Kevin Szabo
- group accounting on 4.2Bsd, possible?
Vidar S|rensen
- UW
Susan Tabron
- Conference-Site-Selection model program wanted
Susan Tabron
- When does alarm(1)==alarm(INFINITY)?
Tom Talpey
- Relative speed of Bourne vs. C Shells - C Shell is faster.
Mike Taylor
- talk program
Spencer W. Thomas
- Re(2): shell bug I reported here a f
Spencer W. Thomas
- make depend
Wayne Throop
- Q: How to preserve process state across logout/login?
Wayne Throop
- Relative speed of Bourne vs. C Shells - C Shell is faster.
Mike Tiberio
- Help with tu80 under 4.2
Luke Tierney
- definitions (trade secret, copyright, etc.) and the courts
Mike Tilson
- software contracts and licensing - course for wizards
Mike Tilson
- fix to sendmail / save _environ pointer
Chris Torek
- VAX clustering and U{n,ltr}ix
Chris Torek
- Sun keyboard driver?
Chris Torek
- laser printers and 8 bit serial
Chris Torek
- Help: 4.2bsd IPC routines/TCP sequence error?
Chris Torek
- 4.2BSD boot from slave 1 disk
Chris Torek
- Question on "#include <time.h>" vs "#include <sys/time.h>"
Chris Torek
- 4.2 Info request: Read-only file systems
Chris Torek
- TCP/IP over T1 query
Chris Torek
- Limit to number of file structures... ?
Chris Torek
- Disk partition sizes
Chris Torek
- 4.2bsd uba question (too many zero vectors)
Chris Torek
- Null in directory name
Chris Torek
- Null in directory name
Chris Torek
- VAX clustering and U{n,ltr}ix
Haral Tsitsivas
- -ms accent bug
Mark Turner
- -ms accent bug
Mark Turner
- Gould running UTX/32
- LZ-Compres (v3) wanted ...
- Limit to number of file structures... ?
- sharable libraries for Unix - HELP
- 132 column terminals and curses
- faketerm, take 2
- ksh PS1
Doug Urner
- bug in sh(1)
- The Visible Cat
- Flame Re: pussyfooting :-)
- how universal is tar format? SYSV?
- O_NDELAY + cc[5] under S III
- terminfo for wyse 50
Robert Viduya
- The Visible Cat
Robert Viduya
- ksh PS1
Robert Viduya
- 4.2 request: Read-only ROOT filesys
Robert Viduya
- PS1 change (ksh)
Robert Viduya
- Directory as Prompt String
Robert Viduya
- make depend
Kim Walden
- Requesting info on UNIX look-alikes
Rich Wales
- Public Domain EMACS available from GNU Project
Chuck Wegrzyn
- Availability of GNU emacs on ARPAnet
Chuck Wegrzyn
- Getting GNU emacs over ARPAnet
Chuck Wegrzyn
- Another GNU emacs site on ARPAnet
Chuck Wegrzyn
- Getting GNU emacs over UUCP lines
Chuck Wegrzyn
- len>6 systemname in (4.2) uucp
Lauren Weinstein
- Adding up columns of numbers.
Mark Weiser
- Off-loading processes to an idle machine
Mark Weiser
- how universal is tar format? SYSV?
Rick Wessman
- Fix wanted. dz/bk buffer loss on 4.2.
Geoff Whale
- FIFO's a.k.a. named pipes (Do they exist?)
P. Tucker Withington
- When does ( alarm(1) == alarm(INFINITY) ) ?
P. Tucker Withington
- When does ( alarm(1) == alarm(INFINITY) ) ?
P. Tucker Withington
- C-Kermit 4.2 posting
Gregg Wonderly
- Missing Okstate uucp info
Gregg Wonderly
- Rand Editor
Joseph S. D. Yao
- Shell out bug in pg (but a more general problem)
Joseph S. D. Yao
- Boot problems w/ new kernal and uda50
Joseph S. D. Yao
- 4.2BSD boot from slave 1 disk
Joseph S. D. Yao
- net.os/mod.os
Joseph S. D. Yao
- fix to irritating rsh(1) quirk
Neal Ziring
- Has anybody put UNIX System V on a VAX 730?
- Has anybody tried to boot the UNIX System V distribution tape release 2.0 on a VAX 730?
- How many users doing software development can a VAX 730 running UNIX support?
- TFTP between IBM-PC, 4.2, Wollongong...
- pussyfooting
jack at boring.UUCP
- Shell out bug in pg (Actually: wait bug in V7 tar)
jack at boring.UUCP
- When does ( alarm(1) == alarm(INFINITY) ) ?
jack at boring.UUCP
- Interleaved memory performance - a query
mckay at burdvax.UUCP
- system will not shutdown
preece at ccvaxa.UUCP
- UUCP g protocol and satellites
larry at extel.UUCP
- HELP! dbx & adb crashing BSD4.2
joe at fluke.UUCP
- Info wanted on C-Flavors
keith gorlen
- Orphaned Response
dan at haddock.UUCP
- FIFO's a.k.a. named pipes (Do they e
mikeh at haddock.UUCP
- shell character substitution
mikeh at haddock.UUCP
- pussyfooting
stevel at haddock.UUCP
- UNIX kernel
k. heitke
- Hazeltine termcap needed
- Re(2): shell bug I reported here a f
johnl at ima.UUCP
- Disk partition sizes
notes at isucs1.UUCP
- RA81 disc curdling
- Problems with restore (4.2BSD)
- need a copy of FORTH
jeff at lbl-csam.ARPA
- TCP/IP over T1 query
mo at lbl-csam.ARPA
- Need help with Onyx c8000 box!!
- Help: 4.2bsd IPC routines/TCP sequence error?
sloane at marlin.UUCP
- laser printers and 8 bit serial
chris moore
- Did you come here for an argument?
cottrell at nbs-vms.ARPA
- The Visible Cat
cottrell at nbs-vms.ARPA
- Did you come here for an argument?
cottrell at nbs-vms.ARPA
- UUCP & you
cottrell at nbs-vms.ARPA
- The Visible Cat
cottrell at nbs-vms.ARPA
- UUCP & Ethics
cottrell at nbs-vms.ARPA
- subject
cottrell at nbs-vms.ARPA
- Clear Core
cottrell at nbs-vms.ARPA
- Help with LA100 Letterprinter
Rick Link '85 off
- killing server crashes 4.2 on vax 780
romig at osu-eddie.UUCP
- DMF-32 and 4.2bsd bugs
- 2.9BSD on an 11/34
jeffrey w percival
- need help: RM03 with UNIX 2BSD
jeffrey w percival
- Tape drives and protection of tapes (using tar)
rznowski at psuvax1.UUCP
- UUCP and me
lauren at rand-unix.ARPA
- software ethics
lauren at rand-unix.ARPA
- dial-back security
lauren at rand-unix.ARPA
- Responses on high mail volume to these lists
lauren at rand-unix.ARPA
- protocol over satellite
lauren at rand-unix.ARPA
- software ethics
lauren at rand-unix.ARPA
- software ethics
lauren at rand-unix.ARPA
- software-ethics list
lauren at rand-unix.ARPA
- digesting of this list
lauren at rand-unix.ARPA
- protections and list volume
lauren at rand-unix.ARPA
- definitions (trade secret, copyright, etc.) and the courts
lauren at rand-unix.ARPA
- UW
lauren at rand-unix.ARPA
- pay-tv decoding case
lauren at rand-unix.ARPA
- dial-back security
lauren at rand-unix.ARPA
- third parties
lauren at rand-unix.ARPA
- use of net.sources
lauren at rand-unix.ARPA
- more parties
lauren at rand-unix.ARPA
- File system limit in 4.2 BSD
dhb at rayssd.UUCP
- terminfo on at&t 4425
- Question on "#include <time.h>" vs "
dave at rocksvax.UUCP
- Orphaned Response
- Orphaned Response
- How to make Rand editor work with 132 column terminal?
wa371%sdcc12 at sdcsvax
- 4.2bsd uba question (too many zero v
lrr at siemens.UUCP
- bug in sh(1)
terryl at tekcrl.UUCP
- Question on VAX Page Table Entry in 4.2BSD
danc%sri-tsca at turtlevax.UUCP
- laser printers and 8 bit serial
lund at ucla-cs.UUCP
- Speeding up Sys V UNIX
reiher at ucla-cs.UUCP
- Forth
conjcb%Berkeley at ucscc.UUCP
- Volume on lists
emacs%Berkeley at ucscc.UUCP
- RA81 disk curdling
haynes%ucsce.ucscc.UUCP%Berkeley at ucscc.UUCP
- Unix Wizards Digest
jais%ucsce.ucscc.UUCP%Berkeley at ucscc.UUCP
- Would you please put me on your mailing list...
jparnas%ucscf.ucscc.UUCP%Berkeley at ucscc.UUCP
- fix to sendmail / save _environ pointer
louie at umd5.UUCP
- 4.2 disk driver bug (and fix!)
dfk at unido.UUCP
- talk program
jay at unm-la.UUCP
- Help with tu80 under 4.2
mikem at uwstat.UUCP
- "Are there tutorials on c-shell scripts?", summary of replys.
- Relative speed of Bourne vs. C Shells - C Shell is faster.
idallen at watmath.UUCP
- 4.2 C Shell does *not* kill stopped jobs on logout.
idallen at watmath.UUCP
- Is this a pipe, fstat(), and seeking
jbn at wdl1.UUCP
- signed chars
John B. Nagle
- TCP/IP over T1 query
jbn at wdl1.UUCP
Last message date:
Sun Mar 31 21:09:03 AEST 1985
Archived on: Mon Feb 1 19:51:26 AEST 2016
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).