UUCP, serial port, and ExorMacs wierdness

Brian Matthews dragon at uw-june
Wed May 15 15:00:59 AEST 1985

We're using an ExorMacs with 2Meg as a uucp node.  We're running uucp
version 5.2 (I think).  The problem is, if I start up uucico, or do a
uupoll from a remote machine, and there are no jobs queued on either
end, everything goes fine until the master uucico (running on the
remote machine) tells the other to quit.  The master finally times out,
and by now the slave uucico on the ExorMacs is just sitting on the port.
I kill the uucico, and a getty is spawned, but I can't kill it, even
with a 9 (as superuser of course).  The getty is always (at least when
I've looked) running at priority one higher than the other gettys, so
it doesn't look like its sleeping at priority less than PZERO (the
usual cause of processes ignoring kill -9's).  This occurs on both
direct connect lines, and dial up lines, and on three different ports
(and two different serial boards).

Has anyone else seen this type of behavior, and have you fixed it?  I'd
particularly like a response from anyone at MicroSystems who might have
some idea what's going on.  I'm open to almost any suggestion,
rewiring cables, rejumpering serial boards, hacking on serial drivers,
getty, uucp, whatever.  Currently the only way to fix the problem is to
reboot the ExorMacs; not the easiest thing to do once an hour.  If you
have seen this (or even if you just know a lot about the workings of
the universe), please mail to me at the address below (ignore the
address in the header) with any suggestions.  Thanx in advance for any
help you can provide.

Brian Matthews
...!uw-beaver!ssc-vax!cxsea(<-the offending machine)!arrakis!blm

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