May 1985 Archives by author
Starting: Wed May 1 01:16:23 AEST 1985
Ending: Fri May 31 23:37:30 AEST 1985
Messages: 402
- termcap for vt220/240
Roger E. Stoller at 576-7886
- Fifo files on 4.2?
Doug Gwyn <gwyn>
- S on sun workstations
Doug Gwyn <gwyn>
- honey-danber (a rose by any other name....)
Doug Gwyn <gwyn>
- Kernel mods and RTIngres
Doug Gwyn <gwyn>
- NULL problems
Doug Gwyn <gwyn>
- Xenix286 Wonders, Bugs, and Patches...
Doug Gwyn <gwyn>
- star in password field
Doug Gwyn <gwyn>
- Kernel mods and RTIngres
Doug Gwyn <gwyn>
- AT&T Toolchest
Doug Gwyn <gwyn>
- Kernel mods and RTIngres
Doug Gwyn <gwyn>
- Kernel mods and RTIngres
Howard Walter <howard>
- star in password field
Shridhar Acharya
- rts/cts on 3b2 tty ports
Skip Addison
- XENIX/V7 proc query -- add sys3 on a similar topic
Brandon Allbery
- difference btw splnet & splimp
Larry Allen
- PDP-11/84 info needed
Paul J. Anderson
- Xenix286 Wonders, Bugs, and Patches...
- diff between shell scripts
Tanner Andrews
- Extending the UNIX pathname syntax
Tanner Andrews
- The command "roffbib -x" doesn't work.
Vincent Aragon
Ken Arnold%CGL
- editing over a packet network
Ed Arnold
- SCCS, RCS, ISO TRANSPORT, and Kernel Hacking
Rick Auricchio
- SI controller hangs with 9766 drives.
Rick Auricchio
- Help with select(2) and SIGCHLD together
Rick Auricchio
- I/O drivers for Uniplus SysV
Rick Auricchio
- honey-danber (a rose by any other name....)
Larry Auton
- summary of replies to my ultrix query..
Frederick M. Avolio
- sendmail again
Frederick M. Avolio
- sendmail again
Frederick M. Avolio
tcs%usna.uucp at BRL.ARPA
- 2.2MB RP07s
tcs%usna.uucp at BRL.ARPA
- Unix PC and phone lines
Eric Bergan
Eric Bergan
- Kernel mods and RTIngres
Eric Bergan
- AT&T Toolchest
Eric Bergan
- AT&T Toolchest
Eric Bergan
- Wanted: ra81 driver for v7 on a pdp 11/70
Eric Berge
- Virtual Terminals
Art Berggreen
- setting per user ulimit
Robert N. Berlinger
- tape drive recommendation for VAX and System Vr2
Robert N. Berlinger
- AT&T Toolchest
Robert N. Berlinger
- Ethernet recommendations for VAXen running System Vr2 (v2?)
Robert N. Berlinger
- System Vr2 vs. System Vr2v2
Robert N. Berlinger
- Relative speed of Bourne vs. C Shell
Dave Berry
Laurie A. Block
- DATAKIT domain under 4.2BSD?
William J. Bogstad
- Is ULTRIX-11 really slow?
Dave Borman
- 4.2bsd Networking - Getting started
John Bossert
- Recover files from damaged Winchester disk?
James M. Boyle
- Recover files from damaged Winchester disk?
James M. Boyle
- multi drive cmi disk controlers on a vax750
Scott O Bradner
- long names in 'C' programs
Andries Brouwer
- Shared runtime libraries - SV shared memory?
Dave Brower
- rts/cts on 3b2 tty ports (flow control)
Jordan Brown
- select (2)
Steve M. Burinsky
- VMS-UNIX communication
Alan Butcher
- unix
- uda-50/RA81 driver
Edward A. Cain
- MFE and BSD4.2
Graham Campbell
- swap space utilization under 4.2
Mike Caplinger
- How different are uVaxII and 11/780?
Sean Casey
- UNIX-WIZARDS Digest V1#067
Dwight Cass
- new user id system idea.
H. Morrow Long [Systems Center]
- Use of Initstate and setstate for random number gen. on Unix 4.2 BSD
Vijay Chauhan
- How do you spell "Motorola 68000"?
Fred Christiansen
- NULL problems
Wayne A. Christopher
- 4.2BSD on uVaxII ??
Wayne A. Christopher
- /dev/kUmem and other memory questions
Wayne A. Christopher
- uucp over Ungermann-Bass Net/One works fine
Jonathan Clark
- VAXclusters
Dave Cohrs
- 4.2BSD on uVaxII ??
Dave Cohrs
- VAXclusters and UN*X
Dave Cohrs
- talk(1), windows & getlogin()
Michael Cooper
- rts/cts on 3b2 tty ports (flow control)
Mark Crispin
- RA81/UDA50 tools for 4.2?
Eugene Cristofor
- WordStar<-->Troff
George Cross
- Xenix286 Wonders, Bugs, and Patches...
Robin Cutshaw
- Xenix286 Hard Disk Boot Patch
Robin Cutshaw
- Xenix Vi Patch
Robin Cutshaw
- Xenix286 Wonders, Bugs, and Patches...
Robin Cutshaw
- Xenix fdisk and boot1 patches
Robin Cutshaw
- simultaneous file reading in shell
- WordStar<-->Troff
Ian F. Darwin
- WordStar<-->Troff
Ian F. Darwin
- 4.2BSD on uVaxII ??
David Herron, NPR Lover
- Sccs vs. Rcs
David Herron, NPR Lover
- Problem w/750 upgrade to rev. 7
David Herron, NPR Lover
- ANSI and IBM labeled tape program posted to net.sources
David Herron, NPR Lover
- 4.2BSD on uVaxII ??
David Herron, NPR Lover
- Sccs vs. Rcs
David Herron, NPR Lover
- Sccs vs. Rcs
David Herron, NPR Lover
- trw distribution
David Herron, NPR Lover
- Further news on our 750's rev 7 upgrade
David Herron, NPR Lover
- binary i/o problem
Roger Davis
- Unix security-references wanted, outside of the standard ones
Dan Davison
- regex: sysIII/V to 4.?
Jeff Dean
- MagTape Dump Routine: tsdump() problems; HELP
Pete Delaney
- Why doesn't the VAX assym.s/genassym.c stuff #define KERNEL?
Pete Delaney
- UPAGES kernel constant
Ralph E Droms
- Rebooting 4.2BSD on a 780
Ralph E Droms
- Shared runtime libraries - SV shared memory?
Robert P. Eby
- 'munhash' panic
Will Edgington/Ejeo
- S on sun workstations
Hans Eriksson
- How do you spell "Motorola 68000"?
Dave Van Ess
- r/w access to fd from creat() + new question
Alan Fargusson
- long names in 'C' programs
Guy Finney
- Do inter-process pipes use secondary (disc) memory for buffering?
Johan Finnved
- Strange behavior in 'make'
Stanley Friesen
- 4.2BSD on uVaxII ??
Stanley Friesen
- Graphics and Virtual Terminals
Will Fuller
- Do inter-process pipes use secondary (disc) memory for buffering?
- Sun delivery times
John Gilmore
- a smarter soelim
Ed Gould
- Info needed on Dec DHU11 communication board
Ed Gould
- Xenix286 Wonders, Bugs, and Patches...
Guy Harris
Guy Harris
- r/w access to fd from creat()
Guy Harris
- How do you spell "Motorola 68000"?
Guy Harris
- How do you spell "how big is that window"?
Guy Harris
- AT&T Toolchest
Rod Hart
- uvax II
Chuck Hedrick
- "n" key worn out?
- Is ULTRIX-11 really slow?
Juha I. Heinanen
- KEEPALIVE's do not always work.
Stephen Hemminger
- Do inter-process pipes use secondary (disc) memory for buffering?
Michael W. Herman
- Measure data transmission rates through unix pipes [followup to my previous article]
Michael W. Herman
- SUN NFS under Sys V?
David Hinnant
- setting per user ulimit
Tim Hitchcock
- r/w access to fd from creat()
- BSD 4.2 UDA50 driver
Jim Holeman
- rts/cts on 3b2 tty ports
Peter Honeyman
- rts/cts on 3b2 tty ports (flow control)
Peter Honeyman
- Interlan, 11/70 & 2.9?
Clyde W. Hoover
- read/write I/O redirection for sh
Brian Horn
- Xenix286 Wonders, Bugs, and Patches...
Mark Horton
- AF_UNIX domain socket question.
Jordan K. Hubbard
- Problem with modem ports
Steve Hubert
- Voodoo Practices
Jim Hutchison
- Setting environment variables wi
spence at ICO.UUCP
- Quelling Filesystem Activity
jim at ISM780B.UUCP
- long names in 'C' programs
- long names in 'C' programs (reprise)
- Info wanted on Analogue input/output for the Sun
- new user id system idea.
- Bad sectors in distribution
Kenneth H. Jacker
- Unix SVR2 on Vax: bug in cpp causes confused sdb
R. Curtis Jackson
- ?bug? with new SVR2 malloc library
R. Curtis Jackson
- run queues on Vaxen running Unix
R. Curtis Jackson
- vax/unix to vax/vms
Paul Jensen
- Royalities on code using Yacc, Lex, Stdio, etc.
- Kernel mods and RTIngres
Joe Kalash
- Kernel mods and RTIngres
Joe Kalash
- Kernel mods and RTIngres
Joe Kalash
- UNIX-WIZARDS Digest V1#059 (Sccs vs. Rcs)
Christopher A Kent
- Need a DEQNA driver
Christopher A Kent
- Is ULTRIX-11 really slow?
Sam Kimery
Yosef Klavan
- Reading environments in C (I need some help)
Peter Klosky
- Quelling Filesystem Activity
Steven M. Kramer
- Xenix286 Wonders, Bugs, and Patches...
Jonathan W. Krueger
- process size limits under xenix 3.0
John Kullmann
- weirdness in 4.2BSD w.r.t. "deficit"
Mike Kupfer
- Problem with modem ports (bug in 4.2BSD dmf driver)
Ken Lalonde
- HELP: reason of panic?
Dongman Lee
- UUCP, serial port, and ExorMacs wierdness
Chris Lewis
- Setting environment variables within a C program.
Don Libes
- talk(1), windows & getlogin()
Rick Lindsley
- simultaneous file reading in shell
Steven List
- Voodoo Practices
- star in password field
- Synchronizing the time on machines
Bob Lord
- 4.2BSD on uVaxII ??
- 4.2BSD on uVaxII ??
Andrew Macpherson
- TANDEM not working under 4.2bsd
William P. Malloy
- Need RA81 driver for V7 and/or 2.9BSD
System Management
- /dev/kUmem and other memory questions
Alan Martello
- Is ULTRIX-11 really slow?
Joaquim Martillo
- Xenix286 Wonders, Bugs, and Patches...
John Mashey
- UUCP, serial port, and ExorMacs wierdness
Brian Matthews
- UUCP, serial port, and ExorMacs wierdness
Brian Matthews
- Celerity C1200 Computer
Oliver A. McBryan
- 'munhash' panic
Doug McCallum
- honey-danber (a rose by any other name....)
Lyle McElhaney
- honey-danber (a rose by any other name....)
Lyle McElhaney
- Info needed on Dec DHU11 communication board
Jim McKie
- 4.2BSD on uVaxII ?? (actually delivery times)
Jim McKie
- anybody running multiple protocols on a single cable?
Guy Middleton
- Convex C-1 computer? --VECTORIZATION (flame)
Eugene Miya
- MicroVAX II performance?
Daryl Monge
- termcap for use with emacs editor?
James Mower
- form feeds in postings
Keith Muller
- \"Not enough core\" message
Mike Muuss
- VAX \"pagein mfind\" crash
eichelbe at NADC
- C Coroutines
bill at NBS-SSI.ARPA
- Pascal to C translators
- Fifo files on 4.2?
Ron Natalie
- difference btw splnet & splimp
Ron Natalie
- Fifo files on 4.2?
Ron Natalie
- AT&T Toolchest
Ed Nather
- Fifo files on 4.2?
John Nelson
- Sccs vs. Rcs
John P. Nelson
- VAX \"pagein mfind\" crash
Bruce Nemnich
- a smarter soelim
Francie J Newbery
- Bulk storage
Mike Newton
Phil Ngai
- rts/cts on 3b2 tty ports
Phil Ngai
- rts/cts on 3b2 tty ports
Phil Ngai
- Unkillable processes
Greg Noel
- The winners from the 1984 Obfuscated C Code contest
Landon Noll
- Why sync three times
Mike O'Dell
- Quelling Filesyustem Activity
Arthur David Olson
- badsect and dump
Arthur David Olson
- Sccs vs. Rcs (really 'co' to stdout)
Dave Olson
- Ethernet terminal concentrators + VAX 11/785 ?
Dennis Olsson
- Another uvax question
Ricky Palmer
- Bug in vi -x
Cecilia R. Panicali
- dmf driver
Alan Parker
- Mods to rdump
Craig Partridge
- Another uvax question
Craig Partridge
- changing the 4.2 broadcast address
Craig Partridge
- Window Managers Inquiry
Craig Partridge
- UNIX/SNA Communications?
Darwyn Peachey
- 4.2BSD on uVaxII ??
Pete Kaiser, HLO2-1/N10 225-5441
- Andrew Window System
James Peterson
- new user id system idea.
John Pierce
- CDC 9771 experiences?
Mark Plotnick
- UNIX PC quickie environment, installment 1
Adam V. Reed
- Shared runtime libraries - SV shared memory?
Adam V. Reed
- MicroVax-II Ultrix-32m combo benchmarks
Douglas Robinson
- "#! /bin/sh" vs ":"
Roger Rohrbach
- star in password field
Gary J. Rosenblum
- XNS on UNIX (Summary of responses)
Michael Rourke
- form feeds in postings
John Ruschmeyer
- DEC Pro INfo Request
- 4.2BSD on uVaxII ??
Marty Sasaki
- "Not enough core" message
Sebastian Schmitz
- Ethernet terminal concentrators + VAX 11/785 ?
Sebastian Schmitz
- 4.2BSD on uVaxII ??
Sebastian Schmitz
- 4.2BSD on uVaxII ??
Sebastian Schmitz
- 4.2BSD on uVaxII ??
Sebastian Schmitz
- rts/cts on 3b2 tty ports
Andrew T. Schnable
- uda50 Driver with uudump wanted
Ronnie Schnell
- rts/cts on 3b2 tty ports
Larry Schroeder
- trunc() call for Sys V?
Donn Seeley
- /dev/kUmem and other memory questions
Donn Seeley
- How can we make UNIX drop the line on logout?
John M Sellens
- soelim and troff on remote machines
John M Sellens
- summary of replies to my ultrix query..
Sid Shapiro
- 4.2BSD on uVaxII ??
Barry Shein
- Shared runtime libraries - SV shared memory?
Chuck Simmons
- oldest Unix machine(s)
Roy Smith
- a smarter soelim
Roy Smith
- ... \"the long name problem\"? ( UniSoft users note ).
Tim Smith
- more unix ideas
Tim Smith
- RA81/UDA50 tools for 4.2?
Cliff Spencer
- "ofiles" posted to net.sources
Cliff Spencer
- Xenix286 Wonders, Bugs, and Patches...
Henry Spencer
- oldest Unix machine(s)
Henry Spencer
- Further news on our 750's rev 7 upgrade
Henry Spencer
- Quelling Filesyustem Activity
Henry Spencer
- 4.2BSD on uVaxII ??
Henry Spencer
- BSDish TSV11 driver for ULTRIX-11?
Henry Spencer
- trunc() call for Sys V?
Martin Stanley
- Unix on a Vax 11/725?
Harald Striepe
- Unix System V for IBM-like mainframes
Robert Stroud
- The 8th bit
Jon S. Stumpf
- Unkillable processes
Randy Suess
- Virtual Terminals
BostonU SysMgr
- Forcing a UMOUNT of a file system by killing all procs....
BostonU SysMgr
- 2.2MB RP07s
BostonU SysMgr
- Need a DEQNA driver
BostonU SysMgr
BostonU SysMgr
- Another uvax question
BostonU SysMgr
- rts/cts on 3b2 tty ports (flow control)
BostonU SysMgr
- Two thoughts: uvaxII+shared libraries
BostonU SysMgr
- Xenix286 Wonders, Bugs, and Patches...
- Missing feature in config(8)
Fred L. Templin
- Experience with MicroVAX II
Avadis Tevanian
- AF_UNIX domain socket question.
Robert Thau
- UPAGES kernel constant
Spencer W. Thomas
- dumber terminal device drivers // DG AOS does it right
Wayne Throop
- Quelling Filesystem Activity
Chris Torek
- Quelling Filesystem Activity
Chris Torek
- Fifo files on 4.2?
Chris Torek
- RA81/UDA50 tools for 4.2?
Chris Torek
- Do inter-process pipes use secondary (disc) memory for buffering?
Chris Torek
- VAX \"pagein mfind\" crash
Chris Torek
- Sccs vs. Rcs
Chris Torek
- Sccs vs. Rcs
Chris Torek
- swap space utilization under 4.2
Chris Torek
- Help with select(2) and SIGCHLD together
Chris Torek
- /dev/kUmem and other memory questions
Chris Torek
- AF_UNIX domain socket question.
Chris Torek
- Kernel mods and RTIngres
Spiros Triantafyllopoulos
- Fixed head Fuji Eagles (has anyone used them)
Dave Truesdell
- Why sync three times
Tom Truscott
- Is ULTRIX-11 really slow?
Dan Ts'o
- 4.2BSD on uVaxII ??
Dan Ts'o
- 4.2BSD on uVaxII ??
Dan Ts'o
- Voodoo Practices
Dan Ts'o
- MicroVAX II performance?
Dan Ts'o
- vax/unix to vax/vms
Dan Ts'o
- extension to L (local) flag in sys file
Ken Turkowski
- How do you spell "Motorola 68000"?
Ken Turkowski
- sync sync sync
- ct and security
- Fifo files on 4.2?
- Xenix286 Wonders, Bugs, and Patches...
- AT&T Toolchest
Peter Vanderbilt
- rts/cts on 3b2 tty ports
Robert Viduya
- rts/cts on 3b2 tty ports
Robert Viduya
- Shared runtime libraries - SV shared memory?
Robert Viduya
- rts/cts on 3b2 tty ports (flow control)
Robert Viduya
- rts/cts on 3b2 tty ports
Robert Viduya
- Xenix286 Wonders, Bugs, and Patches...
Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX
- Microsoft C and Filepath
Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX
- tbl and nroff -mm
Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX
- more unix ideas
wizard%wisdom.bitnet at WISCVM.ARPA
- Re(cap): Which Unix?
Larry Wall
- honey-danber (a rose by any other name....)
Earl Wallace
- 4.2BSD on uVaxII ??
Peter N. Wan
- Wanted: UNIX(tm) for Datapoint 8800
Peter N. Wan
- Need information about remote login
Chuck Wegrzyn
- RA81 vs. Emulex/Eagle
Mark Weiser
- More on Sun responsiveness: good.
Mark Weiser
- 'munhash' panic
George White
- Query on shells
Gregg Wonderly
- Voodoo Practices
John Woods
- Bug in 2.9BSD RL driver
John Woods
- Bad UDA boot code in VMB.EXE
Joseph S. D. Yao
- 1/4 tape drive formats
Joseph S. D. Yao
- gigi termcap
Joseph S. D. Yao
- RA60 hard error on 4.2BSD
Joseph S. D. Yao
- Setting environment variables within a C program.
Joseph S. D. Yao
- Re(cap): Which Unix?
Joseph S. D. Yao
- Control Z, Kill, Emacs, and Resurrections?
Joseph S. D. Yao
- Virtual Terminals
Joseph S. D. Yao
- 4.2 Vax / IBM PC network with MIT PC/IP
Brad Yearwood
- Previous summary on ULTRIX: New Info..
Ozan Yigit
- Shared runtime libraries - SV shared memory?
Mike Zaleski
- What is a *.CKP file?
Seth H Zirin
- star in password field
Seth H Zirin
- V7 or 2.9 dump/restor under 4.2bsd?
whm at bocklin.UUCP
- Is ULTRIX-11 really slow?
jack at boring.UUCP
- 4.2BSD on uVaxII ??
jack at boring.UUCP
- Looking for iSBC 220 device driver.
jack at boring.UUCP
- 'ofiles' posted to net.sources
adm at cbneb.UUCP
- The SMART Information Retrieval System
chrisb at cornell.UUCP
- MicroVAX II performance?
jqj at cornell.UUCP
- new user id system idea.
- Why sync three times
- bugs in -ltermlib termcap.c
- extension to L (local) flag in sys file
roger long
- fix for select bug for 4.2 or Ultrix?
kolling at magic.ARPA
- Undocumented feature (or bug) in yacc
Inventor of micro-S
- a small cpu hog
rs at mirror.UUCP
- remote printers on BSD42
rs at mirror.UUCP
- CLU on uVAX-II
rws at mit-bold
- Problem with modem ports
chris moore
- Shared runtime libraries - SV shared memory?
- UBSTO, UBSSYNTO, cp read fault
stanonik at nprdc
- vax/unix to vax/vms
- Help with tunefs
Rick Link '85 off
- RL02 info needed
Rick Link '85 off
- Reading environments in C (I need some help)
bill at persci.UUCP
- Text to Speech using NPS rules
lauren at rand-unix.ARPA
- Broken gateway
lauren at rand-unix.ARPA
- Why sync three times
dhb at rayssd.UUCP
- Orphaned Response
- Orphaned Response
- uucico documentation
john salmi
- ethernet -> imagen hangs vax
john salmi
- sendmail again
jcc at siemens.UUCP
- sendmail again
jcc at siemens.UUCP
- RA81/UDA50 tools for 4.2?
r. stork
- desperately seeking RAW SOCKET help (4.2BSD+BRL)
henry strickland
- /dev/tty going away...
- new user id system idea.
terryl at tekcrl.UUCP
- A problem with 4.2 exit system call
jeff%sri-tsc at turtlevax.UUCP
- Re(cap): Which Unix?
faustus at ucbcad.UUCP
- new user id system idea.
mwm at ucbtopaz.CC.Berkeley.ARPA
- Xenix286 Wonders, Bugs, and Patches...
alex at ucla-cs.UUCP
- KEEPALIVE's do not always work.
louie at umd5.UUCP
- Vaxstation I and Unix
eric at unmvax.UUCP
- How can I interface IBM to RS-232 ?
- How do I read IBM tapes with UNIX ?
- Rand editor for 132 columns
- line feeds (control-L's) in netnews postings; where do they come from?
- form feeds in postings
- how to read IBM tapes on UNIX, (a long summary).
- how to interface IBM bisync to UNIX rs232, a summary.
- Quelling Filesystem Activity
jbn at wdl1.UUCP
- Kernel mods and RTIngres
jbn at wdl1.UUCP
- Bulk storage
jbn at wdl1.UUCP
- a smarter soelim
jbn at wdl1.UUCP
- Kernel mods and RTIngres
jbn at wdl1.UUCP
- What's a good small time-sharing box
jbn at wdl1.UUCP
- Further news on our 750's rev 7
jbn at wdl1.UUCP
- Problems with comsat
Chris Grevstad x310
Last message date:
Fri May 31 23:37:30 AEST 1985
Archived on: Mon Feb 1 19:51:17 AEST 2016
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).