Wanted: UNIX(tm) for Datapoint 8800

Peter N. Wan wan at gacsr.UUCP
Sat May 25 02:20:15 AEST 1985

A friend of mine has Datapoint 8800 machines running the RMS operating
system.  He has other equipment which can run UNIX, and wants to convert
his entire shop to UNIX.  The only catch is, he doesn't know of any
implementations of UNIX for the Datapoint.  If anyone out there knows of
any successful ports of UNIX to this product line, please drop me a line;
my friend would really appreciate it.  He would rather not do the port
himself if he can help it.

>From his descriptions, I gather that the 8800 is a 16-bit file processor.
His machines also have the 8602 and 8605 distributed processors, with
model 8200 CRTs.
Peter N Wan
BELL  : (404) 586-9663 [office] / (404) 355-6208 [home]
UUCP  : ...!{allegra,hplabs,ihnp4,rlgvax,ut-ngp,ut-sally}!gatech!gacsr!wan
      : ...!{akgua,emory}!gacsr!wan

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