Wanted: wise way to limit the lines tip uses at certain speeds

Arthur David Olson ado at elsie.UUCP
Tue Nov 4 13:58:56 AEST 1986

All of our dial-out modems can handle 1200 baud;
only some of our dial-out modems can handle 2400 baud.
When a user types
	tip systemname
we'd like the call to go out on any available modem,
while if they type
	tip -2400 systemname
we want to ensure that the will go only to a modem that can handle 2400.
If you know the wise way of achieving the goal, I'd appreciate hearing from you.
Tip is a trademark of the retiring Speaker of the House.
	UUCP: ..decvax!seismo!elsie!ado   ARPA: elsie!ado at seismo.ARPA
	DEC, VAX, Elsie & Ado are Digital, Borden & Ampex trademarks.

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