editor wars ad infinitum...

Michael Bruck mike at mipos3.UUCP
Mon Sep 29 15:50:53 AEST 1986

I don't have any real preference for one editor over another, although
I do try to stick to one editor to do most of my work on, but I have noticed
an interesting trend here.  We recently switched to Unix workstations from
a VMS environment, and our draughting technicians, who are not CS majors,
or computer afficionados in any way (they just use the machine to get their
work done) have been given a choice of editors (vi and emacs), and without
any prodding, they all seem to be drifting towards using emacs.  I haven't
investigated this to find out why yet, but it may be interesting to find out.
	--Michael Bruck

Corporate CAD, Intel Corp, Santa Clara, California

UUCP:  ...{hplabs,decwrl,oliveb,amdcad}!intelca!mipos3!mike
CSNET: mike at mipos3.INTEL.COM

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