motives for AT&T, etc (was re: att & osf)

Tracey Baker tab at mhuxu.UUCP
Tue Aug 2 01:34:02 AEST 1988

In <766 at vsi.UUCP>, friedl at vsi.UUCP (Stephen J. Friedl) wrote:
>One of the largest complaints about UNIX is that application
>software is *not* available.  We've got compilers but not (say)
>grocery store accounting systems, and there are many more of
>"them" then there are of "us".

  I just read an interesting article in the latest (August 1988) UnixWorld
entitled "Success Stories".  It gives quick overviews of about 15 places
where software running under UNIX is being used to solve some interesting
problems.  From the beginning of the article:

     That old saw about how "there's no software under UNIX" is
     finally obsolete.  According to the /usr/group's _1988
     UNIX Products Directory_, there are almost 300 accounting
     software packages, 84 graphics packages, 133 office automation
     packages, 84 word processing/text formatting packages, 74
     medical/dental programs, and 202 manufacturing and distribution
     packages, to name a few.  UNIX solves problems both large and

  The article goes on to describe a graphics package being used to design
lingerie, a computer-aided neurosurgery monitoring system, flight simulators
for the Air Force, and many other UNIX applications outside of the
"traditional" UNIX environments.  Sounds to me like the vendors are finally
starting to listen to "them".

Tracey Baker  {att, rutgers!moss}!mhuxu!tab or tab at  (201)582-5357
Rm. 2F-211,  AT&T Bell Laboratories, 600 Mountain Ave., Murray Hill NJ 07974
Any resemblance to actual opinions,       |"There ain't no cure when the rabid
living or dead, is entirely coincidental. | rock dog bites..." - Split Sydney

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