minfree on user disks?

Anthony A. Datri aad at stpstn.UUCP
Thu Jun 30 13:43:48 AEST 1988

I've got a user partition here of around 240 meg on an eagle (sun 3/180,
sunos 3.2), with a default 10% minfree.  Will I be sorry if I kick that
minfree down to say 4 or 5% to eek a few more meg out?  How about a 500 or
so meg partition on a 3/280 (4.0) 900 meg Hitachi?

@disclaimer(Any concepts or opinions above are entirely mine, not those of my
	    employer, my GIGI, or my 11/34)
beak is								  beak is not
Anthony A. Datri,SysAdmin,StepstoneCorporation,stpstn!aad

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