June 1988 Archives by author
Starting: Wed Jun 1 00:01:13 AEST 1988
Ending: Thu Jun 30 23:45:31 AEST 1988
Messages: 678
- 4.4 bsd will include OSI support
Naim Abdullah
- Speaking of ksh
King Ables
- mods to ksh for YP using getpwnam() (LLLOOOONNNNGGGGG)
King Ables
- /usr/lib/aliases
Mike Adams
Mike Adams
Mike Adams
- Vax 11/780 performance vs Sun 4/280 performance
Rick Adams
- Open Software Foundation
Jim Adcock
- sh(1) command substitution and here documents
Hitoshi Aida
- Autoconfig
Hitoshi Aida
- I want my bug-free NFS patch!
Doug Alan
- Autoconfig
Doug Alan
- terminfo
David C. Albrecht
- xbbs features as request
Brandon S. Allbery
Brandon S. Allbery
- Request BSD 4.23!
Brandon S. Allbery
- Ksh use (was Re: Should ``csh be part of ...)
Brandon S. Allbery
- O'pain Software Foundation: (3) relationship to GNU & openness
Brandon S. Allbery
- O'pain Software Foundation: (2) Why is it better than AT&T?
Brandon S. Allbery
- grep replacement
Brandon S. Allbery
- Speaking of Unix, unbundling, etc...
Brandon S. Allbery
- O'pain Software Foundation: (2) Why is it better than AT&T?
Brandon S. Allbery
- O'pain Software Foundation: (2) Why is it better than AT&T?
Brandon S. Allbery
- Vax 11/780 performance vs Sun 4/280 performance
Brandon S. Allbery
- O'pain Software Foundation: (2) Why is it better than AT&T?
Brandon S. Allbery
- grep replacement
Brandon S. Allbery
- grep replacement
Brandon S. Allbery
- grep replacement and /dev/stdin
Brandon S. Allbery
- Implementation of alloca() and friends
Brandon S. Allbery
- another question about dump & restore
Brandon S. Allbery
- Speaking of Unix, unbundling, etc...
Brandon S. Allbery
- grep replacement
Brandon S. Allbery
- grep replacement
Brandon S. Allbery
- Why DEC doesn't need an ABI
Brandon S. Allbery
- What do panic messages mean?
Brandon S. Allbery
- SVVS (was OSF discussion)
Brandon S. Allbery
- O'pain Software Foundation: (2) Why is it better than AT&T?
Gary Allen
- O'pain Software Foundation: (2) Why is it better than AT&T?
Gary Allen
- O'pain Software Foundation: (2) Why is it better than AT&T?
Gary Allen
- Yet Another OSF Question (YAOQ)
Gary Allen
- alloca (was back to the (ivory) tower)
Gary Allen
- Unix optimized for SPARC?
Gary Allen
- grep replacement
Marnix van Ammers
- Signing off a user!
Dale Anderson
- wanted: system evaluation/benchmarking tools
Ed Arnold
- Yet Another OSF Question (YAOQ)
Frederick M. Avolio
- BRL Bourne shell bug fix
gwyn at BRL.ARPA
- POSIX draft for UNIX
Joe Baker
- On Bringing a Sun to It Knees.
Bruce G. Barnett
- Tool -flag considered harmful (was: grep replacement)
Bruce G. Barnett
- grep replacement
Bruce G. Barnett
- Tool -flag considered harmful
Bruce G. Barnett
- context diff and patch
Bruce G. Barnett
- Unix optimized for SPARC?
Bruce G. Barnett
- seek database manager for Sun 4 workstations
Chris Barry
- "text: table is full" error message
The Demented Teddy Bear
- lp/lpr interface
Andrew Beattie
- Getting the OSF address
Lance Berc
- 4.2bsd memall mfind crash
Peter H. Berens
- Front-ends to SCCS?
Tim Beres
Tom Betz
Michael Bloom
- BSD:sockets::SVID:(what?)
Michael Bloom
- Magic symlink syntax
Greg Bond
- C Finite Elements?
Jack Bonn
- setuid shell scripts
Keith Bostic
- grep replacement
Keith Bostic
- grep replacement
Tim Bray
- grep replacement
Tim Bray
- grep replacement
Andries Brouwer
- rsh and nfs home directory
David Brown
- OSF, etc. -- some facts, some rumors
Stan Brown
- Vax 11/780 performance vs Sun 4/280 performance
Stan Brown
Stan Brown
- O'pain Software Foundation: (2) Why is it better than AT&T?
Stan Brown
- Ksh cursor keys (Was: who uses which shells)
Stan Brown
- Kermit Unix-pc file transfers
- O'pain Software Foundation: (2) Why is it better than AT&T?
- Doing the unexpected
Philip Budne
- Context diffs in diff (was grep replacement)
The Beach Bum
- What do panic messages mean?
The Beach Bum
- context diff and patch
The Beach Bum
- grep replacement
Andrew Burt
- Why UNIX I/O is so slow (was VAX vs SUN 4 performance)
Michael I. Bushnell
- rsh and nfs home directory
Michael I. Bushnell
- Unix Metworking Software (bsd)
Richard Caloggero
- grep replacement
Brian Campbell
- Of old shells and pipe symbols
Bill Carpenter
Jeffrey T. Carter
- Will 4.2 select() catch OOB socket messages?
Sean Casey
- 4.2 vs 4.3 select() (ARRRRGH!)
Sean Casey
- crossing mount points (was find(1))
Mike Cherepov
- Unix wizards
Bill Cheswick
- Porting efforts: estimates?
Tom Chmara
- How good is Apollo UNIX? (was: O'pain Software Foundation: (2))
Ronald O. Christian
- Speaking of ksh
Lawrence V. Cipriani
- C Compiler bugs (was Re: Speaking of ksh)
Lawrence V. Cipriani
- ksh incompatabilities with sh?
Lawrence V. Cipriani
- ksh incompatabilities with sh?
Lawrence V. Cipriani
- ksh incompatabilities with sh?
Lawrence V. Cipriani
- Curses & Color
Robert Claeson
- Suns on their knees
Joel Clark
- UNIX-WIZARDS Digest V5#073
Joel Clark
- Multiple aims (was: OSF, AT&T, and The Big Breakout)
David Collier-Brown
- OSF, AT&T, and The Big Breakout
David Collier-Brown
- grep replacement
David Collier-Brown
- wasting VM: the Sun philosophy (was Re: grep replacement)
Geoff Collyer
- In defense of BSD (was: something else)
Dave Cornutt
- Re^2: Should ``csh'' be part of the System V distribution?
Dave Cornutt
- I need to RENT COMPUTER TIME from someone!
Greg Corson
- Request to join unix-wizards
Chris Cotton
- ksh incompatabilities with sh?
Nick Crossley
- ksh incompatabilities with sh?
Nick Crossley
- cmp efficiency
Nick Crossley
- grep replacement
T. Andrew Crump
- "Open" Software Foundation: GNU
Ian Dall
- minfree on user disks?
Anthony A. Datri
- directory access (was: xbbs features as request)
Dave Decot
- POSIX Draft for UNIX
Dave Decot
- whence ``glob''
Dave Decot
- /dev/stdin
William C. DenBesten
- grep replacement
Jill Diewald
- "dd conv=unblock cbs=80 - really grep replacement"
Jill Diewald
- -since option for ls -lt
Larry Dighera
- how can I determine controlling tty if no file descriptor is open onto it? (System V r[23])
Mike "Ford" Ditto
- new grep
Mike "Ford" Ditto
- sh(1) command substitution and here documents
Mike "Ford" Ditto
- How good is Apollo UNIX? (was: O'pain Software Foundation: (2))
Charles L Ditzel
- How good is Apollo UNIX? (was: O'pain Software Foundation: (2))
Charles L Ditzel
- How good is Apollo UNIX? (was: O'pain Software Foundation: (2))
Charles L Ditzel
- O'pain Software Foundation: (2) Why is it better than AT&T?
- grep replacement
Mario Dorion
Mario Dorion
- rsh and nfs home directory
Dr. James George Dunham
- OSF, and why it is a side issue
Alexander Dupuy
- Speaking of ksh
Alexander Dupuy
- I'm going to hate myself
Skip Egdorf
- I'm going to hate myself
Skip Egdorf
- Open Software Foundation
Dan Ehrlich
- Open Software Foundation
Dan Ehrlich
- Alternate net-to-net gateways
J. Eichelberger
- Magic symlink syntax
David Elliott
- Symlinks vs. NFS
David Elliott
- Symlinks vs. NFS
David Elliott
- Magic symlink syntax
David Elliott
- Question about value of a source licence
David Elliott
- Why DEC doesn't need an ABI
David Elliott
- new grep
Mohamed Ellozy
- bsd 4.3 named
Michael Enkelis
- help...
Lindsay Errington
- scandir()
Sam L Falkner
- Stdio buffering question
David Feldman
- Spooling to an Encore annex via lpd
David Feldman
- Want info on Unix<-->Tandem Mail Interface
Phil Fernandez
- grep replacement
Kent Forschmiedt
- Vax 11/780 performance vs Sun 4/280 performance
Greg Franks
- grep replacement
Matthias Frei
- Command line argument in Cshell script
Jeffrey E. F. Friedl
- O'pain Software Foundation: (2) Why is it better than AT&T?
Stephen J. Friedl
- Front-ends to SCCS?
Stephen J. Friedl
- ksh incompatabilities with sh?
Stephen J. Friedl
- Sun 4 \"KNEE\" Wars
Stephen J. Friedl
- O'pain Software Foundation: (2) Why is it better than AT&T?
Stephen J. Friedl
- Vax 11/780 performance vs Sun 4/280 performance
Stephen J. Friedl
- touch (Was Re: -since option for ls -lt)
Stephen J. Friedl
- SVVS user/system time tests
Jim Frost
- Looking for A PD Database
Al Gaspar
- Open Software Foundation
Marc Gibian
- Vax 11/780 performance vs Sun 4/280 performance
Eric Gisin
- redirection before wildcards
Eric Gisin
- grep replacement
Jeff Glass
- Magic symlink syntax
Andy Glew
- Implementation of alloca() and friends
David Goodenough
- wasting VM: the Sun philosophy (was Re: grep replacement)
Jacob Gore
- grep replacement (first match only per file)
J Greely
- grep replacement (first match only per file)
J Greely
- File System Type (statfs, sysfs)
David Grossman
- directory access (was: xbbs features as request)
Doug Gwyn
- Request BSD 4.23!
Doug Gwyn
- Ksh cursor keys (Was: who uses which shells)
Doug Gwyn
- grep replacement
Doug Gwyn
- grep replacement
Doug Gwyn
- Speaking of Unix, unbundling, etc...
Doug Gwyn
- Crypt algorithm status.. one more time
Doug Gwyn
Doug Gwyn
- Stdio buffering question
Doug Gwyn
- Stdio buffering question
Doug Gwyn
- grep replacement
Doug Gwyn
- Tool -flag considered harmful
Doug Gwyn
- redirection before wildcards
Doug Gwyn
- Magic symlink syntax
Doug Gwyn
- Convergence of AIX and 4.3BSD
Doug Gwyn
- grep replacement
Doug Gwyn
- echo -[ne] and escapes
Doug Gwyn
- grep replacement
Doug Gwyn
- Stdio buffering question
Doug Gwyn
- Tool -flag considered harmful (was: grep replacement)
Doug Gwyn
- ksh incompatabilities with sh?
Doug Gwyn
- replacements for regcmp/regex in PW?
Doug Gwyn
- grep replacement
Doug Gwyn
- context diff and patch
Doug Gwyn
- I want my bug-free NFS patch!
Doug Gwyn
- Why UNIX I/O is so slow (was VAX vs SUN 4 performance)
Doug Gwyn
- Why DEC doesn't need an ABI
Doug Gwyn
- BITNET mail follows
Doug Gwyn
- Magic symlink syntax
Paul Gluckauf Haahr
- do we need (or want) context in grep and diff?
Paul Gluckauf Haahr
- O'pain Software Foundation: (3) relationship to GNU & openness
- Any BI-Device drivers out there for a NSC PI418?
Randall R. Hammon
- Ksh cursor keys (Was: who uses which shells)
Dave Hammond
- Unbundling (was Re: Open Software Foundation)
Guy Harris
- Vax 11/780 performance vs Sun 4/280 performance
Guy Harris
- Request BSD 4.23!
Guy Harris
- File System Type (statfs, sysfs)
Guy Harris
- O'pain Software Foundation: (2) Why is it better than AT&T?
Guy Harris
- O'pain Software Foundation: (2) Why is it better than AT&T?
Guy Harris
- File System Type (statfs, sysfs)
Guy Harris
- grep replacement
Guy Harris
- O'pain Software Foundation: (2) Why is it better than AT&T?
Guy Harris
- SVVS user/system time tests
Guy Harris
- grep replacement (first match only per file)
Guy Harris
- Shared memory info - how does one use struct shminfo?
Guy Harris
- Magic symlink syntax
Guy Harris
- grep replacement
Guy Harris
- replacements for regcmp/regex in PW?
Guy Harris
- lp/lpr interface
Guy Harris
- Tool -flag considered harmful (was: grep replacement)
Guy Harris
- grep replacement
Guy Harris
- lp/lpr interface
Guy Harris
- "text: table is full" error message
Guy Harris
- new grep
Guy Harris
- v03i020: "redo"
Stephen J. Hartley
- Stdio buffering question
Wayne Hathaway
- Vax 11/780 performance vs Sun 4/280 performance
Charles Hedrick
- phys(2) under sVr3?
Ron Heiby
- Alloca() and friends
Karl Heuer
- C Compiler bugs (was Re: Speaking of ksh)
Karl Heuer
- SVR3 AT&T contract info
Ron Holt
- Unix optimized for SPARC?
Ron Holt
- Unix optimized for SPARC?
Ron Holt
- Hassles with fprintf
Hans H. Huebner
Phil Hughes
- grep replacement
Jim Hutchison
- grep replacement (search w/context)
Jim Hutchison
- Stdio (stderr) buffering question
Jim Hutchison
- grep replacement (first occurence only)
John F. Haugh II
- Vax 11/780 performance vs Sun 4/280 performance
John F. Haugh II
- What do panic messages mean?
John F. Haugh II
- Stdio buffering question
John F. Haugh II
- Format of /etc/hosts file
John F. Haugh II
- lp/lpr interface
Ray E Saddler III
- automated dump?
Kurt Indermaur
- 4.3 BSD on MVIII 3600
Yedidya Israel
- new grep
- back to the (ivory) tower
Jack Jansen
- SCCS Question(s)
Kjartan Pierre Emilsson Jardedlisfraedi
- Problems with Async Socket I/O on SUN-OS
Rakesh Jha
- grep replacement
Root Boy Jim
- Ksh cursor keys (Was: who uses which shells)
Root Boy Jim
- directory access (was: xbbs features as request)
Root Boy Jim
- Speaking of ksh
Root Boy Jim
- ksh incompatabilities with sh?
Root Boy Jim
- signal()s and stacks and trampoline code
Root Boy Jim
Root Boy Jim
- another question about dump & restore
Root Boy Jim
- grep replacement (first match only per file)
Root Boy Jim
- ksh incompatabilities with sh?
Root Boy Jim
- grep replacement (first match only per file)
Root Boy Jim
- grep replacement
Root Boy Jim
- grep replacement
Root Boy Jim
- grep replacement
Root Boy Jim
- grep replacement
Root Boy Jim
- Stdio buffering question
Root Boy Jim
- Stdio buffering question
Root Boy Jim
- Parodies
Root Boy Jim
- ksh incompatabilities with sh?
Root Boy Jim
- ksh incompatabilities with sh?
Root Boy Jim
- Magic symlink syntax
Root Boy Jim
- Tool -flag considered harmful (was: grep replacement)
Root Boy Jim
- lp/lpr interface
Root Boy Jim
- grep replacement
Root Boy Jim
- Tool -flag considered harmful (was: grep replacement)
Root Boy Jim
- Vax 11/780 performance vs Sun 4/280 performance
Root Boy Jim
- cmp
Root Boy Jim
- C Finite Elements?
Root Boy Jim
- "text: table is full" error message
Root Boy Jim
- C Finite Elements?
Root Boy Jim
- \"text: table is full\" error message
Root Boy Jim
- /dev/stdin
Root Boy Jim
- C Finite Elements?
Root Boy Jim
- C Finite Elements?
Root Boy Jim
- /dev/stdin
Root Boy Jim
- alloca... (and setjmp/longjmp coroutines)
Dave Jones
- ksh incompatabilities with sh?
William E. Davidsen Jr
- How do I use ksh TMOUT on 5.2
William E. Davidsen Jr
- Convergence of AIX and 4.3BSD
William E. Davidsen Jr
- lp/lpr interface
William E. Davidsen Jr
- grep replacement
William E. Davidsen Jr
- lp/lpr interface
William E. Davidsen Jr
- sh(1) command substitution and here documents
William E. Davidsen Jr
- Kermit Unix-pc file transfers
Gil Kloepfer Jr.
- Parodies
Gil Kloepfer Jr.
- grep replacement
Leonard H. Tower Jr.
- UNIX-WIZARDS Digest V5#069
Robert J. Reschly Jr.
- Request BSD 4.23!
Chuck Karish
- grep replacement
Chuck Karish
- touch (Was Re: -since option for ls -lt)
Russell Kent
- signal()s and stacks and trampoline code
David Keppel
- How good is Apollo UNIX?
Mike Khaw
- O'pain Software Foundation: (2) Why is it better than AT&T?
Karl Kleinpaste
- SysV rel3 license
Karl Kleinpaste
- Why UNIX I/O is so slow (was VAX vs SUN 4 performance)
Alan Klietz
- Why UNIX I/O is so slow (was VAX vs SUN 4 performance)
Alan Klietz
- O'pain Software Foundation: (3) relationship to GNU & openness
Roger B.A. Klorese
- O'pain Software Foundation: (2) Why is it better than AT&T?
Roger B.A. Klorese
- OSF - My Last Word
Roger B.A. Klorese
- phys(2) under sVr3?
Andrew Klossner
- Crypt algorithm status.. one more time
Andrew Klossner
- redirection before wildcards
Andrew Klossner
- grep replacement
Andrew Klossner
- egrep won't pick fields
Andrew Klossner
- Of old shells and pipe symbols
Andrew Klossner
- Tool -flag considered harmful (was: grep replacement)
Andrew Klossner
- grep "standout mode" (was "Tool -flag considered harmful")
Andrew Klossner
- "dd conv=unblock cbs=80"
Andrew Klossner
- POSIX Draft for UNIX
Ian Kluft
- Question about value of a source licence
Geoff Kratz
- Question about value of a source licence
Geoff Kratz
- O'pain Software Foundation: (3) relationship to GNU & openness
Eduardo Krell
- O'pain Software Foundation: (3) relationship to GNU & openness
Eduardo Krell
- Yet Another OSF Question (YAOQ)
Wayne Krone
- help on uucp status files
Chad R. Larson
- Bug (or wierd behavior) In C Shell
Fai Lau
- POSIX Draft for UNIX
Michael Laufer
- Unix wizards
George W. Leach
- COBOL-to-C translator wanted
Bernard Lemercier
- RTFM on sendmail (was Re: C Finite Elements?)
Daniel R. Levy
- -since option for ls -lt
Paul Lew
- Porting Finite Element programs
Adam Lewis
- O'pain Software Foundation: (2) Why is it better than AT&T?
Chris Lewis
- Finding where an executable was run from -- a proposal.
Greg Limes
- lp/lpr interface
David R. Linn
- QIC-xx tape standards
David R. Linn
- QIC-xx tape standards
David R. Linn
- ksh weird files
Maarten Litmaath
- grep replacement
Maarten Litmaath
- SVVS (was OSF discussion)
Tony Luck
- Vax 11/780 performance vs Sun 4/280 performance
- Using the directory stack like !-2:3 in csh
John Macdonald
- Correct address ?
Duke Mangum
- Symlinks vs. NFS
Barry Margolin
- Vax 11/780 performance vs Sun 4/280 performance
John Mashey
- OSF, and why it is a side issue
John Mashey
- Sun 4 \"KNEE\" Wars
John Mashey
- Context diffs in diff (was grep replacement)
Brian Matthews
- cgrep (grep with context)
Alan S. Mazer
- Vax 11/780 performance vs Sun 4/280 performance
Mike McNally
- File systems
Mike McNally
- Stdio buffering question
Larry McVoy
- Why UNIX I/O is so slow (was VAX vs SUN 4 performance)
Larry McVoy
- Spooling to an Encore annex via lpd
Milo S. Medin
- Spooling to an Encore annex via lpd
Milo S. Medin
- ksh incompatabilities with sh?
Karl Meiser
- Speaking of ksh
Michael Meissner
- determine the current directory of a son-process (longish)
Wayne Mesard
- File System Type (statfs, sysfs)
Leslie Mikesell
- find(1) and RFS
Leslie Mikesell
- O'pain Software Foundation: (2) Why is it better than AT&T?
Nathaniel Mishkin
- How good is Apollo UNIX? (was: O'pain Software Foundation: (2))
Nathaniel Mishkin
- grep replacement
Brian Moffet
- Curses & Color
Mike H. Moran
- An Anthem for the Software 'Port'er
Wes Morgan
- Foreign (Latin) Character Sets under UNIX
D. Wayne Morris
- Shared memory info - how does one use struct shminfo?
Duane Morse
- OSF, etc. -- some facts, some rumors
der Mouse
- "Open" Software Foundation: GNU
der Mouse
- grep replacement
der Mouse
- TMSCP interface
der Mouse
- 4.4 bsd will include OSI support
der Mouse
- grep replacement
der Mouse
- grep replacement
der Mouse
- grep replacement
der Mouse
- grep replacement (SIGPIPE)
der Mouse
- grep replacement (ld: undefined symbols)
der Mouse
- grep replacement
der Mouse
- Parodies
der Mouse
- Woes of absolute path names in tar
der Mouse
- alloca (was back to the (ivory) tower)
der Mouse
- back to the (ivory) tower
der Mouse
- ksh weird files
der Mouse
- Stdio (stderr) buffering question
der Mouse
- Tool -flag considered harmful
der Mouse
- I want my bug-free NFS patch!
der Mouse
- "text: table is full" error message
der Mouse
- grep replacement
der Mouse
- grep on *.o
Sjoerd Mullender
- UNIX-WIZARDS Digest V5#066
Mike Muuss
- UNIX-WIZARDS Digest V5#068
Mike Muuss
- C Finite Elements?
Mike Muuss
- C Finite Elements?
Mike Muuss
- UNIX-WIZARDS Digest V5#069
Mike Muuss
- UNIX-WIZARDS Digest V5#072
Mike Muuss
- UNIX-WIZARDS Digest V5#077
Mike Muuss
- UNIX-WIZARDS Digest V5#078
Mike Muuss
- UNIX-WIZARDS Digest V5#081
Mike Muuss
- NFS vs RFS - which is the faster?
Erik Naggum
- Open Software Foundation
Stephen X. Nahm
- sh(1) command substitution and here documents
Jack Nelson
- ksh incompatabilities with sh?
John P. Nelson
- np100 ethernet processor on BSD4.3
Phil Nelson
- O'pain Software Foundation: (2) Why is it better than AT&T?
Russ Nelson
- grep replacement
Russ Nelson
- O'pain Software Foundation: (2) Why is it better than AT&T?
Russ Nelson
- grep replacement
Russ Nelson
- /dev/stdin
Tom Newcomb
- /dev/stdin: SUMMARY
Tom Newcomb
- automated dump?
Andy Ng
- File System Type (statfs, sysfs)
Roger J. Noe
- International Obfuscated C Code Contest winners to be announced
Landon Curt Noll
- ksh incompatabilities with sh?
Tony O'Hagan
- Open Software Foundation
Richard A. O'Keefe
- O'pain Software Foundation: (3) relationship to GNU & openness
Richard A. O'Keefe
- O'pain Software Foundation: (2) Why is it better than AT&T?
Richard A. O'Keefe
- grep replacement
Richard A. O'Keefe
- Why DEC doesn't need an ABI
Richard A. O'Keefe
- grep replacement
Gary Oberbrunner
- grep replacement
Arthur David Olson
- UNIX-WIZARDS Digest V5#069
Piet van Oostrum
- phys(2) under sVr3?
Randy Orrison
- grep replacement
Randy Orrison
- BSD:sockets::SVID:(what?)
Randy Orrison
- what does read(2) do if O_NDELAYed?
Randy Orrison
- OSF/Usenet
Bob Page
- DNA trp (was: Re: What do panic messages mean?)
Wolf N. Paul
- Ksh use (was Re: Should ``csh'' be part of ...)
Jerry Peek
- child process current directory and wild shell ravings
Bob Pendleton
- O'pain Software Foundation: (2) Why is it better than AT&T?
Jim Perry
- back to the (ivory) tower
Francois Pinard
- QIC-xx tape standards
Francois Pinard
- phys(2) under sVr3?
Scott E. Preece
- grep replacement
Scott E. Preece
- Down in the Dumps (a true story)
Jim Prescott
- new grep
- new grep
- grep replacement
Frank Rahmani
- How do I use ksh TMOUT on 5.2
Timothy Reed
- replacements for regcmp/regex in PW?
Timothy Reed
- Big bad companies and the OSF
Brian Reid
- Why DEC doesn't need an ABI
Jim Reid
- grep replacement
Elaine Richards
- "time" command in csh(1)
Geoff Rimmer
- touch (Was Re: -since option for ls -lt)
Geoff Rimmer
- Symlinks vs. NFS
William Roberts
- grep replacement
Glenn Robitaille
- ksh incompatabilities with sh?
Robert Rodriguez
- File System Type (statfs, sysfs)
Tim Roper
- File System Type (statfs, sysfs)
Tim Roper
- 4.4 bsd will include OSI support
Marshall Rose
- Benchmarks of 68020's vs Vax's under load
Stephen J. Roznowski
- troff/mm - question
- sh(1) command substitution and here documents
- Command line argument in Cshell script
Naoki Saito
- SVVS user/system time tests
Rich Salz
- context diff and patch
Rich Salz
- UNIX-WIZARDS Digest V5#066
Stephen Samuel
- AIX facts, history and status
Charlie Sauer
- Convergence of AIX and 4.3BSD
Charlie Sauer
- assert(status(PCjr)==status(RT/PC))
Charlie Sauer
- grep replacement
Harald Schaefer
- redirection before wildcards
Rick Schubert
- Alloca() and friends
Scott Schwartz
- Tool -flag considered harmful (was: grep replacement)
George Seibel
- Undeliverable mail
PMDF Mail Server
- Undeliverable mail
PMDF Mail Server
- Undeliverable mail
PMDF Mail Server
- Undeliverable mail
PMDF Mail Server
- Undeliverable mail
PMDF Mail Server
- Stdio buffering question
Jim Shankland
- Why DEC doesn't need an ABI
Amos Shapir
- Vax 11/780 performance vs Sun 4/280 performance
Barry Shein
- grep replacement
Barry Shein
- grep replacement
Barry Shein
- grep replacement
Barry Shein
- grep replacement
Barry Shein
- O'pain Software Foundation: (3) relationship to GNU & openness
Barry Shein
- Vax 11/780 performance vs Sun 4/280 performance
Barry Shein
- 4.4 bsd will include OSI support
Barry Shein
- Vax 11/780 performance vs Sun 4/280 performance
Barry Shein
- Uh oh, more embarrassment....
Barry Shein
- Tool -flag considered harmful (was: grep replacement)
Barry Shein
- Vax 11/780 performance vs Sun 4/280 performance
Barry Shein
- Tool -flag considered harmful
Barry Shein
- Tool -flag considered harmful (was: grep replacement)
Barry Shein
- Woes of absolute path names in tar
Barry Shein
- sh(1) command substitution and here documents
Shutoku Shia
- sh(1) command substitution and here documents
Shutoku Shia
- Open Software Foundation
Jeff Siegal
- grep replacement
Peter da Silva
- Smaller is better (Re: OSF (2) Why is it better than AT&T?)
Peter da Silva
- Bug (or wierd behavior) In C Shell
Steve Simmons
- "Open" Software Foundation: GNU
Steve Simmons
- "text: table is full" error message
Scott Simpson
- Spooling to an Encore annex via lpd
John Sloan
- Spooling to an Encore annex via lpd
John Sloan
- How good is Apollo UNIX? (was: O'pain Software Foundation: (2))
Kenneth T. Smelcer
- -since option for ls -lt
Ray Smith
- another question about dump & restore
Roy Smith
- Stdio buffering question
Roy Smith
- grep replacement
Roy Smith
- Will 4.2 select() catch OOB socket messages?
Roy Smith
- UNIX-WIZARDS Digest V5#066
Roy Smith
- grep replacement
William Sommerfeld
- Vax 11/780 performance vs Sun 4/280 performance
Don Speck
- another question about dump & restore
Don Speck
- Vax 11/780 performance vs Sun 4/280 performance
Don Speck
- Vax 11/780 performance vs Sun 4/280 performance
Don Speck
- OSF, and why it is a side issue
Henry Spencer
- O'pain Software Foundation: (2) Why is it better than AT&T?
Henry Spencer
- O'pain Software Foundation: (2) Why is it better than AT&T?
Henry Spencer
- O'pain Software Foundation: (2) Why is it better than AT&T?
Henry Spencer
- O'pain Software Foundation: (2) Why is it better than AT&T?
Henry Spencer
- back to the (ivory) tower
Henry Spencer
- In defense of BSD (was: something else)
Henry Spencer
- alloca... (and setjmp/longjmp coroutines)
Henry Spencer
- OSF & source code
Henry Spencer
- grep replacement
Henry Spencer
- O'pain Software Foundation: (really Apollo OS)
Bruce Speyer
- OSF & source code
Richard Stevens
- O'pain Software Foundation: (2) Why is it better than AT&T?
Michael T Sullivan
- functional stdio
Steve Summit
- back to the (ivory) tower (alloca)
Steve Summit
- ksh incompatabilities with sh?
Steve Summit
- -since option for ls -lt
Steve Summit
- I'm going to hate myself
Andy Tanenbaum
Ed Tankus
- grep and context and all that
- POSIX Draft for UNIX
Donn Terry
- Joy of Joys (porting C-shell)
Stuart Thompson
- Command line argument in Cshell script
Chris Torek
- grep replacement and /dev/stdin
Chris Torek
- aside on patch and context diffs
Chris Torek
- alloca... (and setjmp/longjmp coroutines)
Chris Torek
- Stdio buffering question
Chris Torek
- alloca
Chris Torek
- phys(2) under sVr3?
Chris Torek
- grep replacement
Chris Torek
- trap causes longjmp botch
Chris Torek
- Stdio (stderr) buffering question
Chris Torek
- 4.2 vs 4.3 select() (ARRRRGH!)
Chris Torek
- grep replacement
Chris Torek
- 4.2bsd memall mfind crash
Chris Torek
- echo -[ne] and escapes
Chris Torek
- another question about dump & restore
Chris Torek
- sh(1) command substitution and here documents
Chris Torek
- /dev/stdin driver
Chris Torek
- For non-USENET readers only
Chris Torek
- Open Software Foundation
Dan Trottier
- File systems
Theodore Y. Ts'o
- ksh weird files
Shankar Unni
- ksh incompatabilities with sh?
Shankar Unni
- redirection before wildcards
Shankar Unni
- Yet Another OSF Question (YAOQ)
Shankar Unni
- Stupid Mistake!
Shankar Unni
- 4.2bsd memall mfind crash
Michael Urban
- Tool -flag considered harmful (was: grep replacement)
Michael Urban
- grep replacement
Wietse Venema
- cpio -itv < problems
Adri Verhoef
- TMSCP interface
Eric Volpe
- Ksh cursor keys (Was: who uses which shells)
Johan Vromans
- C Finite Elements?
- C Finite Elements?
- dist (metaconfig) package now available
Larry Wall
- Uh oh, more embarrassment....
Tony Walton
- Core files ...
Ken Warner
- *USING* systems from DEC/IBM/HP
Jamie Watson
- Getting the OSF address
Chick Webb
- alloca & coroutining
Neil Webber
- is ca.unix worth importing?
Edward Wilkinson
- Info request, Xenix, Uport, Bell Tech (SVR3/386)
Larry Williamson
- Curses & Color
Larry Williamson
- grep replacement
Leo de Wit
- back to the (ivory) tower
Leo de Wit
- trap causes longjmp botch (Was: Command line argument in Cshell script
Leo de Wit
- -since option for ls -lt
Leo de Wit
- -since option for ls -lt
Leo de Wit
- Implementation of alloca() and friends
Leo de Wit
- grep replacement
Leo de Wit
- grep replacement (filenames, maybe)
Mike Wolfe
- cmp
James A. Woods
- grep replacement
John Woods
- back to the (ivory) tower
John Woods
- grep replacement
John Woods
- grep replacement (first match only per file)
John Woods
- UNIX-WIZARDS Digest V5#069
Marilyn Wulfekuhler
- Stdio buffering question
Greg Pasquariello X1190
- new grep
- grep replacement
Ozan Yigit
- grep replacement (backref in egrep ?? whoa!)
Ozan Yigit
- Ksh cursor keys (Was: who uses which shells)
John Young
- invoking ELM filter rules - summary
Gregg Zupcsics
- grep replacement
Lloyd Zusman
- What do panic messages mean?
Chris Lewis It's loose again!
- Why DEC doesn't need an ABI
Chris Lewis It's loose again!
- grep replacement
andrew at alice.UUCP
- grep replacement
andrew at alice.UUCP
- grep replacement
andrew at alice.UUCP
- grep replacement
andrew at alice.UUCP
- grep replacement
andrew at alice.UUCP
- redirection before wildcards
andrew at alice.UUCP
- Tool -flag considered harmful (was: grep replacement)
andrew at alice.UUCP
- Tool -flag considered harmful
andrew at alice.UUCP
- grep replacement (backref in egrep ?? whoa!)
andrew at alice.UUCP
- grep replacement
andrew at alice.UUCP
- grep replacement
andrew at alice.UUCP
- cmp
andrew at alice.UUCP
- Vax 11/780 performance vs Sun 4/280 performance
dmr at alice.UUCP
- The /rdb database
gaspar at almsa-1.arpa
- Who uses which shells
tyrell at altger.UUCP
wayne at ames.arc.nasa.gov
- BRL Bourne shell bug fix
gwyn at arpa.brl
- Public Line Printer Spooler
papowell at attila.cs.umn.edu
- Crypt algorithm status.. one more time
boyd at basser.UUCP
- grep replacement
gwyn at brl-smoke.UUCP
- Speaking of ksh
gwyn at brl-smoke.UUCP
- Speaking of ksh
gwyn at brl-smoke.UUCP
- Speaking of ksh
gwyn at brl-smoke.UUCP
- back to the (ivory) tower
gwyn at brl-smoke.UUCP
bzs at bu-cs.UUCP
- Avis 8250A
I'm in love with my car
- What do panic messages mean?
brian chapman
- BITNET mail follows
VEC2098%RITVAX.BITNET at cornellc.ccs.cornell.edu
- bibliographical info
EAJUAN%EBRUPC51.BITNET at cunyvm.cuny.edu
- old files info
EAJUAN%EBRUPC51.BITNET at cunyvm.cuny.edu
- What do panic messages mean?
Eric_D_Davis at cup.portal.com
- redirection before wildcards
Jeffrey_J_Vanepps at cup.portal.com
- grep replacement
bob desinger
- -since option for ls -lt
bob desinger
- O'pain Software Foundation: (2) Why is it better than AT&T?
guy at gorodish.UUCP
- grep replacement
- Porting Finite Element Programs to Unix
kokody2 at hammer.me.toronto.edu
- "Open" Software Foundation: GNU
cliff at hcx1.SSD.HARRIS.COM
- phys(2) under sVr3?
gwp at hcx3.SSD.HARRIS.COM
- lp/lpr interface
dewey henize
- Yet Another OSF Question (YAOQ)
ron at iconsys.UUCP
- Benchmarks of 68020's vs Vax's under load
It takes a clear mind to make it
- Vax 11/780 performance vs Sun 4/280 performance
brw at jim.UUCP
- On Bringing a Sun to It Knees.
jon at jim.UUCP
- stdio buffering
RICK at ll.arpa
- Should ``csh'' be part of the System
pim at mrevox.UUCP
- greed and money (was OSF, etc.)
rrr at naucse.UUCP
- grep replacement
anw at nott-cs.UUCP
- Woes of absolute path names in tar
anw at nott-cs.UUCP
- new grep
williams at nrl-css.arpa
- new grep
williams at nrl-css.arpa
- Command line argument in Cshell script
leo at philmds.UUCP
- back to the (ivory) tower
ted%nmsu.csnet at relay.cs.net
- alloca...
ted%nmsu.csnet at relay.cs.net
- UNIX-WIZARDS Digest V5#078
ted%nmsu.csnet at relay.cs.net
- Crypt algorithm status.. one more time
- command line argument in Cshell scripts
greim at sbsvax.UUCP
- SysV rel3 license
Richard Wood - DEC software
- 4.4 bsd will include OSI support
terryl at tekcrl.TEK.COM
- Vax 11/780 performance vs Sun 4/280 performance
terryl at tekcrl.TEK.COM
- SVVS (was OSF discussion)
R.H. coast near the top
- I'm going to hate myself
uhclem at trsvax.UUCP
- Curses & Color
davej at uicsrd.csrd.uiuc.edu
- redirection before wildcards
kai at uicsrd.csrd.uiuc.edu
- mailer error report for <8806150245.aa21022 at SEM.BRL.ARPA>
mcvax!minster.york.ac.uk!postmaster at uunet.uu.net
- mailer error report for <8806120245.aa01039 at SEM.BRL.ARPA>
mcvax!minster.york.ac.uk!postmaster at uunet.uu.net
- mailer error report for <8806160245.aa29983 at SEM.BRL.ARPA>
mcvax!minster.york.ac.uk!postmaster at uunet.uu.net
- mailer error report for <8806140245.aa12492 at SEM.BRL.ARPA>
mcvax!minster.york.ac.uk!postmaster at uunet.uu.net
- mailer error report for <8806180245.aa17379 at SEM.BRL.ARPA>
mcvax!minster.york.ac.uk!postmaster at uunet.uu.net
- IBM speed (was Re: Vax 11/780 performance vs Sun 4/280 performance
ccwilliams at wombat.decnet.uq.oz
- bibliographical info
Pabbisetty.Henr at xerox.com
- Vax 11/780 performance vs Sun 4/280 performance
weiser.pa at xerox.com
- Vax 11/780 performance vs Sun 4/280 performance
weiser.pa at xerox.com
- Sun 4 \"KNEE\" Wars
weiser.pa at xerox.com
- UNIX-WIZARDS Digest V5#073
weiser.pa at xerox.com
Last message date:
Thu Jun 30 23:45:31 AEST 1988
Archived on: Mon Feb 1 19:51:32 AEST 2016
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).