grep replacement (first occurence only)

John F. Haugh II jfh at rpp386.UUCP
Thu Jun 2 03:57:15 AEST 1988

In article <2117 at> jqj at drizzle.UUCP (JQ Johnson) writes:
>In article <1036 at> wyatt at cfa.harvard.EDU (Bill Wyatt) writes:
>>> There have been times when I wanted a grep that would print out the
>>> first occurrence and then stop.
>>grep '(your_pattern_here)' | head -1
>This is, of course, unacceptable if you are searching a very long file
>(say, a census database) and have LOTS of pipe buffering.
>Too bad it isn't feasible to have a shell that can optimize pipelines.

there is a boyer/moore based fast grep in the archives.  adding an
additional option (say '-f' for first in each file?) should be quite

perhaps i'll post the diff's if i remember to go hack on the sucker
any time soon.

- joh.
John F. Haugh II                 | "If you aren't part of the solution,
River Parishes Programming       |  you are part of the precipitate."
UUCP:   ihnp4!killer!rpp386!jfh  | 		-- long since forgot who
DOMAIN: jfh at rpp386.uucp          | 

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