Spooling to an Encore annex via lpd

David Feldman david at linc.cis.upenn.edu
Sat Jun 18 03:02:27 AEST 1988

I am currently trying to get lpd to spool through an annex UX port.  Or,
I am at least thinking about it.  The target device is a laserwriter
(SUN) running postscript.  Supposedly, using Transcript 2.1 (which we have)
and the diffs to lpd supplied in the Annex UX 3.0 distribution this should
be possible.  Has anyone done this?  The big problem is that the laserwriter
talks to the Transcript printer filter quite a bit.  We have enough trouble
getting a laserwriter to stay up over a serial line, although things are
supposed to be better under Transcript 2.1 .  The source OSs in question
are Ultrix 2.0 on Vaxen, and IBM BSD 4.3 on RTs.

Does anybody have any better ideas about how to do this?  One way is to
create a connection deamon that opens a port on an annex and feeds it to
a pty.  I don't know if this is better, but it is straightforward, has a
tty-like interface that will work with lpd as-is, and has been done here at
Penn many times.  If this is what I end up doing I will try to get an ftp
port service number assigned (we did this for a daemon that interfaces a
remote host and a local pty which speak different graphics languages - the
number is 149 - well, actually, Al Broscius did it).

Thanx for the help, in advance.

					Dave Feldman
					david at linc.cis.upenn.edu

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