O'pain Software Foundation: (2) Why is it better than AT&T?

Gary Allen gallen at apollo.uucp
Tue Jun 7 04:52:00 AEST 1988

In article <55368 at sun.uucp> guy at gorodish.Sun.COM (Guy Harris) writes:
>Even for the majors that do sell non-UNIX OSes in competition with UNIX, I see
>no indication that any of them are, as corporations, solidly opposed to UNIX.
>I suspect there are camps within IBM and DEC, at least, that would like UNIX to
>go away (I think Apollo, whose own OS may not be as able to stand on its own as
>VMS or some of IBM's can, is less likely to have such camps); however, I
>suspect that there are also camps within IBM and DEC that would like their
>companies to get a significant share of the UNIX market.

Refreshing! Finally, someone with an IQ larger than a medium-sized grapefruit!
Apollo wants (as I'm sure does Sun, AT&T, IBM, etc) a share of everything. We
sell what customers demand, not what some little geek CS major from Some-U finds
ideologically appealing.

Gary Allen
Apollo Computer
Chelmsford, Ma

Behind every great computer
Sits a skinny little geek.
     -- Charles LaQuidera
        WBCN radio, Boston

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