File System Type (statfs, sysfs)

Guy Harris guy at gorodish.Sun.COM
Tue Jun 7 03:14:12 AEST 1988

> Doesn't release 3.1's "find" have a -local parameter to keep it from
> walking into remote filesystems (useful when the other machine is
> doing its own backups and disk accounting..)?  There must be some
> reliable way to tell the remote mounts.

No, not necessarily.  There just happens to be a way that happens to work under
S5R3.x, namely "if the 'dev_t' on which the file exists has its high bit set,
the file system is remote."  This trick also happens to work under SunOS, and
maybe under other versions of UNIX, but it has never, as far as I know, been
specified as an official part of the UNIX system interface.

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