O'pain Software Foundation: (2) Why is it better than AT&T?

Brandon S. Allbery allbery at ncoast.UUCP
Fri Jun 3 08:21:25 AEST 1988

As quoted from <5085 at nsc.nsc.com> by glennw at nsc.nsc.com (Glenn Weinberg):
| I never, ever, thought I'd see the day when the great majority of people
| on Usenet would come to the opinion that AT&T had their best interests
| at heart!  I continue to be amazed at how so many people are just gobbling
| up the AT&T corporate line on the effects of OSF on the Unix* market.

???  Many of the messages I've seen have NOT been pushing AT&T/Sun:  they're
pushing FSF's GNU.  Wake up out there!  If the Hamilton Group and/or the OSF
really meant what they said, they'd be funding Gnu development.

The OSF is yet another devil, masquerading as Unix's guardian angel.  Hah!
Certainly, AT&T/Sun isn't the answer -- but if you believe DEC/IBM is,
you're one heck of a gullible person.

Brandon S. Allbery			  | "Given its constituency, the only
uunet!marque,sun!mandrill}!ncoast!allbery | thing I expect to be "open" about
Delphi: ALLBERY	       MCI Mail: BALLBERY | [the Open Software Foundation] is
comp.sources.misc: ncoast!sources-misc    | its mouth."  --John Gilmore

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