Ksh cursor keys (Was: who uses which shells)

Root Boy Jim rbj at icst-cmr.arpa
Sat Jun 4 02:43:57 AEST 1988

   > Okay fellows, ksh is wonderfull. One of its most powerfull features is
   > command line editing. You can use your familiar editor-style to edit them.
   > But WHY does ksh not allow cursor (=arrow) keys to be used? Vi does. Emacs
   > does. Even VMS does it.
   > Johan Vromans                             | jv at mh.nl via European backbone
   > Multihouse N.V., Gouda, the Netherlands   | uucp: ..{uunet!}mcvax!mh.nl!jv
   > "It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness"

Arrow and function keys are for wimps. Real programmers use control keys.

	(Root Boy) Jim Cottrell	<rbj at icst-cmr.arpa>
	National Bureau of Standards
	Flamer's Hotline: (301) 975-5688
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