Uh oh, more embarrassment....

Tony Walton olapw at olgb1.oliv.co.uk
Sat Jun 18 01:45:03 AEST 1988

Aah, but that's the sort of 'C' you write BEFORE you get trained by

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Tony Walton, OEM/VAR Division, British Olivetti Ltd., Wellington House,
154-160 Upper Richmond Road, London, England SW15 2FN
LONDON, SW15 2FN.  Tel: (+44) 1 789 6699 Telefax: (+44) 1 785 6670 Telex:27258
Uucp : { ukc | mcvax!olnl1 | ihnp4!cuuxb | iconet | olhqma } !olgb1!olapw

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