
Randy Orrison randy at
Tue Jun 28 04:21:53 AEST 1988

For a project I'm working on...

	What are the SVID and POSIX eqivalents of sockets in BSD?

What are the standard approaches to a user program using network services
in System V (I guess I'm also interested in pre-SVID versions of SysV) and
under the proposed POSIX standard?

I suppose it would be nice to have a quick summary description too...

Also, do they interface?  Can i connect a socket on a BSD system to a snark
on a POSIX system?

	Thanks in advance!

"Reply via mail, if there's interest i'll summarize back to the net."
Randy Orrison, Control Data, Arden Hills, MN
randy at	{bungia, uunet!hi-csc, rutgers, sun}!umn-cs!randy
	"I consulted all the sages I could find in Yellow Pages,
	but there aren't many of them."			-APP

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