grep replacement

Andrew Klossner andrew at
Tue Jun 14 08:49:19 AEST 1988


	"so far, gre will have only one limit, a line length of 64K.
	(NO, i am not supporting arbitrary length lines (yet)!)"

Why not a flag to let the user specify the max line length?  Just the
thing for that database hacker, and diminishes the demand for arbitrary

	"there will be a -G flag to take patterns a la old grep and a
	-F to take patterns a la fgrep"

I hope that -F is a permanent, not temporary, flag.  I don't see it in
the summary list of supported flags, shudder.

	"a unix without /dev/stdin is largely bogus but as a sop to the
	poor barstards having to work on BSD, gre will support - as
	stdin (at least for a while)."

It's not just BSD; I haven't seen /dev/stdin in any released edition.
I just looked over the sVr3.1 tape and didn't turn up anything.

  -=- Andrew Klossner   (decvax!tektronix!tekecs!andrew)       [UUCP]
                        ( at   [ARPA]

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