functional stdio

Steve Summit scs at
Thu Jun 2 13:50:56 AEST 1988

In article <11582 at mimsy.UUCP> chris at mimsy.UUCP (Chris Torek) writes:
>As for obtaining it: that is somewhat difficult.  funopen() is
>based upon the existing 4.3BSD stdio...
>With any luck some version of this will appear
>in 4.4BSD; in the meantime, the intrepid but impatient stdio hacker
>can add funopen() and its variants with just a little work.

I've been meaning to respond to this stdio discussion for a while:
I started writing a stdio replacement based on exactly this idea.
I'd assumed I'd post it when I was finished with it, but I
haven't worked on it in a while.  I do know that it runs well
enough for me to have linked RCS against it to get RCS to work on
my v7 pdp11, which didn't have fopen("w+").  I suppose it wouldn't
take much to convince me to cast it to the four winds "as is"...

                                            Steve Summit
                                            scs at

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