Help us defend against VMS!

Frederick M. Avolio avolio at
Tue Mar 8 02:11:53 AEST 1988

In article <277 at icus.UUCP> lenny at icus.UUCP (Lenny Tropiano) writes:
>It basically comes down to the UNIX operating system works on a variety
>of hardware choices, whereas, VMS does not.  AT&T dedication to provide
>for an OPEN ARCHITECTURE certainly gives UNIX a major plus. ...

I am not going to argue VMS vs. U*ix because I do not use VMS.  But my
question is: given all the discussions in the press and on the net re:
U*ix standards, holy and unholy alliances, etc., what gives you the
impression you make in the above about dedication for providing an
OPEN ARCHITECTURE?  (Just curious what you have been reading that I
haven't.  My intention is not to start a vendor war.  There are many
vendors with good solutions...)


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