Help us defend against VMS!

Lenny Tropiano lenny at icus.UUCP
Sun Mar 6 07:16:32 AEST 1988

It basically comes down to the UNIX operating system works on a variety
of hardware choices, whereas, VMS does not.  AT&T dedication to provide
for an OPEN ARCHITECTURE certainly gives UNIX a major plus.   VMS is
(at least to my knowledge) limited to run on Digital's VAX family 
(proprietary hardware, costing many $$$).   Both OS' have their places
in different computing environments.  

One might hope that someday both OS' can co-exist together on non-proprietary
hardware (much like MSDOS and UNIX).  This might end the battle between
the OS'... Anyhow what do you expect the answer to be on a mostly *UNIX*
network, in the comp.unix.wizards group?  Ask the same question on BITNET 
or DEC's E-NET, or in comp.os.vms, and the answer most likely will be different.

US MAIL  : Lenny Tropiano, ICUS Computer Group        IIIII  CCC U   U  SSS
           PO Box 1                                     I   C    U   U S
	   Islip Terrace, New York  11752               I   C    U   U  SS 
PHONE    : (516) 968-8576 [H] (516) 582-5525 [W]        I   C    U   U    S
TELEX    : 154232428 [ICUS]                           IIIII  CCC  UUU  SSS 
AT&T MAIL: ...attmail!icus!lenny  
UUCP     : ...{mtune, ihnp4, boulder, talcott, sbcs, bc-cis}!icus!lenny 

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