VMS is not the evil empire

Sharan Kalwani shan at mcf.UUCP
Mon Mar 21 23:58:21 AEST 1988

In article <533 at fig.bbn.com> rsalz at bbn.com (Rich Salz) writes:
>Complaints about specific field offices posted to a world-wide network
>are probably less effective at causing change than a sharp well-worded
>letter sent to the regional office.

On the contrary, it makes folks in parts of DEC that matter, aware if
something is wrong and gets them involved in the action bringing
some heat (and light) to bear on any problem.

sharan "alf" kalwani.  110 east warren detroit mi 48201. (313) 833-0710 x411
USENET: ...!{ihnp4!mibte, uunet!umix, philabs!fmsrl7, ucbvax!mtxinu}!mcf!shan
INTERNET:  shan%mcf.uucp at umix.cc.umich.edu	BITNET: mcf!shan at psuvax1.BITNET
DEC's EASYNET:	DECWRL::"umix.cc.umich.edu!mcf!shan"

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