Re^4: Should ``csh'' be part of the System V distribution?

Doug Gwyn gwyn at brl-smoke.ARPA
Sun May 22 02:10:45 AEST 1988

In article <766 at ambush.UUCP> kimcm at ambush.UUCP (Kim Chr. Madsen) writes:
>a user prevented from changing his .logout will have it executed upon
>logout, unless he just "kill -9" his shell.

? He can disable the trap 0 if he wishes.

>And again to make the Bourne shell able to do
>something like a .cshrc is not standard (which it should be) and
>therefore is a local hack (could you make it public?).

Available for the asking to those who have at least an SVR2 source
license and send me a copy of it and a tape.  Unfortunately silly
Army regulations prevent my mailing software overseas unless the
request was routed via the US Embassy.  (I also tend to get behind
in sending out tapes, which is a purely voluntary activity for
which I haven't found much time recently.)

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