Bugs in the BSD sources ??
Chris Phillips
chrisp at hcr.UUCP
Wed Oct 4 05:11:54 AEST 1989
In article <1989Sep30.060807.15103 at utzoo.uucp> henry at utzoo.UUCP writes:
>In article <1802 at cooper.cooper.EDU> hak at cooper.cooper.EDU (Jeff Hakner ) writes:
>> Are the BSD sources, archived @uunet, among other places,
>> the sources to actual, working, tested programs?
>Uh, this may come as a surprise, but universities generally do not have
>quality-control departments. Alas. And considering some of the screwups
>that come out of places that *have* QC departments, like Sun, it should
>not be surprising that free software is sometimes worth what it costs.
>(Fortunately, it's *usually* worth more.)
>"Where is D.D. Harriman now, | Henry Spencer at U of Toronto Zoology
>when we really *need* him?" | uunet!attcan!utzoo!henry henry at zoo.toronto.edu
I guess that the original question still needs an answer. Yes that bug
is in code as delivered from bsd.
Chris Phillips, Hcr Corp.,1001 "A wise old owl sat in an oak,
130 Bloor St W,Toronto Ontario The more he heard the less he spoke,
Bell: (416) 922-1937 M5S 1N5 The less he spoke the more he heard,
CIS : 75026,3673 CANADA Why aren't we all like that wise old bird?"
UUCP: {utzoo,utcsri,ihnp4}!hcr!chrisp <Traditional childrens verse>
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