login procedure on UNIX (any difference between root & user)

MICHAEL CATTELL mwc at raybed2.msd.ray.com
Wed Jul 25 04:25:26 AEST 1990

In <1990Jul14.052731.20850 at cbnewse.att.com> doctor1 at cbnewse.att.com (patrick.b.hailey) writes:

>>In article <1990Jul12.223945.20137 at cadence.com> yhsieh at cadence.cadence.com (Tommy Hsieh) writes:
>>   I found a strange thing happened on one of our machines.  If I login as
>>root, it gives me the prompt right after the /etc/motd message.  But if I
>>login as normal user, it gives me the /etc/motd message and then I have 
>>to wait one or two minutes to get the prompt.  

Chances are "root" does not have a very complex .cshrc and you do.
The more things you do in your .cshrc e.g. aliases the longer it will
take "to get your prompt back". Even when you "su" it will still go through
your .cshrc


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