July 1990 Archives by author
Starting: Sun Jul 1 01:42:53 AEST 1990
Ending: Tue Jul 31 23:45:39 AEST 1990
Messages: 491
Peter Graves x307 18-1
- changing cmd listing for ps -f
Thomas Tornblom TM/JU 99367
- VMS Backup tapes on anything...
Guest Acount
- 10th Edition Manuals - pricing still screwed up
Robert Carey - Sys Admin
- Old rlogin bug
News Administrator
- salary/job survey
Scott Amspoker
- yacc & lex - cupla questions
Charles - Anderson
- Raw Disk access using clists???
David Anderson
- How do I unlink directories created with ln -f?
Mark Andrews
- Meaning of fields in 4.3BSD PCB structure
Mark Andrews
- sh/csh and wait()
Ed Anselmo
- SCO Mailing List
Dave Armbrust
- Ver. 3.2 filesystems mountable on ver. 4?
Jesse W. Asher
- Ego stroke for y'all (was point & click question)
Brian Aslakson
- question about using sockets on sysVr3
- How to make ftp interact with sh-commands?
Lance R. Bailey
- HELP! Need advice/program to convert object files -> assem
Chandra Bajpai
- Memory on a Unix Machine
Ken Baker
- How does ptys work ?
Scott Barman
- X11 Release 4 shared libraries problem
Scott Barman
- Installing X11R4 under SunOS 4.1
Scott Barman
- Problems Installing X11R4 SOLVED!
Scott Barman
- ln -f
Alan P. Barrett
- Reserving Space on Disk
Ian G Batten
- Can my alter-ego use "at"?
Hershel Belkin
- UNIX-WIZARDS Digest V10#100
Ken Bell
- Hard links to directories: why not?
Steven Bellovin
- Hard links to directories: why not?
J. Michael Berkley
- what are st_blksize and st_blocks exactly?
Jeff Berkowitz
- Hotkey program -- help needed
Dan Bernstein
- Hard links to directories: why not?
Dan Bernstein
- syslog + chroot + ftpd
Dan Bernstein
- syslog + chroot + ftpd
Dan Bernstein
- Is VHANDFRAC --> VHANDL dynamic?
Scott S. Bertilson
- getfh() systemcall
- Variable length argument list to C function
Peter J. Bishop
- Is System V.4 fork reliable?
Alan Bland
- driver close from exit can't catch signal?
Michael Bloom
- using PC as I/O box for workstation
Markus F. Boie
- using PC as I/O box for workstation
Markus F. Boie
Andreas Borchert
- 4.3BSD-Reno
Keith Bostic
- Problems with permissions on sockets.
Paul De Bra
- Phantom CPU gobbler?!
Paul de Bra
- Is VHANDFRAC --> VHANDL dynamic?
Paul de Bra
- Sys V fork IS broken!
Tim Bray
- Introducing Bonnie - Unix filesystem bottleneck finder (long)
Tim Bray
- What machines core dump on deref of NULL?
Jan Brittenson
- Documentation on -man macro and changing pagelength in -man
Pat Broderick
- awk arguments
Vicki Brown
- Hard links to directories: why not?
John Bruner
- driver close from exit can't catch signal?
A. Lester Buck
- MDQS and lpr
Phil Budne
- A few of my favorite pipes...
Phil Budne
- Sun YP (errrr NIS) woes.... mail.aliases map is wedged !!!
Farooq Butt
- DWB 5.2 troff on SPARC machines ?? Does it even work ???
Farooq Butt
- Are SunOS 4.1 magic numbers wrong ?
Farooq Butt
- login procedure on UNIX (any difference between root & user)
- question on lseek behavior
Conor P. Cahill
- /dev/tty use question...
Conor P. Cahill
- How to set control tty (Sys5)
Conor P. Cahill
- utmp entry -- we're not doing something right -- can you help?
Conor P. Cahill
- Problems with <defunct> processes
Conor P. Cahill
- Reserving Space on Disk
Conor P. Cahill
- Hard links to directories: why not?
Conor P. Cahill
- salary/job survey
D'Arcy J.M. Cain
- Reserving Space on Disk
Chris Calabrese[mav]
- How do I unlink directories created with ln -f?
Guy Cardwell
- CDROM device driver
David Carlson
- WANTED: network benchmarks
Scott A Cattanach
- What machines core dump on deref of NULL?
John Chambers
- Datagrams Outside the Kernel
John Chambers
- What machines core dump on deref of NULL?
John Chambers
- Implementing NULL trapping (was: What machines core dump on deref of NULL?)
John Chambers
- Documentation on -man macro and changing pagelength in -man
Jonathan A. Chandross
- What machines core dump on deref of NULL?
Brian Chapman
Pradeep Chetal
- dump and Exabyte Drives
Jeff Christy
- dump and Exabyte Drives
Jeff Christy
- Setuid shell that tests writability (Sun and AViiON act different)
Alan Clegg
- Obtaining the UKUUG Conference Proceedings
Andy Clews
- Old rlogin bug
William Colburn
- A complete example (long) (was Re: yacc & lex - cupla questions)
Gilles Courcoux
- Datagrams Outside the Kernel
Matt Crawford
- login procedure on UNIX (any difference between root & user)
James Cummings
- Looking for a FORTRAN filter for HP Laserjet
Ross Cunniff
- Obtaining the UKUUG Conference Proceedings
A J Cunningham
- yacc & lex - cupla questions
Andrew Cunningham
- How to find process name in c?
Paul Davey
- Reserving Space on Disk
Paul Davey
- awk arguments
william E Davidsen
- Ver. 3.2 filesystems mountable on ver. 4?
william E Davidsen
- Data Corruption
John G. DeArmond
- using /usr/bin/cut in scripts...
Brian Lawrence Dear
- Restore corrupted dump tape?
Charles Derykus
- Reserving Space on Disk
Mark DiVecchio
- awk arguments
Brian Dickson
- Definitions of COFF, sdb, dbx
Vladan Djakovic
- documentation on -man macros
Andy Dougherty
- Hard links to directories: why not?
Douglas W. Jones,201H MLH,3193350740,3193382879
- Location of seek pointer after read error?
Dominic Dunlop
- 10th Edition Manuals - pricing still screwed up
Dick Dunn
- Problems with <defunct> processes
Saumen K Dutta
- FTP, File permissions
Tim Drake - E41
- Reserving Space on Disk
Topher Eliot
- Phantom CPU gobbler?!
Chris Elvin
- salary/job survey
Chris Esposito
- curses and line graphics
Peter Farrell
- Implementing NULL trapping on AT&T SVR3.2(.2)
Fred Fish
- Reserving Space on Disk
Fred Fish
- ps and netstat
Bob Foertsch
- changing cmd listing for ps -f
Stephen J. Friedl
- Anybody done Electronic Funds Transfer with VisaNet?
Stephen J. Friedl
- Is System V.4 fork reliable?
Stephen J. Friedl
- i386 unix with NFS - getcwd() & /bin/pwd inode problem
Roger Fujii
- Reserving Space on Disk
Keith Gabryelski
- Is System V.4 fork reliable?
Keith Gabryelski
- 4.4 BSD
Al Gaspar
- Format of /usr/lib/cron/queue[defs]?
Dale Gass
- TLI broadcast capability???
Paul Gladden
- What machines core dump on deref of NULL?
Bob Goudreau
- Hard links to directories: why not?
Bob Goudreau
- Hard links to directories: why not?
Bob Goudreau
- Hard links to directories: why not?
Bob Goudreau
- Hard links to directories: why not?
Bob Goudreau
- Implementing NULL trapping on AT&T SVR3.2(.2)
Piercarlo Grandi
- Is VHANDFRAC --> VHANDL dynamic?
Piercarlo Grandi
- Implementing NULL trapping on AT&T SVR3.2(.2)
Piercarlo Grandi
- Is VHANDFRAC --> VHANDL dynamic?
Piercarlo Grandi
- Is VHANDFRAC --> VHANDL dynamic?
Piercarlo Grandi
- Hard links to directories: why not?
Piercarlo Grandi
- SUNTOOLS: controlling multiple panels with one scrollbar
Michael C. Grant
- system hangs
Hod Greeley
- yacc & lex - cupla questions
Peter Gross
- What machines core dump on deref of NULL?
Doug Gwyn
- question on lseek behavior
Doug Gwyn
- What machines core dump on deref of NULL?
Doug Gwyn
- Is System V.4 fork reliable?
Doug Gwyn
- What machines core dump on deref of NULL?
Doug Gwyn
- Implementing NULL trapping
Doug Gwyn
- Is System V.4 fork reliable?
Doug Gwyn
- what are st_blksize and st_blocks exactly?
Doug Gwyn
- Old rlogin bug
Doug Gwyn
- awk arguments
Doug Gwyn
- Is System V.4 fork reliable?
Doug Gwyn
- Sys V fork IS broken!
Doug Gwyn
- DWB 5.2 troff on SPARC machines ?? Does it even work ???
Doug Gwyn
Dave Hammond
- using /usr/bin/cut in scripts...
Dave Hammond
- termcap and cursor motion
Alan Hargreaves
- termcap strangeness
Guy Harris
- i386 unix with NFS - getcwd() & /bin/pwd inode problem
Guy Harris
- premute signals on binaries
Guy Harris
- what are st_blksize and st_blocks exactly?
Guy Harris
- what are st_blksize and st_blocks exactly?
Guy Harris
- getfh() systemcall
Guy Harris
- NFS performance
Guy Harris
- GC triggering and stack limit checking by MMU hardware
Guy Harris
- TTY line discipline
Guy Harris
- Hard links to directories: why not?
Guy Harris
- Hard links to directories: why not?
Guy Harris
- Hard links to directories: why not?
Guy Harris
- TTY line discipline
Guy Harris
- Ver. 3.2 filesystems mountable on ver. 4?
Guy Harris
- /dev/zero and MAP_ANON (was: Re: GC triggering ...)
Guy Harris
- Hard links to directories: why not?
Guy Harris
- Hard links to directories: why not?
Guy Harris
- Using the raw disk partition
Guy Harris
- ln -f
Guy Harris
- syslog + chroot + ftpd
Guy Harris
- Super Block
Guy Harris
- ln -f
Guy Harris
- Looking for a FORTRAN filter for HP Laserjet
Barry Hathaway
- Welcome to comp.unix.questions and comp.unix.wizards [Monthly posting]
Steve Hayman
- Frequently Asked Questions about Unix - with Answers [Monthly posting]
Steve Hayman
- Diffs to the Frequently Asked Questions postings
Steve Hayman
- NFS performance
Dave Hitz
- nslookup -l <server> [what kind of broadcasts does this generate] ??
Eric Ho
- yacc & lex - cupla questions
Jeff Hollingsworth
- ftp from a file list, how?
Joachim Holzfuss
- How to make ftp interact with sh-commands?
Joachim Holzfuss
- Send Re-send to <vote%tct at pdn.com>
SPC Dean Hoover
- Wiring weirdness on 3B1 STARLAN (long)
Bud Hovell
- login procedure on UNIX (any difference between root & user)
Tommy Hsieh
- more information about "login procedure"
Tommy Hsieh
- Porting MIT X to xenix 386
P. Hubenig
- Initialization of .BSS question.
Joe Huffman
- TSR type appls
David J. Hughes
- Hard links to directories: why not?
Andrew Hume
- Hard links to directories: why not?
Andrew Hume
- Sys V fork IS broken!
Andrew Hume
- Hard links to directories: why not?
Andrew Hume
- Using the raw disk partition
Jim Hutchison
- Streams message allocation
Jim Hutchison
- Problems installing a CDC WREN V on a SUN.
Michael J. MacDonald I.S.P.
- Hard links to directories: why not?
John F. Haugh II
- Hard links to directories: why not?
John F. Haugh II
- Hard links to directories: why not?
John F. Haugh II
- Hard links to directories: why not?
John F. Haugh II
- Hard links to directories: why not?
John F. Haugh II
- Hard links to directories: why not?
John F. Haugh II
- ln -f
John F. Haugh II
- Is System V.4 fork reliable?
John F. Haugh II
- Hard links to directories
Carlos Ibarra
- Systems (HDB) uucp
Don Ingli
- i386 vs SCO vs ESIX vs foo-ix?
John Ioannidis
- rshd shutting down port
Yedidya Israel
- Data Corruption
Hibbard T. Smith JR
- Interactive 2.2 File zapper.
Hibbard T. Smith JR
- dump and Exabyte Drives
Roger Jagoda
- RSA data-encryption
Peter Jannesen
- Hotkey program -- help needed
Douglas B. Jones
- UNIX-WIZARDS Digest V10#090
Arthur W. Protin Jr.
- UNIX-WIZARDS Digest V10#098
Arthur W. Protin Jr.
- 4.4 BSD
Jonathan I. Kamens
- Reserving Space on Disk
Jonathan I. Kamens
- How to find process name in c?
Jonathan I. Kamens
- getfh() systemcall
Jonathan I. Kamens
- Hard links to directories: why not?
Jonathan I. Kamens
- Hard links to directories: why not?
Jonathan I. Kamens
- Can you redirect /dev/tty?
Jonathan I. Kamens
- ps and netstat
Jonathan I. Kamens
- Hard links to directories: why not?
Jonathan I. Kamens
- Hard links to directories: why not?
Jonathan I. Kamens
- Getting path to executed program file
Jonathan I. Kamens
- Getting path to executed program file
Jonathan I. Kamens
- Problems with permissions on sockets.
Jonathan I. Kamens
- How do I read an inode?
Jonathan I. Kamens
- UNdeleting files
Jonathan I. Kamens
- Super Block
Jonathan I. Kamens
Jonathan I. Kamens
- syslog + chroot + ftpd
Jonathan I. Kamens
- Core dump: How can it be used most effectively.
Jonathan I. Kamens
- /dev/zero and MAP_ANON (was: Re: GC triggering ...)
Larry Kaplan
- Obtaining the UKUUG Conference Proceedings
Berry Kercheval
- Datagrams Outside the Kernel
Abhijit Khale
- measuring NFS calls using timers
Abhijit Khale
- How do I read an inode?
Osborne I King
- Implementing NULL trapping (was: What machines core dump on deref of NULL?)
Jay A. Konigsberg
- Can you redirect /dev/tty?
Skip Koppenhaver
- Phantom CPU gobbler?!
Richard Kuhns
- awk arguments
- MAC layer network access in Unix?
Jerry Lahti
- SUMMARY: MAC/Link layer Ethernet access in Unix
Jerry Lahti
- Your favourite UNIX-pipe (summary)
Andreas Lampen
- Getting path to executed program file
Tom Lane
- Getting path to executed program file
Tom Lane
- Documentation on -man macro and changing pagelength in -man
Chad R. Larson
- looking for undump
Jeff Lawhorn
- Why does open("/dev/ttyxx", O_RDWR|O_NDELAY) block???
Russell Lawrence
- Using the raw disk partition
Dave Lee
- Reserving Space on Disk
Ken Lerman
- _why_ does the UNIX linker not distinguish text and data addresses???
2656-Daniel R. Levy00000000000
- Implementing NULL trapping (was: What machines core dump on deref of NULL?)
Chris Lewis
- Implementing NULL trapping on AT&T SVR3.2(.2)
Chris Lewis
- Hard links to directories: why not?
William Lewis
- ftp from a file list, how?
Don Libes
- Unix v10
Tor Lillqvist
- dump and Exabyte Drives
Bruce Lilly
- Documentation on -man macro and changing pagelength in -man
Larry Lippman
- sh/csh and wait()
Maarten Litmaath
- Can you redirect /dev/tty?
Maarten Litmaath
- Hard links to directories: why not?
Maarten Litmaath
- Looking for balanced critique of Perl
James L. Logan
- Hard links to directories: why not?
Conrad Longmore
- Hard links to directories: why not?
Warner Losh
- premute signals on binaries
Saul Lubkin
- v10 manuals
Alan Lundin
- WANTED: network benchmarks
Clay Luther
- what are st_blksize and st_blocks exactly?
David J. MacKenzie
- ln -f, POSIX requirements
David J. MacKenzie
- ln -f, corrections
David J. MacKenzie
- Old rlogin bug
David J. MacKenzie
- ln -f
David J. MacKenzie
- Sys V fork IS broken!
John Macdonald
- Obtaining the UKUUG Conference Proceedings
Axel Mahler
- Books on UNIX: Advanced?
Thommy Malmstroem
- question on lseek behavior
Eric Marshall
- awk arguments
William Bill Mayne
- i386 unix with NFS - getcwd() & /bin/pwd inode problem
Doug McCallum
- WANTED: network benchmarks
Ken McDonell
- Unix v10 manuals
Doug McIlroy
- NFS performance
Mike McNally
- question on lseek behavior
Larry McVoy
- what are st_blksize and st_blocks exactly?
Larry McVoy
- Reserving Space on Disk - Enough already
Larry McVoy
- Reserving Space on Disk - Enough already
Larry McVoy
- Using the raw disk partition
Mark McWiggins
- How to set control tty (Sys5)
Walter Mecky
Rohit Mehrotra
- how will BSD semaphores work withough atomic test-and-set?
Guy Middleton
- UNIX-WIZARDS Digest V10#100
Marc Milgram
- Sys V fork IS broken!
Gary Mills
- uucp/tcp/ip/ethernet for sco 3.2
Joshua L Mindel
- RSA data-encryption
Ken Mintz
- Reserving Space on Disk
Istvan Mohos
- Reserving Space on Disk
Istvan Mohos
- Reserving Space on Disk
Istvan Mohos
- Reserving Space on Disk - Enough already
Istvan Mohos
- Reserving Space on Disk
Eliot Moss
- Reserving Space on Disk
Eliot Moss
- replacing nulls in a file with sed.
Monty Mullig
- Hard links to directories: why not?
Jeffrey Mulligan
- Problems with permissions on sockets.
Arne Munch-Ellingsen
- looking for tool
Richard Murphy
- Routes appear magically
Mike Muuss
- Pascal-Interface to X11 needed
Andreas Myka
- UNIX-WIZARDS Digest V10#078
NIH Amsterdam, wg5
- Hard links to directories: why not?
Ron Natalie
- WANTED: network benchmarks
Pierre Noel
- 1990 International Obfuscated C Code Contest Winners
Landon C. Noll
- driver close from exit can't catch signal?
Steve Nuchia
- driver close from exit can't catch signal?
Steve Nuchia
- Usage of wscanw() from curses library
Dan O'Neill
- RSA data-encryption
Thomas Omerzu
- awk arguments
Thomas Omerzu
- Is VHANDFRAC --> VHANDL dynamic?
Joshua Osborne
- Reserving Space on Disk
Joshua Osborne
- Reserving Space on Disk
Joshua Osborne
- Monitoring another user's terminal session
Larry Osterman
- i386 unix with NFS - getcwd() & /bin/pwd inode problem
Denny Page
- termcap strangeness
Paul-Andre Panon
- Core dump: How can it be used most effectively.
Krishnan Parameshwaran
- UNdeleting files
Suresh B Peram
- Super Block
Suresh B Peram
- UNdeleting files
Suresh B Peram
- remap software for changing file ownership
Ted Persky
- Printing postscript files within ditroff documents
Gregory D Peterson
- Linking shared X windows libraries
George Petrou
- link error for shared X libs under sys V 386
George Petrou
- yacc & lex - cupla questions
Ronald Pikkert
Scott R. Presnell
- Problems installing a CDC WREN V on a SUN.
Christopher Provenzano
- termcap strangeness
Sam Bassett RCS
- wanted - pointers to system tuning docs/metrics, capacity planning
Marcus J. Ranum
- Reserving Space on Disk - Enough already
Will Raymond
- TTY line discipline
Lucio de Re
- Obtaining the UKUUG Conference Proceedings
Jim Reid
- How to set control tty (Sys5)
Chris Rende
- Sys V fork IS broken!
Brian Rice
- Hard links to directories: why not?
Michael Richardson
- Is VHANDFRAC --> VHANDL dynamic?
Rick Richardson
- changing cmd listing for ps -f
Boyd Roberts
- changing cmd listing for ps -f
Boyd Roberts
- Who is responsible for a retry (was Re: Is System V.4 fork reliable?)
Boyd Roberts
- Extended ASCII
Efrain Rocha
- awk arguments
Roger Rohrbach
- Is System V.4 fork reliable?
Jim Rosenberg
- Is VHANDFRAC --> VHANDL dynamic?
Jim Rosenberg
- Is System V.4 fork reliable?
Jim Rosenberg
- Is VHANDFRAC --> VHANDL dynamic?
Jim Rosenberg
- Is System V.4 fork reliable?
Jim Rosenberg
- Is System V.4 fork reliable?
Jim Rosenberg
- Hard links to directories: why not?
Alan J Rosenthal
- Hard links to directories: why not?
Alan J Rosenthal
- Hard links to directories: why not?
Alan J Rosenthal
- Compress, LZW and LZ... (Was Re: Patents and Architecture)
Michael Rowan
- Problems with permissions on sockets.
Michael Rowan
- Patents
Michael Rowan
- login procedure on UNIX (any difference between root & user)
Walter Rowe
- What machines core dump on deref of NULL?
Matthew T. Russotto
- What machines core dump on deref of NULL?
Chip Salzenberg
- SECOND CALL FOR DISCUSSION: Reorganization of comp.unix.*
Chip Salzenberg
- CALL FOR VOTES: Reorganization of comp.unix.*
Chip Salzenberg
- CORRECTED VOTE ADDRESS: Reorganization of comp.unix.*
Chip Salzenberg
- named configuration
Dominick Samperi
- Mailing List Request
R. J. Sanders
- 4.3+patches, 4.3-Tahoe, 4.3-Reno, 4.4???
Rex Sanders
- Problems installing a CDC WREN V on a SUN.
Mark Saum
- Hard links to directories: why not?
Aaron Schuman
- using /usr/bin/cut in scripts...
Randal Schwartz
- login procedure on UNIX (any difference between root & user)
Kishore Seshadri
- How to find process name in c?
Kishore Seshadri
- getfh() systemcall
Kishore Seshadri
- /etc/passwd file is busy, help.
Kishore Seshadri
- What machines core dump on deref of NULL?
Amos Shapira
- What machines core dump on deref of NULL?
Amos Shapira
- VMS Backup tapes on Ultrix
Harry Sharp
- VMS Backup tapes on anything...
Barry Shein
- Kermit - Transferring files between two sequent machines
V. Chandrasekaran Shekar
- Hard links to directories: why not?
Paul Shields
- Hard links to directories: why not?
Paul Shields
- Looking for balanced critique of Perl
Peter da Silva
- Looking for balanced critique of Perl
Peter da Silva
- Cooking Geese... (Was: Perl, TCL, Postscript, ...)
Peter da Silva
- Hard links to directories: why not?
Peter da Silva
- Hard links to directories: why not?
Peter da Silva
- Hard links to directories: why not?
Peter da Silva
- Hard links to directories: why not?
Peter da Silva
- Third party posting, preallocated files.
Peter da Silva
- Hard links to directories: why not?
Peter da Silva
- Is System V.4 fork reliable?
Peter da Silva
- Process Status on Interactive 386/ix
Vincent R. Slyngstad
- Location of seek pointer after read error?
Roy Smith
- syslog + chroot + ftpd
Luis Soltero
- using /usr/bin/cut in scripts...
Alan Sparks
- Hard links to directories: why not?
Henry Spencer
- Obtaining the UKUUG Conference Proceedings
Henry Spencer
- knocking off a 'tcp' socket connection
Stephen N. Spencer
- question about using sockets on sysVr3
Patrick J. Spinler
- sysVr3 bourne shell programming question
Patrick J. Spinler
- Summary of sysVr3 socket question
Patrick J. Spinler
- Unix v10
Richard Stevens
- How to find process name in c?
Lyn Stewart
- How to port sgttyb in BSD4.3 application to termio in sysV rel 2
Gerard Strijdveen
- Hard links to directories: why not?
Kartik Subbarao
- Hard links to directories: why not?
Kartik Subbarao
- Need help with xdr_string()
Omar Syed
- Is System V.4 fork reliable?
Lady Lodge Systems
- pause() reliability problems.
Gil Tene
- login procedure on UNIX (any difference between root & user)
Derek E. Terveer
- Old rlogin bug
Raymond Thompson
- Obtaining the UKUUG Conference Proceedings
Richard Tobin
- Hard links to directories: why not?
Chris Torek
- using /usr/bin/cut in scripts...
Dave Turner
- TTY line discipline
Mike Verstegen
- Hard links to directories: why not?
Phong Vo[drew]
- What machines core dump on deref of NULL?
Christopher R Volpe
- salary/job survey
Darryl Wagoner
- Sendmail?
Jerry Waldorf
- Sendmail documents?
Jerry Waldorf
- replacing nulls in a file with sed.
Larry Wall
- Hard links to directories: why not?
Mark Warren
- Hard links to directories: why not?
Aryeh M. Weiss
- Process Status on Interactive 386/ix
Howard Weiss
- Reserving Space on Disk
Martin Weitzel
- Hard links to directories: why not?
Martin Weitzel
- awk arguments ... and more tricks of the awk-masters :-)
Martin Weitzel
- yacc & lex - cupla questions
Martin Weitzel
- awk arguments
Martin Weitzel
- Is System V.4 fork reliable?
Martin Weitzel
- Who is responsible for a retry (was Re: Is System V.4 fork reliable?)
Martin Weitzel
- A complete example (long) (was Re: yacc & lex - cupla questions)
Martin Weitzel
- yacc & lex - cupla questions
Martin Weitzel
- Looking for balanced critique of Perl
Joe Wells
- Lookin for Codec device driver.....
Taehwan Weon
- Looking for Codec device driver ......
Taehwan Weon
- dump and Exabyte Drives
Wolfgang Wetz
- Two harddisk cntrls on ESIX 5.3.2
Bob Willcox
- Changing inet MTU in 4.3bsd
Bill Wisner
- Usage of wscanw() from curses library
Leo de Wit
- Problems with <defunct> processes
Leo de Wit
- Phantom CPU gobbler?!
Leo de Wit
- Hard links to directories: why not?
Leo de Wit
- Hard links to directories: why not?
Leo de Wit
- Hard links to directories: why not?
Leo de Wit
- Hard links to directories: why not?
Leo de Wit
- Hard links to directories: why not?
The Grey Wolf
- utmp entry -- we're not doing something right -- can you help?
Irving Wolfe
- Hotkey program -- help needed
David Wright
Xinhua Wu
- Old rlogin bug
Dan Zenchelsky
- CDROM device driver
- Hard links to directories: why not?
- Hard links to directories: why not?
- /etc/passwd file is busy, help.
pdwalker at bcarh667.bnr.ca
- Hard links to directories: why not?
franck boissiere
- terminfo help needed
- Obtaining the UKUUG Conference Proceedings
brunner at bullhead.uucp
- Restore(8)ing a corrupted filesystem
edguer at charlie.ces.cwru.edu
- How to device driver in Motorola sysV68 r3V5 machine.
KENG%NUSEEV.BITNET at cunyvm.cuny.edu
- Phantom CPU gobbler?!
Bob McGowen x4312 dept208
- How to set control tty (Sys5)
Bob McGowen x4312 dept208
- How do I read an inode?
Bob McGowen x4312 dept208
- Implementing NULL trapping on AT&T SVR3.2(.2)
- Routes appear magically
lazear at gateway.mitre.org
- Old rlogin bug
bull at itd.nrl.navy.mil
- Pascal-Interface to X11 needed
Redaktion ix
- /dev/zero and MAP_ANON (was: Re: GC triggering ...)
Have you driven a Fnord lately?
- Hard links to directories: why not?
- Berkley Sockets for PC ?
ran levy
- Using the raw disk partition
- STARDENT Users Mailing List Announcement
Mark mccallum
crowell at mcopn1.csc.ti.com
- Hard links to directories: why not?
karish at mindcrf.UUCP
- /dev/tty use question...
swenson at nusc-wpn.arpa
- login procedure on UNIX (any difference between root & user)
- lpd for VMS
BIWINE%vassar.bitnet at pucc.princeton.edu
STUTROUTWINE%EKU.BITNET at pucc.princeton.edu
- measuring hit rate on the buffer cache
kseshadr at quasar.intel.com
- measuring NFS calls using timers
kseshadr at quasar.intel.com
- Using the parallel port for UUCP on Xenix 386 PC's
MDELANY%hbapn1.prime.com at relay.cs.net
- Is System V.4 fork reliable?
terryl at sail.LABS.TEK.COM
- Hard links to directories: why not?
peter da silva
- changing cmd listing for ps -f
- changing cmd listing for ps -f
- Ver. 3.2 filesystems mountable on ver. 4?
- Is System V.4 fork reliable?
- i386 unix with NFS - getcwd() & /bin/pwd inode problem
henry strickland
- yacc & lex - cupla questions
woodward at uicbert.eecs.uic.edu
- Interrupt handling with virtual terminals.
walt at walt.hf.intel.com
Last message date:
Tue Jul 31 23:45:39 AEST 1990
Archived on: Mon Feb 1 19:51:37 AEST 2016
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