Is VHANDFRAC --> VHANDL dynamic?

Joshua Osborne stripes at
Tue Jul 10 09:25:16 AEST 1990

In article <1990Jul9.192912.2001 at pcrat.uucp> rick at pcrat.UUCP write:

  [...Size of diffrent "Hello World" programs]
>	300K	X11 Athena Widgets Version
Try that on a Sun (or any other place with shared libs).

jolt: cd /usr/local/X11R4/bin
jolt: ls -s
total 3240
   1 X@                    2 startx*              24 xlogo*
 800 Xsun*               176 twm*                 24 xlsatoms*
  16 appres*              32 xauth*               24 xlsclients*
  16 atobm*               40 xbiff*               24 xlsfonts*
  32 bdftosnf*            80 xcalc*               16 xlswins*
  72 bitmap*              24 xclipboard*          24 xmag*
  16 bmtoa*               40 xclock*              56 xman*
  16 constype*            24 xconsole*           120 xmh*
  64 ico*                 24 xcutsel*              1 xmkmf*
  24 imake*               88 xditview*            32 xmodmap*
  16 kbd_mode*            96 xdm*                 72 xpr*
  40 listres*              3 xdpr*                40 xprop*
  24 makedepend*          24 xdpyinfo*            32 xrdb*
  24 maze*                40 xedit*               16 xrefresh*
   1 mkdirhier*           24 xev*                 32 xset*
  16 mkfontdir*           48 xeyes*               24 xsetroot*
  16 muncher*             24 xfd*                 32 xstdcmap*
  40 oclock*              32 xfontsel*           168 xterm*
  16 plaid*              120 xgc*                 24 xwd*
  40 puzzle*              24 xhost*               32 xwininfo*
  24 resize*              24 xinit*               24 xwud*
  24 showrgb*             24 xkill*
  24 showsnf*             24 xload*

Of corse I don't have all the contrib stuff built for 4.1 yet...
           stripes at          "Security for Unix is like
      Josh_Osborne at Real_World,The          Mutitasking for MS-DOS"
      "The dyslexic porgramer"                  - Kevin Lockwood
"Don't try to change C into some nice, safe, portable programming language
 with all sharp edges removed, pick another language."  - John Limpert

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