Introducing Bonnie - Unix filesystem bottleneck finder (long)

Tim Bray tbray at
Mon Jul 30 12:21:46 AEST 1990

A couple of months back, I posted a program named fsx, which purported to
benchmark performance of various aspects of Unix filesystems.  I got a *lot*
of mail from people, which fell into the following equivalence classes:

 1. Thank you
 2. Here are the numbers for our new whizbang mark X
 3. Not bad, but you forgot Y
 4. The whole idea is totally bankrupt because of Z
 5. There's an obvious bug in your program (this was true; there was an
    obvious bug, thankfully of the blow-you-up rather than distort-the-results
    type.  Amazing, the number of systems it worked on).

Eventually, I was convinced that it was worthwhile to go back and work on
improving it.  Herewith the results, containing:

1. Changes from the first version of the program.
2. Summary of discussion following that posting, and some soapboxing,
3. A summary of a few results; not nearly as good as the first summary,
   even though the program is better; the reason is explained, and a proposal
   made for the future.
4. The source code
5. The source code for an ancillary program contributed by someone out there.


The name's changed.  Someone at DEC not only stole the name fsx from me, but
did it some years before I invented it.  The nerve.  It's now called Bonnie,
because it plays with bottlenecks.

The obvious bug is fixed.

It no longer uses BUFSIZ.  I thought using BUFSIZ was sort of defensible,
since it's not unreasonable to use that in an application and expect that to
be a pretty good size for filesystem I/O, but I succumbed to the shouting-down
on this one.

There's a few more tweaks aimed at defeating compiler optimizers.

The seek testing, in attempt to further improve its cache-busting
effectiveness, takes a multiprocess approach now.

The output format is better.


>From the feedback to the last posting:

From: mo at messy.UUCP (Michael O'Dell)
>Note: the combination of disk and controllers used for these tests
>can make a LOT of difference in the performance.
>Your mileage can vary an astonishing amount.
Right, that's why it exists.

From: haas at frith.uucp (Paul R. Haas)
>Remember, this sort of benchmark result is worthless if you don't report
>the model, operating system version, disk controller, disk drive
>type, and configuration information (asynch, or synch SCSI, block size,
Amen, amen, amen.

From: mash at mips.COM (John Mashey)
>If there is enough CPU performance to seek the disk
>at full speed, it is irrelevant how much faster it is: the benchmark
>doesn't get faster.  Put another way, on single-threaded kinds of benchmarks,
>the only thing that counts is whatever is the bottleneck.
Right on.  Bonnie still shows CPU-limited I/O on a few classes of bottleneck,
even on fast systems.  I suspect this will be less and less the case as time
goes by, but it's interesting.

>3) However, note that the random benchmark doesn't read the same amount of
>data on each machine, as it uses BUFSIZ from stdio.h, and that

> a) Even trying hard, (and Tim was) it is hard to do I/O benchmarks without
> weird quirks.  In particular, you are constantly fighting to outsmart the
> UNIX buffer cache (or whatever it uses).
Right.  And that's why it would be foolish and wrong to try to distill
Bonnie's results into a single number & call it an fs-stone or something.  All
you can do is try to establish deterministic limits for certain capabilities
in certain environments.  Which is much better than operating in a vacuum.  I
claim that Bonnie does a good enough job of this to be useful.

From: lm at snafu.Sun.COM (Larry McVoy)
>Another comment on Tim's test and I/O tests in general  (check out Hennessy
>& Patterson's chapter on I/O - they say this better than I do):  the
>performance of I/O is going to be limited by the slowest part of the path,
>be it memory, processor, software, I/O bus, or I/O device.
>That said, it's my belief that the IBM numbers are apples to oranges.  The
>drives that IBM puts in the 6000 are *FAST*.
Yes and No.  The first comment is correct.  The second is questionable; IBM is
selling boxes with fairly similar functionality in a fairly similar price
range to everybody else.  Bonnie's results suggest that this machine achieves
remarkable I/O performance.  Where are the apples & oranges?

From: cdinges at estevax (Hr Dinges Clemens )
>'fsx' should be expanded for measuring the reorganization features
>of the filesystem, espec. the effects of a certain number of predefined file 
>creation/write/deletion operations that simulate the use of the filesystem.
>A known effect (SysV filesystems) is the disordering of the freelist 
>entries which might greatly affect the performance of sequential filesystem 
>operations (see below).
>In other words, benchmarking with 'fsx' should always be done like that:
>1. Generate a fresh filesystem; 2. simulate the use of the filesystem; 
>3. run the benchmark.
>To illustrate the effects of freelist disordering we ran fsx with and 
>without a (very) simple freelist scrambler on the XENIX V/386 2.3.2
Good idea.  The code of the scrambler is appended.  I would point out Bonnie
might also provide a metric for the effects of many other tunable and
hard-wired filesystem parameters.

From: kcollins at (Kirby L. Collins)
>What we've found is that on large systems UNIX filesystem performance is
>usually CPU bound.  This has several interesting ramifications.
You bet.  It's sort of disappointing that this is still the case given the
iron we're using now.


Here are some Bonnie results.  Unfortunately, it's end of term here, and I
had great trouble finding machines with hundreds of Mb free, and even more
important, with unloaded CPUs.  Therefore, I deliberately omit all details of
disk type, OS version and so on, along with discussion.  These are mostly
there to provide a sample of Bonnie output and perhaps provoke thought.  

I don't have time to run this any more.  That is a job for the vendors and for
SPEC and so on.  However, I will cheerfully act as a clearinghouse for Bonnie
results, bugfixes, improvements and so on, and if lots of results come in,
will post them occasionally.

              -------Sequential Output-------- ---Sequential Input-- --Random--
              -Per Char- --Block--- -Rewrite-- -Per Char- --Block--- --Seeks---
Machine    MB K/sec %CPU K/sec %CPU K/sec %CPU K/sec %CPU K/sec %CPU  /sec %CPU
Sun4/260   78   285 90.9   650 26.4   305 20.0   282 95.5   803 28.3  38.5 15.2
Mips M2k  180   387 44.0   442  6.1   360  5.4   416 48.1  1701 14.8  26.3  3.1
Sequent    95   140 97.8  1017 66.2   251 17.7   122 95.7   713 34.9  31.0 15.9
4M i386    25   130 90.5   199 26.1   179 46.1   121 93.5   400 59.7  10.5 23.8
NeXT      125   241 94.7   347 39.3   253 31.7   246 94.8   772 49.6  27.7 20.8
VAX 8650  200   208 89.0   232  8.3   143  7.4   197 65.0   373  8.6  17.3  4.6


---bonnie.c starts---------------
 * This is a file system benchmark which attempts to study bottlenecks -
 * it is named 'bonnie' for semi-obvious reasons.
 * Specifically, these are the types of filesystem activity that have been
 * observed to be bottlenecks in I/O-intensive applications, in particular
 * the text database work done in connection with the New Oxford English
 * Dictionary Project at the University of Waterloo.
 * It performs a series of tests on a file of known size.  By default, that
 * size is 100 Mb (but that's not enough - see below).  For each test, bonnie 
 * reports the bytes processed per elapsed second, per CPU second, and the 
 * % CPU usage (user and system).
 * In each case, an attempt is made to keep optimizers from noticing it's 
 * all bogus.  The idea is to make sure that these are real transfers to/from
 * user space to the physical disk.  The tests are:
 * 1. Sequential Output
 * 1.1 Per-Character.  The file is written using the putc() stdio macro.
 * The loop that does the writing should be small enough to fit into any
 * reasonable I-cache.  The CPU overhead here is that required to do the
 * stdio code plus the OS file space allocation.
 * 1.2 Block.  The file is created using write(2).  The CPU overhead
 * should be just the OS file space allocation.
 * 1.3 Rewrite.  Each BUFSIZ of the file is read with read(2), dirtied, and
 * rewritten with write(2), requiring an lseek(2).  Since no space
 * allocation is done, and the I/O is well-localized, this should test the
 * effectiveness of the filesystem cache and the speed of data transfer.
 * 2. Sequential Input
 * 2.1 Per-Character.  The file is read using the getc() stdio macro.  Once
 * again, the inner loop is small.  This should exercise only stdio and
 * sequential input.
 * 2.2 Block.  The file is read using read(2).  This should be a very pure
 * test of sequential input performance.
 * 3. Random Seeks
 * This test runs SeekProcCount processes in parallel, doing a total of
 * 4000 lseek()s to locations in the file specified by random() in bsd systems,
 * drand48() on sysV systems.  In each case, the block is read with read(2).  
 * In 10% of cases, it is dirtied and written back with write(2).
 * The idea behind the SeekProcCount processes is to make sure there's always 
 * a seek queued up.
 * AXIOM: For any unix filesystem, the effective number of lseek(2) calls
 * per second declines asymptotically to near 30, once the effect of
 * caching is defeated.
 * The size of the file has a strong nonlinear effect on the results of
 * this test.  Many Unix systems that have the memory available will make
 * aggressive efforts to cache the whole thing, and report random I/O rates
 * in the thousands per second, which is ridiculous.  As an extreme
 * example, an IBM RISC 6000 with 64 Mb of memory reported 3,722 per second
 * on a 50 Mb file.  Some have argued that bypassing the cache is artificial
 * since the cache is just doing what it's designed to.  True, but in any 
 * application that requires rapid random access to file(s) significantly
 * larger than main memory which is running on a system which is doing
 * significant other work, the caches will inevitably max out.  There is
 * a hard limit hiding behind the cache which has been observed by the
 * author to be of significant import in many situations - what we are trying
 * to do here is measure that number.
 * Copyright (c) Tim Bray, 1990.
 * Everybody is hereby granted rights to use, copy, and modify this program, 
 *  provided only that this copyright notice and the disclaimer below
 *  are preserved without change.
 * This program is provided AS IS with no warranty of any kind, and
 * The author makes no representation with respect to the adequacy of this
 *  program for any particular purpose or with respect to its adequacy to 
 *  produce any particular result, and
 * The author shall not be liable for loss or damage arising out of
 *  the use of this program regardless of how sustained, and
 * In no event shall the author be liable for special, direct, indirect
 *  or consequential damage, loss, costs or fees or expenses of any
 *  nature or kind.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#ifdef SysV
#include <limits.h>
#include <sys/times.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>

#define IntSize (4)

 * N.B. in seeker_reports, CPU appears and Start/End time, but not Elapsed,
 *  so position 1 is re-used; icky data coupling.
#define CPU (0)
#define Elapsed (1)
#define StartTime (1)
#define EndTime (2)
#define Seeks (4000)
#define UpdateSeek (10)
#define SeekProcCount (3)
#define Chunk (8192)

static double cpu_so_far();
static void   doseek();
static void   get_delta_t();
static void   io_error();
static void   newfile();
#ifdef SysV
static long   random();
static void   srandom();
static void   report();
static double time_so_far();
static void   timestamp();
static void   usage();

typedef enum
} tests_t;

static int    basetime;
static double delta[(int) TestCount][2];
static char * machine = "";
static double last_cpustamp = 0.0;
static double last_timestamp = 0.0;

main(argc, argv)
  int    argc;
  char * argv[];
  int    buf[Chunk / IntSize];
  int    bufindex;
  int    chars[256];
  int    child;
  char * dir;
  int    fd;
  double first_start;
  double last_stop;
  int    lseek_count = 0;
  char   name[Chunk];
  int    next;
  int    seek_control[2];
  int    seek_feedback[2];
  char   seek_tickets[Seeks + SeekProcCount];
  double seeker_report[3];
  int    size;
  FILE * stream;
  int    words;

  fd = -1;
  basetime = (int) time((time_t *) NULL);
  size = 100;
  dir = ".";

  for (next = 1; next < argc - 1; next++)
    if (argv[next][0] == '-')
    { /* option? */
      if (strcmp(argv[next] + 1, "d") == 0)
        dir = argv[next + 1];
      else if (strcmp(argv[next] + 1, "s") == 0)
        size = atoi(argv[next + 1]);
      else if (strcmp(argv[next] + 1, "m") == 0)
        machine = argv[next + 1];
    } /* option? */

  if (size < 1)
  size *= (1024 * 1024);
  sprintf(name, "%s/bonnie.%d", dir, getpid());
  fprintf(stderr, "File '%s', size: %d\n", name, size);

  /* Fill up a file, writing it a char at a time with the stdio putc() call */
  fprintf(stderr, "Writing with putc()...");
  newfile(name, &fd, &stream, 1);
  for (words = 0; words < size; words++)
    if (putc(words & 0x7f, stream) == EOF)
   * note that we always close the file before measuring time, in an
   *  effort to force as much of the I/O out as we can
  if (fclose(stream) == -1)
    io_error("fclose after putc");
  fprintf(stderr, "done\n");

  /* Now read & rewrite it using block I/O.  Dirty one word in each block */
  newfile(name, &fd, &stream, 0);
  if (lseek(fd, (off_t) 0, 0) == (off_t) -1)
    io_error("lseek(2) before rewrite");
  fprintf(stderr, "Rewriting...");
  bufindex = 0;
  if ((words = read(fd, (char *) buf, Chunk)) == -1)
    io_error("rewrite read");
  while (words == Chunk)
  { /* while we can read a block */
    if (bufindex == Chunk / IntSize)
      bufindex = 0;
    if (lseek(fd, (off_t) -words, 1) == -1)
      io_error("relative lseek(2)");
    if (write(fd, (char *) buf, words) == -1)
      io_error("re write(2)");
    if ((words = read(fd, (char *) buf, Chunk)) == -1)
      io_error("rwrite read");
  } /* while we can read a block */
  if (close(fd) == -1)
    io_error("close after rewrite");
  fprintf(stderr, "done\n");

  /* Write the whole file from scratch, again, with block I/O */
  newfile(name, &fd, &stream, 1);
  fprintf(stderr, "Writing intelligently...");
  for (words = 0; words < Chunk / IntSize; words++)
    buf[words] = 0;
  for (words = bufindex = 0; words < (size / Chunk); words++)
  { /* for each word */
    if (bufindex == (Chunk / IntSize))
      bufindex = 0;
    if (write(fd, (char *) buf, Chunk) == -1)
  } /* for each word */
  if (close(fd) == -1)
    io_error("close after fast write");
  fprintf(stderr, "done\n");

  /* read them all back with getc() */
  newfile(name, &fd, &stream, 0);
  for (words = 0; words < 256; words++)
    chars[words] = 0;
  fprintf(stderr, "Reading with getc()...");
  for (words = 0; words < size; words++)
  { /* for each byte */
    if ((next = getc(stream)) == EOF)

    /* just to fool optimizers */
  } /* for each byte */
  if (fclose(stream) == -1)
    io_error("fclose after getc");
  fprintf(stderr, "done\n");

  /* use the frequency count */
  for (words = 0; words < 256; words++)
    sprintf((char *) buf, "%d", chars[words]);

  /* Now suck it in, Chunk at a time, as fast as we can */
  newfile(name, &fd, &stream, 0);
  if (lseek(fd, (off_t) 0, 0) == -1)
    io_error("lseek before read");
  fprintf(stderr, "Reading intelligently...");
  { /* per block */
    if ((words = read(fd, (char *) buf, Chunk)) == -1)
    chars[buf[abs(buf[0]) % (Chunk / IntSize)] & 0x7f]++;
  } /* per block */
  while (words);
  if (close(fd) == -1)
    io_error("close after read");
  fprintf(stderr, "done\n");

  /* use the frequency count */
  for (words = 0; words < 256; words++)
    sprintf((char *) buf, "%d", chars[words]);

   * Now test random seeks; first, set up for communicating with children.
   * The object of the game is to do "Seeks" lseek() calls as quickly
   *  as possible.  So we'll farm them out among SeekProcCount processes.
   *  We'll control them by writing 1-byte tickets down a pipe which
   *  the children all read.  We write "Seeks" bytes with val 1, whichever
   *  child happens to get them does it and the right number of seeks get
   *  done.
   * The idea is that since the write() of the tickets is probably
   *  atomic, the parent process likely won't get scheduled while the
   *  children are seeking away.  If you draw a picture of the likely
   *  timelines for three children, it seems likely that the seeks will
   *  overlap very nicely with the process scheduling with the effect
   *  that there will *always* be a seek() outstanding on the file.
   * Question: should the file be opened *before* the fork, so that
   *  all the children are lseeking on the same underlying file object?
  if (pipe(seek_feedback) == -1 || pipe(seek_control) == -1)
  for (next = 0; next < Seeks; next++)
    seek_tickets[next] = 1;
  for ( ; next < (Seeks + SeekProcCount); next++)
    seek_tickets[next] = 0;

  /* launch some parallel seek processes */
  for (next = 0; next < SeekProcCount; next++)
  { /* for each seek proc */
    if ((child = fork()) == -1)
    else if (child == 0)
    { /* child process */

      /* set up and wait for the go-ahead */
      newfile(name, &fd, &stream, 0);
      fprintf(stderr, "Seeker %d...", next + 1);

      /* wait for the go-ahead */
      if (read(seek_control[0], seek_tickets, 1) != 1)
	io_error("read ticket");
      seeker_report[StartTime] = time_so_far();

      /* loop until we read a 0 ticket back from our parent */
      { /* until Mom says stop */
        doseek((long) (random() % size), fd,
	  ((lseek_count++ % UpdateSeek) == 0));
	if (read(seek_control[0], seek_tickets, 1) != 1)
	  io_error("read ticket");
      } /* until Mom says stop */
      if (close(fd) == -1)
        io_error("close after seek");

      /* report to parent */
      seeker_report[EndTime] = time_so_far();
      seeker_report[CPU] = delta[(int) Lseek][CPU];
      if (write(seek_feedback[1], seeker_report, sizeof(seeker_report))
          != sizeof(seeker_report))
        io_error("pipe write");
    } /* child process */
  } /* for each seek proc */

   * Back in the parent; in an effort to ensure the children get an even
   *  start, wait a few seconds for them to get scheduled, open their
   *  files & so on.
  fprintf(stderr, "start 'em...");
  if (write(seek_control[1], seek_tickets, sizeof(seek_tickets)) 
      != sizeof(seek_tickets))
    io_error("write tickets");
  /* read back from children */
  for (next = 0; next < SeekProcCount; next++)
  { /* for each child */
    if (read(seek_feedback[0], (char *) seeker_report, sizeof(seeker_report))
        != sizeof(seeker_report))
      io_error("pipe read");

     * each child writes back its CPU, start & end times.  The elapsed time 
     *  to do all the seeks is the time the first child started until the 
     *  time the last child stopped
    delta[(int) Lseek][CPU] += seeker_report[CPU];
    if (next == 0)
    { /* first time */
      first_start = seeker_report[StartTime];
      last_stop = seeker_report[EndTime];
    } /* first time */
    { /* not first time */
      first_start = (first_start < seeker_report[StartTime]) ?
	first_start : seeker_report[StartTime]; 
      last_stop = (last_stop > seeker_report[EndTime]) ?
	last_stop : seeker_report[EndTime]; 
    } /* not first time */
    if (wait(&child) == -1)
    fprintf(stderr, "done...");
  } /* for each child */
  fprintf(stderr, "\n");
  delta[(int) Lseek][Elapsed] = last_stop - first_start;


static void
  int   size;
  printf("              ");
    "-------Sequential Output-------- ---Sequential Input-- --Random--\n");
  printf("              ");
    "-Per Char- --Block--- -Rewrite-- -Per Char- --Block--- --Seeks---\n");
  printf("Machine    MB ");
  printf("K/sec %%CPU K/sec %%CPU K/sec %%CPU K/sec %%CPU K/sec ");
  printf("%%CPU  /sec %%CPU\n");

  printf("%-8.8s %4d ", machine, size / (1024 * 1024));
  printf("%5d %4.1f %5d %4.1f %5d %4.1f ",
    (int) (((double) size) / (delta[(int) Putc][Elapsed] * 1024.0)),
    delta[(int) Putc][CPU] / delta[(int) Putc][Elapsed] * 100.0,
    (int) (((double) size) / (delta[(int) FastWrite][Elapsed] * 1024.0)),
    delta[(int) FastWrite][CPU] / delta[(int) FastWrite][Elapsed] * 100.0,
    (int) (((double) size) / (delta[(int) ReWrite][Elapsed] * 1024.0)),
    delta[(int) ReWrite][CPU] / delta[(int) ReWrite][Elapsed] * 100.0);
  printf("%5d %4.1f %5d %4.1f ",
    (int) (((double) size) / (delta[(int) Getc][Elapsed] * 1024.0)),
    delta[(int) Getc][CPU] / delta[(int) Getc][Elapsed] * 100.0,
    (int) (((double) size) / (delta[(int) FastRead][Elapsed] * 1024.0)),
    delta[(int) FastRead][CPU] / delta[(int) FastRead][Elapsed] * 100.0);
  printf("%5.1f %4.1f\n",
    ((double) Seeks) / delta[(int) Lseek][Elapsed],
    delta[(int) Lseek][CPU] / delta[(int) Lseek][Elapsed] * 100.0);

static void
newfile(name, fd, stream, create)
  char *   name;
  int *    fd;
  FILE * * stream;
  int      create;
  if (create)
  { /* create from scratch */
    if (unlink(name) == -1 && *fd != -1)
    *fd = open(name, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0777);
  } /* create from scratch */
    *fd = open(name, O_RDWR, 0777);

  if (*fd == -1)
  *stream = fdopen(*fd, "r+");
  if (*stream == NULL)

static void
    "usage: bonnie [-d scratch-dir] [-s size-in-Mb] [-m machine-label]\n");

static void
  last_timestamp = time_so_far();
  last_cpustamp = cpu_so_far();

static void 
  tests_t test;
  int which = (int) test;

  delta[which][Elapsed] = time_so_far() - last_timestamp;
  delta[which][CPU] = cpu_so_far() - last_cpustamp;

static double 
#ifdef SysV
  struct tms tms;

  if (times(&tms) == -1)
  return ((double) tms.tms_utime) / ((double) CLK_TCK) +
    ((double) tms.tms_stime) / ((double) CLK_TCK);

  struct rusage rusage;

  getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &rusage);
    ((double) rusage.ru_utime.tv_sec) +
      (((double) rusage.ru_utime.tv_usec) / 1000000.0) +
        ((double) rusage.ru_stime.tv_sec) +
          (((double) rusage.ru_stime.tv_usec) / 1000000.0);

static double
#ifdef SysV
  int        val;
  struct tms tms;

  if ((val = times(&tms)) == -1)

  return ((double) val) / ((double) CLK_TCK);

  struct timeval tp;

  if (gettimeofday(&tp, (struct timezone *) NULL) == -1)
  return ((double) (tp.tv_sec - basetime)) +
    (((double) tp.tv_usec) / 1000000.0);

static void
  char * message;
  char buf[Chunk];

  sprintf(buf, "bonnie: drastic I/O error (%s)", message);

 * Do a typical-of-something random I/O.  Any serious application that
 *  has a random I/O bottleneck is going to be smart enough to operate
 *  in a page mode, and not stupidly pull individual words out at
 *  odd offsets.  To keep the cache from getting too clever, some
 *  pages must be updated.  However an application that updated each of
 *  many random pages that it looked at is hard to imagine.  
 * However, it would be wrong to put the update percentage in as a
 *  parameter - the effect is too nonlinear.  Need a profile
 *  of what Oracle or Ingres or some such actually does.
 * Be warned - there is a *sharp* elbow in this curve - on a 1-Mb file,
 *  most substantial unix systems show >2000 random I/Os per second -
 *  obviously they've cached the whole thing and are just doing buffer
 *  copies.  
static void 
doseek(where, fd, update)
  long where;
  int  fd;
  int  update;
  int   buf[Chunk / IntSize];
  off_t probe;
  int   size;

  probe = (where / Chunk) * Chunk;
  if (lseek(fd, probe, 0) != probe)
    io_error("lseek in doseek");
  if ((size = read(fd, (char *) buf, Chunk)) == -1)
    io_error("read in doseek");

  /* every so often, update a block */
  if (update)
  { /* update this block */

    /* touch a word */
    buf[((int) random() % (size/IntSize - 2)) + 1]--;
    if (lseek(fd, (long) probe, 0) != probe)
      io_error("lseek in doseek update");
    if (write(fd, (char *) buf, size) == -1)
      io_error("write in doseek");
  } /* update this block */
#ifdef SysV
static char randseed[32];

static void
  int seed;
  sprintf(randseed, "%06d", seed);

static long
  return nrand48(randseed);

---Clemens Dinges' FS scrambler code--
void main(int argc, char * argv[])
   static char name[] = "/mnt/h.";
   int    fd_lst [10];
   int    buf[7<<10];
   int    size = 50;
   int    lv,lvv,lvvv;

   for (lv = 1; lv < argc; lv++)
      if (argv[lv][0] == '-')
         { /* option? */
         if ((strcmp(argv[lv] + 1, "s") == 0) && (lv < argc-1))
            size = atoi(argv[++lv]);
         } /* option? */
   if (size < 1)
   size <<=20;

   name[6] = '0';
   for (lv=0; lv < 10; lv++)  {
      fd_lst[lv] = open(name,O_RDWR|O_CREAT,0777);
   lvv = 0;
   while (lvv < size) { 
      for (lv=0; lv < 10; lv++) {
         write(fd_lst[lv],buf,(lvvv = (random() % (7<<10))));
         lvv += lvvv;
   name[6] = '0';
   for (lv=0; lv < 10; lv++) 

   /* then umount ... */
Clemens N. Dinges, Siemens AG, AUT E 25, PO Box 3220, D-8520 Erlangen, Germany
UUCP:		     ...!mcsun!unido!estevax!cdinges

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